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What is communication?

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• The or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or
imparting by speech, writing, or signs.

• Something imparted, interchanged, or transmitted

• A document or message imparting news, views, information


"Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another

person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions,
knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or
unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals,
may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through
spoken or other modes."

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What is organizational communication?


How is it different from usual communication?

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“Organizational communication is the process by
which activities of an organization are collected and coordinated to
reach the goals of both individuals and the organization”

“In simple terms it is the information flow that

happens in an organization but the flow of information has got a
structure , direction and process.”

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Organizational communication helps us to

1) accomplish tasks relating to specific roles and responsibilities

of sales, services, and production;
2) to changes through individual and organizational creativity
and adaptation;
3) complete tasks through the maintenance of policy,
procedures, or regulations that support daily and continuous
4) develop relationships where “human messages are directed at
people within the organization-their attitudes, morale,
satisfaction, and fulfillment” (Goldhaber 20); and
5) coordinate, plan, and control the operations of the
organization through management
What kind of information flow happen in
an organization?


Information flow happens between whom?

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Types of business

1. Internal communication: This is the communication

that takes place within an organization. In addition to the
usual face to face, telephone, fax or mail; modern
organizations may use technology to communicate
internally. Technology may be used for e-mails or a linked
internal communication.

2. External communication: Communication between the

organization and those outside the organization. The
communicate with other businesses can be through
telephone, fax ,internet etc.

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External communication Internal
• Letters communication
• Fax
• Direct mail • Team
• Internet briefing
• Video • Notices
• Telephones • Reports
• Advertising • Memos
• websites • Face to face
• E-mail

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Investors Potential Employees





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The communication looks fairly

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Investors Potential Employees





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Now how complicated does it
look ?

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The Communication
Process ?

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Types of communication in an organization.

 Formal Communication
 Chain of command
 Written word
 Representative system

 Informal Communication
 Gossips
 Casual talks
 Chit chats

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The Structure and mode of organizational communication

• Horizontal / Lateral Communication

The exchanges between and among agencies

personnel on the same level of the organization chart. and
Horizontal communication aims
– Task coordination: (Inter Personal & Departmental)
– Problem solving: (Discussion & Brainstorming)
– Information sharing: (Inter Personal & Departmental)
– Conflict resolution: (Inter Personal & Departmental)

• Vertical Communication
» Upward Communication
» Downward Communication

• Diagonal Communication
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Upward communication
Upward communication -the process whereby the
ideas, feelings, and perceptions of lower-level are
employee to those at higher levels in the organization.


• It provides management with needed information for

decision making

• It helps employees relieve the pressures and frustrations of

the work situation.

• It enhances employees’ sense of participation in the enterprise.

• It serves as a measure of the effectiveness of
downward communication.
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Downward communication
Such communication is initiated by the organization’s
upper management and then filters downward through the “chain of

• People are limited as to the amount of information they can

effectively absorb and react to.

• Therefore, management must, of necessity, restrict what

communicates to subordinates.

• Organization implies some restriction of communication. Without

restrictions on communication, any organizational member could
be buried under an avalanche of incoming messages from all the
other members. IIPM SS 11-13 i(A2) 19
Diagonal Communication

• This occurs when communication occurs between workers in a

different section of the organization where one worker is on a
higher level.

• For example diagonal communication will occur when a

department manager converses with an employee in another

• It allows cross communication between departments

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Importance and advantages of communication in
an organization

• Help individuals to understand and pursue organizational


• Cover every management function.

• Organizational culture depends on communications.

• Improve both organizational and individual performance

• Better the communication better the performance

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Modern era – Boundary less organizations

Organization in which there are no barriers to

information flow ideas and information move to where they are most

In this modern era people have the facility to work in

their home and report it their superiors, there are employees who
report to their superiors in another country

• Concept promoted and implemented by General Electric (

Jack Welch)

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Designing communication mechanism for an organization

• An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on

their objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the
ways in which it operates, performs and communicates.

• Communication in an organization also depends on the leadership style.

• Classical organizations supported information flow only through the

chain of command, but this leads to the missing of information during
the flow.

• There are organizations in which every official communication should

be in a written form, especially in a bureaucratic set up.

• Organizations should keep a track of the communication between

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• One single method of communication process might not work well

for an organization.

• So it will be better to have a communication process which is

structured – vertical along with horizontal communication.

• The system should flexible where in decisions are to be made fast,

or when the organization is facing problems – that is diagonal and
by-pass communication should be allowed in important situations.

• As proposed by Jack Welch information should flow to where it is

needed and not to unnecessary designations.

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Communication helping growth of an organization

1. Conservative and structured

The communication process should be vertical for a

conservative and structured organization. Horizontal communication can be
allowed for better coordination between different departments.

Relationship of an organization with its customers is

very important, so the employees should be properly trained for the process.
Better the communication better the performance of any company.

Better communication helps in better interpersonal

relationships, less conflicts, better understanding, solving problems and helps
discussions which can lead to new ideas which will help the organization grow
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2. Multinational company

• In a multinational company an employee might have to report to his superior

who might be from another country or to a superior who might be in another

• So there will be cultural differences across the different units and

subsidiaries of the same organization in different countries.

• Horizontal communication should be allowed between the units of the

organization in different countries to keep a track on the work and its

• Employees must be trained properly to communicate keeping in mind the

cultural differences in different countries.

• The information should be allowed to reach where it is necessary.

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• Due to the fact that there is no single communication mechanism that

is best fit in managing large and complex organization, a number of
communication mechanisms are put into practice so that the MNC can
efficiently communicate.

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