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WORD LIMIT = 125 – 150 , MARKS = 5

A Speech is a formal talk that a person delivers to his audience. It must have the capacity to hold the attention
of the audience with a proper choice of words, expressions and examples. At the same time care should be
taken not to deviate from the main subject. You must keep in mind that it is a speech and you need to begin
the draft with addressing the audience and conclusion should be with a sentence thanking the audience.

  Value Points:
•Greet your audience and introduce the topic you are speaking on.
•The introduction part of the speech is the most important part.
•It is this part which decides the impact of the speech.
•Do not give a separate title for the speech.
•Keep in mind, the occasion of the speech and the nature of the audience.
•The introduction should not be very lengthy.
•The main topic should be taken up as quickly as possible.
• There should be preferably 3-4 paragraphs.
•Use concrete terms and tangible examples.
•Avoid abstract phrases which are quite vague.
•Use simple and familiar language.
•The conclusion plays a very important role in the success of a speech.
•Give your own conclusion on the topic in a telling manner.
•Write ‘Thank you’ at the end of your speech
Question 1.
Nowadays just about everyone owns a cellphone but most of the users do not follow even the basic rules of cellphone
conduct. They are seen speaking loudly, taking a phone call in the middle of a meeting or even at a funeral etc. Write a
speech in 125-150 words to be delivered in the assembly of your school to appraise the fellow students of cellphone
etiquette. ( All India 2011)

Nowadays almost everyone owns a mobile phone but many users have no knowledge of the basic rules of cellphone
conduct. Good Morning everyone, I, Mehar, have come before you all to apprise you of cellphone etiquette. It is actually
necessary to follow a few guidelines regarding the use of cellphones.

Your cellphone does not have to go everywhere you go. There are times when you should never answer your cellphone,
especially in places of worship and funeral homes. At the very best they should be on the vibrate mode in these places. Use
your quiet inside voice and do not yell into your cellphone. Be courteous to others’ right of not being disturbed by your
megaphone range voice. In social situations where you are entertaining friends or clients, do not have long cellphone
conversations as it gives the impression that you do not value the time and presence of the person in front of you.

If your phone rings while you are driving, wait till you have pulled over before you answer or return the call. Your life and the
life of the people around you is of much more value than your phone call. Be a responsible cellphone user, be aware of your
surroundings before making or receiving a call and have respect for those around you. This will help others to appreciate
your good judgement and consideration.

Thank you!
Question 2.
Regular practice of yoga can help in maintaining good health and even in the prevention of so many ailments. Write
a speech in 125-150 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the usefulness of yoga. (Delhi 2012)


Good morning respected Principal, teachers and dear friends. I, Joy, have come before you all to speak on the
usefulness of yoga. Yoga means the experience of unity with one’s inner being. Yoga is the Sanskrit word for ‘union’.
It has been a practice that uses postures and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength.

In the last few years, the benefits of yoga have gained acknowledgement and popularity the world over. Yoga has
now become a way of life with the aim ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body.’ Man is a physical, mental and spiritual
being and yoga helps to promote a balanced development of all the three.

Other forms of exercises like aerobics, jogging etc. assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the
development of the spiritual body. Yogic exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy which facilitates
attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony, promotes self-healing, removes negative blocks from the mind and
toxins from the body and also reduces stress and tension. One feels rejuvenated and energised with yoga.

Yoga’s popularity worldwide is because people have realised the essence of self-contentment and inner peace and
understand that yoga is the only and best way to attain these two essentials. Yoga also helps in the prevention of
ailments like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis etc. With its numerous benefits to control the body and the mind, the
usefulness of yoga cannot be denied or overlooked.
Thank you!
Question 3.
You have always been proud of being a citizen of the country which shows love and care for elders. However,
now this value is found to be disappearing. Write a speech in 125-150 words on ‘Difficulties faced by senior
citizens. (Compt. All India)
We have always been proud of being citizens of a country which shows love, compassion and care for elders.
However now this value seems to be disappearing.
Good morning everyone, I have come before you all to talk about the ‘Difficulties faced by senior citizens’.

Deteriorating health, malnutrition, lack of shelter, financial incapacity are some of the most common problems
that senior citizens face. Combined with these are isolation, rejection by family and callous attitude of their
children. The number of ‘living alone’ seniors has also increased in recent times as seniors with non-resident
children or ‘based out station’ children are forced to live alone. In today’s materialistic world, where everyone is
over-busy, it amounts to too much expectation if senior citizens expect their kith and kin to attend to their
requirements or pay them frequent visits.

The problems faced by senior citizens need to be tackled through holistic care, that is by paying attention to
the preventive, promotive and rehabilitative aspects of caring for them. Moreover, awareness needs to be
created regarding elderly persons that can help them to lead productive and independent lives. With a view to
ensure the well-being of senior citizens we need to strengthen their legitimate place in society and extend
support for financial security and health care. Let us not forget that all the religions in the world have been
advocating to respect and look after elderly parents and senior citizens. As directed by the fifth
commandment of the Bible ” Honour your father and mother.”
Thank You!
• WORD LIMIT = 125 – 150 , MARKS = 5
♦ Format
•Formal Address
•Introduction: Against or For the motion
•Arguments against or for the motion
•Formal thanks
Marks will be awarded for:

•Format: Formal Address + Formal Thanks

•Content: (logical organization, relevance). Credit should be given for the candidate’s creativity in presenting
his/her own ideas.
•Expression: Accuracy, Grammatical, appropriate words & spelling Fluency, coherence and relevance of ideas
and style

• Phrases/points worth using :

•I wholeheartedly support the fact, findings of the study, the argument, the idea…
•I strongly believe…
• I am of the firm opinion…
•I summarily reject the notion/ argument/ claim…
•I fail to understand, why my very knowledgeable/worthy opponent refuses to see the obvious…
• Use rhetorical questions to drive home the point
•Be specific and cite examples from society, law, findings, survey to drive home the point.
• Be argumentative but civil and polite.
Question 1.
‘The policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students.’ Write a debate in 125-150 words either in
favour of or against the motion. (Delhi 2016)
The policy of no detention till Class VIII has had a delirious impact on the learning outcome in schools. There is
little check on the fact that whether or not a student has even acquired bare minimum knowledge before he or she
is promoted to the next class.
Good Morning Everyone, I have come to speak in favour of the motion, ‘The policy of no detention till class VIII is
not in the interest of students’. The situation often arises wherein students do not fail till Class VIII and then do not
pass in class IX. The poor results of this policy are visible in Class IX. I feel this policy is resulting in a decline in the
standard of education. Children are showing a lackadaisical attitude towards their studies. The basic drive to excel
is missing in students as a result of such leniency. Parents are also less concerned as they are sure their wards will
not be held back in the class even if they do not fare well.
Students do not work as hard as they should and take their studies for granted. Though this policy was
implemented with the objective of reducing stress on children, one cannot ignore the fact that the quality of
education has to be maintained and the aim of education has to be achieved. Children with weak foundation reach
Class IX, and are unable to perform in higher classes as their basics are not clear. It is thus a serious concern that
all attempts of educating children up to Class VIII is proving to be a waste in terms of time and money. Life, in
general, is extremely competitive, so let us not forget a little bit of pressure is always beneficial in the long run so
there is certainly an urgent need to rethink about continuing this policy.
Thank You!
Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either
for or against the motion. (Delhi 2017)

The people are the greatest resource of a country. This saying is as old at it is true. It is how a country uses this
resource to its advantage that determines how citizens become the true assets of the country.

Good morning everyone, I …., have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion, ‘Our large population is
not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource’. Population is not a problem but mismanagement definitely is. If
we channelize our population in the right way, then it will surely be an asset. Though our rapid population growth
is a matter of concern for our economy and priority needs to be given to measures to control population. It is
now up to us how we can use our large population to our country’s advantage. India has the youngest population
in the world with mean age of 24 years, in a pretty fast ageing globe. Our large population with its striking
diversity that is not seen in the stark homogeneity of China’s population offers us and the world a variety of skills
and professions.

2nd Paragraph …….

To conclude, I would like to say that drastic measures should be undertaken by our government to improve the
quality of our population to convert it into quality human resource.
Write a debate either for or against the motion: ‘Courses in Humanities provide a better scope in career than
Sciences’. (Compt. All India 2017)
Which is a better course to opt for after the X standard? A decade or so earlier I would have answered this
question saying Science stream was the best option but now I would say that if one has a better aptitude for
Humanities, then they should go for it without thinking.
Good Morning everyone! I have come before you all to speak in favour of the motion: ‘Courses in Humanities
provide a better scope in career than Sciences’.
In the present scenario, with the advent of globalization the scope for humanities has altered. Fast-growing
markets, mushrooming media houses and a plethora of career options that could be both academic or
vocational, has brought the humanities stream, which was once considered as a secondary discipline to the
front. The rising professions of marketing, media, entertainment and administration have opened avenues for
students of this discipline. The demand created by market economy has raised the prominence of subjects
like economics, literature, fine arts, law, communication, English etc.
The undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in humanities are neither narrow in scope nor limited in
opportunities. Rather they now offer a wide and expensive scope for research and higher studies in a range of
subjects. The dogmas in our society regarding students opting for the humanities stream is now a thing of the
past. To conclude, I would like to say that now professionals from this field are commanding great respect and
receiving high salaries in the job market and competing with their science and technology counterparts on the
entrepreneurship front.
Thank you!

Q1. You are Preet, an educationist. You have noticed that the youth of today are often unable to cope with stress
and become frustrated and bitter. Write a speech in 125-150 words to be delivered at a Youth Symposium on
‘Youth, their problems and solutions’.

Q2. Mobile phone of today is no longer a mere means of communication. App lovers are so glued to it that they
don’t pay attention even to the traffic while crossing the roads. This leads to accidents, sometimes even fatal
ones. Write a speech in 125-150 words to be delivered in the morning assembly advising the students to be
careful in the use of this otherwise very useful gadget. Imagine you are the Principal of your school. 

Q3. ‘Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource.’ Write a debate in 125-150 words
either for or against the motion.

Q4. Write a debate either for or against the motion: ‘Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time’. (125-150
words ). 
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion

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