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Rhythmic Activities
Rhythmic activities is designed to enlighten
student’s awareness on the basic skills.
Exercise aims to enhance physical fitness through
dance. A person can improve flexibility, strength,
coordination, balance, cardiovascular fitness, and body
awareness through dancing. Other than that, a person
can have fun, learn to dance folk music, pop music, and
Western and Eastern music while becoming firm and fit
Rhythmic activities are physical activities that can
reduce stress and tension, coordinate the movement
pattern of a person and give the benefit of aerobic
breathing exercises. They are done serves as a
combination of dance and gymnastics performed in
large group.   The major objective is to develop motor
qualities, improve body posture, develop unity and
uniformity in movement, and create a sense of rhythm
and coordination.
Pre colonial
Prior to the written history of the Philippines, before the Spanish
conquistadors vanquished and Christianized the masses, from the
most punctual control of this volcanic archipelago, the individuals
migrate They believed that the ritual ceremonies had a
transitional experiences in their life and had become a legend and
history. Country moves incorporate such top picks as the high-
stepping Tinikling, which impersonates a winged animal, and
the Gaway-Gaway, which highlights the developments of
youngsters pulling the stalks of the gaway roots during an
abundant collect
Today, traditional dances like Dugso (a dance of appreciation for a
decent reap or a male beneficiary, hit the dance floor with lower
leg bells), Sohten (an all-male war dance) and Lawin-Lawin
(another male dance which copies a swooping, taking off bird) are
deliberately archived and kept alive by Filipino folk dance
troupes and social organizations, for example, the Parangal Dance
Company .  Parangal Dance Company is based in San Francisco
Bay Area in the U.S.
• Muslim Merchants. In the 12th  century, merchants and sailors went to
the Philippines well before the Spaniards, carrying the Islamic confidence
with them. The occupants of the southern locale were changed over to
Islam, joining their new religion into the texture of their current culture.
The dance of the Muslims, known as Moros, are appealing  bright color of
dress. Females wear ensembles studded with pearls and golds  , while
males used swords and shields as sign of having integrity . The Moros
utilize listless arm developments to impersonate their general
surroundings, for example, the breeze, the ocean, and the fish. Each move
 is punctuated by the eerie hints of the kulintangan, a lot of little gongs.
Like the Igorots, the Moros opposed Spanish standard, which is the
reason many their moves keep on thriving . 13th century with the Pearls
and gold dust
1. Muslim traders from the Malay Archipelago reached the
Philippines in the 14th  century, well ahead of the Europeans.
Their conversion of the populace was a modest affair; they were
more interested in commerce than colonization, although they did
establish strongholds and convert the local populace to Islam.
They also created their own folk dances in the areas where they
settled. Singkil is one of the most famous of these dances. It
depicts the plight of a princess caught in a magical earthquake in a
forest. Her faithful servant tries to shield her with a parasol as the
princess gracefully dodges falling trees and is eventually saved by
a prince.
Spanish colonization
• In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan came to the archipelago. However, the
Spanish did not get a foothold in the Philippines until 1565 , signaling the
start of Spanish colonization. Three centuries of Spanish rule left an
imprint on the Filipinos. Many of them were converted to Catholicism
and forced to take Spanish surnames. Society dance endure  the
European attack, and the artists adjusted forced Christian conviction and
culture to their very own moves, acquiring court movement yet
permeating it with Philippine soul. The Maria Clara dances
merged Spanish court style (and its adapted romance shows) with
Philippine abundance. Maria Clara is the unadulterated and honorable
champion of a novel who speaks to the best characteristics of Filipino
• During Spanish colonial era, the king of Spain ordered
the Filipinos to work on large plantation. The
punishment given to those people who worked slowly or
did not follow the rule was to stand in between two
bamboo stick clapped together to beat their feet. to
prevent punishment try to jump when 2 bamboo stick  
closely to each other. This practice of jumping between
the poles eventually transformed into an artistic dance.
First Activity

•Philippine dance________________10 points

•Pre - colonial dance 10 points

Definition of rhythmic activities 10 points

Complete the statement below.
•What I most appreciate about today’s discussion , keep safe

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