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Tayyab-Ul-Islam 2K17-ESE-22
Muhammad Bilal 2K17-ESE-23
M. Fakhar Hayat 2K17-ESE-24
 Defination

A pump is a device used to move fluids, such as

Liquids and gases . It increases the mechanical
energy of the fluid. The additional energy can be
used to increase.
 Velocity (flow rate)
 Pressure
 Elevation
 Classification of pumps
 Positive Displacement Pumps
 Rotary pump
 Single rotor
 Multiple rotor
 Reciprocating pump
 Piston pump
 Plunger pump
 Diaphragm pump
 Dynamic Displacement Pumps
 Centrifugal pump
 Axial pump
 Positive Displacement Pump

 Positive Displacement pumps apply pressure directly to the

liquid by a reciprocating piston, or by rotating members.
 Uses:
 1.can handle sensitive liquid.
 2.Use for high pressure application
 3.Use for variable viscosity applications.
 Types
 Reciprocating pump
 Rotary pump
 Reciprocating Pump

 In Reciprocating pumps, the chamber is a

stationary cylinder that contains a piston or
 Types
 Piston Pump
 Plunger Pump
 Diaphragm Pump
 Piston pump
 1.Transmission of fluids or gases under pressure.
 2. Power consumption is low.
 3. Ensure maximum safety

Piston Pump (double acting)

 Plunger Pump
 1. Have high efficiency.
 2. Capable of developing very high pressures.
 3. Low and easy maintenance

Plunger pump (single acting)

 Diaphragm pump
 1.flexible diaphragm is
 2.Can handle highly viscous liquids.
 3.Can handle toxic or corrosive liquids.
 4.97% efficient.

Diaphragm Pump (single acting)

 Rotary Pump

 In Rotary pumps, the chamber moves from inlet to

discharge and back to the inlet. A wide variety of
rotary pumps are available like gear pumps, lobe
pumps, screw pumps, cam pumps, vane pumps.
 Most popular: gear pumps
 Relatively constant output
 Types
 Single Rotor
 Multiple Rotor
Dynamic Displacement Pumps
 With this pump, the volume of the liquid delivered for each
cycle depends on the resistance offered to flow. A pump
produces a force on the liquid that is constant for each
particular speed of the pump. Resistance in a discharge line
produces a force in the opposite direction. When these for
cesar equal, a liquid is in a state of equilibrium and does not
flow. A non-positive displacement pump can be classified as
 Types
 Centrifugal Pump
 Axial-Flow Pump
 Centrifugal Pumps

 This pumps generate high rotational velocities, then

convert the resulting kinetic energy of the liquid to
pressure energy.
 parts:
 It contains impeller and casing.
 Use:
 Centrifugal pumps are generally used where high flow
rates and moderate head increases are required.
 Can handle fluids containing suspended Solids.
 Working Principal
 As mentioned earlier, Centrifugal pump relies on the
centrifugal force. When you swing a bucket of water
around over your head, you will find that as you increase
the speed, the bucket is pulled harder against your arm.
This pull on your arm is the centrifugal force. It makes
no difference if you swing the bucket horizontal or
vertical. If the speed is fast enough, then the water will
remain on the bucket.
 If you punch a small hole on the bottom of bucket, the
water throws a stream and the distance the water
travels is proportional to the centrifugal force.
 The same force that kept water in the bucket, is how the
simple Centrifugal pump works.
Open Impeller Semi-open Impeller
Close Impeller
 Centrifugal Pump consists of a rotating impeller inside a
stationary volute (casing).
 Liquid enters the pump through the suction inlet into the
eye of the impeller.
 The liquid enters the inlet of the centrifugal pump
under atmospheric pressure, and flows into the eye
of the impeller.
 The speed of the rotating impeller then forces the liquid
out through the discharge nozzle.
 Due to the reduction of pressure occurring at pump inlet
and impeller eye, liquid is drawn into the pump in
continuous flow as it moves through the pump.
 Axial-Flow Pump
 Axial-flow pump differ from radial-flow pump in that the
fluid enters and exits along the same direction parallel to
the rotating shaft. The fluid is not accelerated but instead
"lifted" by the action of the impeller.
 Axial-flow pump operate at lower pressure and higher flow
rates than radial flow pump.
 Applications
 Pumps are used throughout society for a variety of
purposes. Early applications includes the use of the
windmill or watermill to pump water.
 Today, the pump is used for irrigation, water supply,
gasoline supply, air conditioning systems, refrigeration
(usually called a compressor), chemical movement,
sewage movement, flood control, marine services etc.
 The wide variety of applications, pumps have a plethora
or shapes and sizes from very large to very small, from
handling gas to handling liquid, from high pressure to low
pressure, and from high volume to low volume.
 Installation factors

 Bases, sole plates, foundations

 Shaft alignment
 Piping
 Environmental effects on application
 Even the right pump for the job will fail if not installed
 Preventive Maintenance

 Primary Goals
 Prevent Breakdowns
 Maintain Adequate Pumping Capacity
 Secondary Goals
 Lower cost to operate
 Prolonged equipment life
 Achieve your goals

 Create a preventive maintenance program; follow

 manufacturers recommendations
 Maintain good inspection and maintenance records
 Be familiar with your pump systems
 Review and keep Installation and operation manuals;
 including, pump performance curves
 Review and keep parts and maintenance manuals
 Recommended to check the following
Record suction/discharge gauge readings
 Record elapsed time meter readings
Record Ampere readings if possible
Exercise valves
 Check impeller clearance if applicable
 Check oil levels in seal and motor housing
Change oil in seal and motor housing if applicable
Test alarms for proper operation
 Perform basic electrical tests
 Maintain other equipment

 Include all pump system equipment when performing

preventive maintenance and inspections
 Controls
 Isolation valves
 Check valves
 Pressure control valves
 Gauges
 Compressors
 Etc…….
 Parts inventory

 Identify critical parts and purchase spares; especially, if

parts are special order with longer lead times.
 Bearings
 Seals
 Gaskets, Oil-rings
 Power
 Impellers

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