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At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to :

• discussed the historical development of adult learning ;
• differentiated pedagogy vs andragogy of learning ; and
• explained the assumption of pedagogy.
 MAR 15, 1833
 Alexander Kapp coins the term "Andragogy"
 He uses it to refer to the importance of lifelong
learning and the development of an adult's
character and practical skills. Though he did
not define it or establish a theory about it, and
it remains unclear whether he came up with the
term himself, his book is the first know use of
the term
 MAR 15, 1926
 Linderman publishes "the Method of Teaching Adults"
 As a part of the movement known as the "Neue
Rightung" (new direction) of adult education. Linderman
reflected on questions such as the purpose, the content
and the methodology to be used in adult education, and
named these reflections "Andragogik". Nevertheless, as
it was used as a proposed antonym for demagogy, and
discussed in a emminently theoretical discourse, the
term did not catch on yet.
MARCH 15, 1950 – MARCH 15, 1960

• The third wave of the use of "Andragogy" as a term.

• Though its origins are unclear, during the 1950's there as a surge in
the use of the term "Andragogy" in academic papers related to adult
learning. The term appears in papers published in several European
countries, though different authors gave relevance to various aspects
of adult learning and there is little agreement as to what the term really
conveys. However, the generalized use of the term will set the basis
for the establishment of a clear definition.
 Malcolm Knowles introduces the term in North
 In 1968 Malcolm Knowles publishes his paper
"Andragogy, not Pedagogy", introducing the
term to the North American and other English
speaking academics. The term soon gathered
momentum and became widely associated with
Knowles' ideas.
MAR 15, 1970 – MAR 15, 1995

Further Discussion and Research in Europe

• Though Knowles ideas in America did not have a significant impact in
the European discussion of the term, as of 1970, several academic
papers about the topic saw print in Europe, and some groups were
formed for the advancement of the academic research about it. In
1969, the Yugoslavian Society for Andragogy was established. In the
1990's the “Katedra sociologie a andragogiky” was founded to
advance the term "andragogy" over the communist-associated "adult

It is a term that refers to the method of how teachers teach, in

theory and in practice. Pedagogy is formed by an educator’s
teaching beliefs and concerns the interplay between culture
and different ways to learn. In order to help students to build
on prior learning, meaningful classroom relationships must

A carefully considered pedagogy is essential in enabling

students to learn more effectively and can help them develop
high-order thinking skills. There are four common forms of
pedagogy: social (education as supporting social
development), critical (deconstructing normative
perspectives), culturally responsive (encouraging the sharing
of diverse backgrounds and experiences) and Socratic
(developing intellectual and social skills to live in a
democratic society).
Difference Between Pedagogy and Andragogy
Activity I

1. What are the five (5) Knowles’ Assumptions Of Adult Learners.

Include the explanation.
2. What are the Knowles’ 4 Principles Of Andragogy.

Kindly post your activity in our Google classroom.. Thank You!

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