Planning The Family Meals Epp4

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a. Assist in preparing meals for the family
b. Identify and categorize food into different
food groups
c. Plan meals based on the basic food groups.
Goal in Planning Meals
1. Nutritious – meal contains all the nutrients needed by the body.
2. Attractive – meal has a good combination of color, form, texture,
and flavor that will stimulate the appetite of family members.
3. Affordable – the food budget of the family is enough to spend for
the planned meals.
4. Hygienic- the prepared food is clean and free from harmful
bacteria that can cause food infection.
5. Palatable – the food tastes delicious and is well- liked by family
Guides in Meal Planning
1. The Food Pyramid – This is an easy to follow general guide for everybody. It
features the different food groups and how much to eat for each group.
2. My Plate Template – is an easy guide on what to eat and how much to eat.
My Plate guidelines:
a. Fill half of the plate with fruits and vegetables
b. Fill quarter of your plate with protein (meat, fish, poultry, nuts legumes, other
seafood) and a quarter grains ( rice , bread, etc.)
c. Drink milk and have other dairy products ( cheese, butter, etc.)
d. Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses a day).
3. The Three Basic Food Groups – this group is used as your guide in choosing
what food to eat so that you are sure that what you are eating contains the nutrients
needed by your body.
1. Energy giving Food – foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. They provide the
body with heat and energy.
2. Body- building Food- these are foods rich in protein. Protein is a nutrient that
builds and repairs body tissues.
3. Body- regulating Food – these are the foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins are compounds that are important in regulating body processes. Minerals
are inorganic compounds that are important as components of the body substances.
For more information
open and read your book
on pages 274- 275.
Self check:
1. Why do you need to consider the food pyramid guide in
preparing meals for the family?
2. How does a food pyramid guide contribute to the good
health of the family members?
IV. Evaluation:
Answer letter A & B on pages 276-277.

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