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Lesson V :

Contrast Clues
Context Clues
Objective :
At the end of the lesson, 90% of the students will be
able to :

• define contrast clues ; and

• identify the contrast clues in the sentence.
Context clues are hints
found within a sentence,
Context paragraph, or passage that
Clues a reader can use to
understand the meanings
of new or unfamiliar words.
Contrast/Antonym Clues
It points out the differences between
word or ideas.
Example 1 :

Tina is usually modest, but can be quiet arrogant

when performing on the stage.

Which word is synonymous with the word “modest”?

Example 2

When the light brightens, the pupils of the

eyes contract; however, when it grows
darker, they dilate.

Which word is synonymous with the word

Example 3

Most of the graduates were

elated, though a few felt
and sad.

Which word is synonymous with the word

ACTIVITY VI : Figure out the meaning of the underlined words by looking for
contrast clues. Circle the contrast clue and define what the unfamiliar word

1. My grandmother is often nostalgic about her hometown, but

yesterday she said that she did not long to go back home anymore.
2. Melisse’s caprice is shopping at the mall, unlike her sister who
does not fancy shopping.
3. Even though the family at the funeral was lugubrious, the guests
seemed to be pleased to see old friends.
4. Josefa was joyful to see her brother despite his somber mood.

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