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Nadcap Customer Support

Initiative (NCSI)
for Welding
Today’s Facilitators
Slide 2

Ian Simpson
Welding Staff Engineer
Performance Review Institute
+44 870 350-5011
[email protected]
Your Turn – Tell Us…
Slide 3

• Your Name and Company Name

• Introduce any other participants from your


• What you hope to gain from this training

Ground Rules
Slide 4

• We will not use the raise hands or chat functions.

• Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, BlackBerry devices,

etc. as these may interfere with the teleconference.
• Please do not place the call on hold.
• Please mute your phone to prevent background noise.

• If you have a question, please interject.

• Please give us your undivided attention. We believe that

this two hour investment will provide a significant return.
NCSI Program Goals
Slide 5

• Enhance Supplier experience with the Nadcap

process through education

• Describe Nadcap expectations

• Improve audit results and overall understanding

of the audit process and audit checklists
NCSI Agenda
Slide 6

• Introduction
• General Preparation Steps

• Welding Checklist Review

• Welding Common Findings

• Contacts and Additional Resources

Welcome to Nadcap
Slide 7

The leading, worldwide cooperative program of

major companies designed to manage a cost
effective consensus approach to special processes
and products and provide continual improvement
within the aerospace industry.
PRI/Nadcap Organizational Executive leaders
•Legal entity
Structure responsibility
•Set policy
PRI Board of •Provide the Vision
Directors Slide 8

Senior Quality Leaders

•Develop strategic plan and vision Nadcap Executive
•Promote Nadcap among prime contractors Strategic Planning Board
•Support launch of new task groups (NESPB)
•Promote continuous improvement

Nadcap Administrative
Nadcap Regional Management Staff
Advisory Bodies Council (NMC)

Task Groups Supplier

Special Processes Support
Nondestructive Testing Committee
Materials Testing
Heat Treating
Coatings Senior quality leaders & managers
Chemical Processing •Oversee operation of Nadcap
Welding •Establish & implement policy & procedures
NCM/Shot Peening •Task group coordination & development
Technical Experts
Systems & Products
•Determine requirements •Identify, develop and deploy improvement
•Develop documents Sealants, Elastomer Seals
•Accept corrective action AQS (AC7004)
•Final decision on accreditation Fluid Distribution Systems
Nadcap Prime Champions
Slide 9
 Don Boulton Debra Harrison Jay Park
• Rolls-Royce, plc • DCMA • Northrop Grumman
• +44 133 224 1924 • +1 703 428 0853 • +1 310 814 0571
 Mike Buffington Arne Logan Julio Perez-Caballero
• GE Aviation • The Boeing Company • AIRBUS S.A.S
• +1 513 552 4450
• +1 425 717 7044 • +33 56 193 2736
 Cristóbal Casado
John McBrien Doug Scussell
• +34 91 624 2175 • GSA • Pratt & Whitney
• +1 816 823 3094 • +1 860 565 6017
 Chetan Daté
• Honeywell Aerospace Steve Meyer David Soong
• +1 602 231 4361 • Eaton Aerospace • Hamilton Sundstrand
• +1 734 223 1875 • +1 860 654 2222
 Jim Dolbee
• Raytheon Aircraft Co. Tom Murphy Jim Vannatta
• +1 316 676 6741 • Sikorsky Aircraft • Bell Helicopter Textron
• +1 203 386 4757 • +1 817 280 3264
 Alan Fletcher
• Air Force Teresa O’Leary Kevin Ward
• +1 937 255 7481 • Cessna Aircraft Co • Goodrich
 Paul Grenier • +1 316 517 5377 • +1 951 351 5963
• Bombardier Inc.
• +1 514 855 7719
NCSI Agenda
Slide 10

• Introduction

• General Preparation Steps

• Welding Checklist Review

• Welding Common Findings

• Contacts and Additional Resources

Where to Begin and End
Slide 11
• Public Documents
 eAuditNet Supplier User Guides & Pre & Post-Audit Tutorials
 Auditor Handbooks
 Miscellaneous documents (Top 10 Welding findings, Supplier
workshop presentations, Welding FAQ’s and MORE!)
• User Documents
• Checklists

• Nadcap, Supplier Info
 Root Cause Corrective Action Tools/Training materials and dates
 Audit Preparation timeline, Nadcap dictionary and MORE

Check both sites often – updates made frequently!

User Documents – Important to
Slide 12

PRI/Nadcap Internal Procedures (NIPs) - Documents detailing specific

procedures by which PRI/Nadcap Staff operates. Example; Balloting; audit
report processing; pre-assessment audits, etc.

Nadcap Operating Procedures (NOPs) - Documents detailing the specific

procedures by which Nadcap operates. Example; Audit Failure, Supplier
Merit, Supplier Advisories, etc.

Nadcap Task Group Operating Procedures (NTGOPs) Documents

developed by PRI describing the scope and general operating procedures for
each specific PRI/Nadcap commodity program. Example; NTGOP-001,
Appendix 4 = Welding
Supplier Merit (NOP-008)
Slide 13

• The Supplier Merit Program awards an extended

frequency audit to suppliers based on performance in
two consecutive audits.
• Eligibility contingent on:
– No Product Impact findings in last two (2) audits;
– No adverse Supplier Advisories;
– No non-sustaining corrective actions in the last 2 audits;
– Timely response to NCR’s;
– No on-site follow-up in the last 2 audits
Merit – Welding Criteria
Slide 14

• Merit is important – it reduces your overall costs

• For Welding, to achieve 18 month merit, there must

have been 2 successful 12 month audits

• To achieve 24 month merit, there must have been 2

successful 18 month audits
Merit – Welding Criteria
Slide 15

Auditor must witness at least one part /

representative test piece being welded in each process
(Even if no production work is available, have test
pieces ready to weld for the auditor)
Less than 5 NCRs with no more than 1 Major NCR
(Perform thorough pre-audits and correct any issues
prior to the Nadcap audit)
For 24 month merit (eligible after 2 consecutive 18
month accreditations), there must be no more than 3
NCRs with none of these Major
Failure Policy (NOP-011)
Slide 16

 Allows for failure:

• Supplier stops the audit
• Excessive number of findings
• Severity of findings
• Too many corrective action response review cycles to
• Nonresponsiveness

 Criteria are not automatic failure points

 Specific criteria determined by Task Group – refer to
Public Documents,
Failure Policy (NOP-011)
Welding Requirements
Slide 17

Supplier Stops the Audit – Failure Mode “A”:

Supplier cancels an audit in progress or that has just been

Excessive Number of Findings – Failure Mode “B”:

- 1 weld process - 6 total NCR’s, and/or more than 2 Major NCR’s
- 2 or more processes – 12 total NCR’s and /or more than 4 Major
- 1 weld process - 9 total NCR’s, and/or more than 3 Major NCR’s
- 2 or more processes – 13 total NCR’s and /or more than 5 Major
Severity of Findings – Failure Mode “C”:
Failure may take place if the supplier has potential product impact
issues identified in the audit.
Failure Policy (NOP-011)
Welding Requirements (Cont’d)
Slide 18

Too Many Review Cycles – Failure Mode “D”:

Supplier exceeds four (4) review cycles – initial/ three
(3) review cycles - reaccred
Cause of review cycles solely suppliers’ responsibility
Task Group Chair and Staff Engineer must concur
regarding responsibility for excessive cycles

Nonresponsiveness by Supplier – Failure Mode “E”:

If a supplier does not provide responses during the required
time frames, they may be failed.
Failure Policy (NOP-011)
Welding Requirements (Cont’d)
Slide 19

If the Task Group votes for failure:

A Supplier Advisory is issued.
Audit is classified as Failed.
Supplier must wait a minimum of 90 calendar days before
another audit can be conducted.
Supplier must demonstrate corrective actions to the auditor at
the time of the new audit.
Task Group could vote to revoke current certificate, based on
documented issues.
If current certificate is revoked, accreditation will be removed
from the QML.
Quality System Requirements
Slide 20

 To ensure Suppliers have an approved quality system, a new process

was developed. Process affects all audits conducted AFTER 14
January 2007.

 150 days prior to your special process audit, Suppliers will be sent an
email to send in a valid QS certificate.

 120 days prior to the audit Suppliers receive a second reminder to send
in a valid QS certificate

 90 days prior to the audit, if a QS certificate is not received, an AC7004

audit will be scheduled.

 If AC7004 audit is cancelled, Supplier will incur a $400.00 penalty.

Best Investment of Your Time
Slide 21

 Use tools on

u r • Tutorials
y ob • Auditor Handbooks
D n ts!J • Checklists – perform a self-audit!
O u d i  Seek guidance from your prime on scope
A requirements
 Familiarize yourself with www.pri- and the tools available
 Keep your management informed
NCSI Agenda
Slide 22

• Introduction

• General Preparation Steps

• Welding Checklist Review

• Welding Common Findings

• Contacts and Additional Resources

Rev D checklists
Slide 23

• Background – The Weld Task Group were

mandated by the Nadcap Management Council to
revise all checklists to a ‘Baselined’ standard
• This ensures that all accreditations throughout the
world are equivalent – no options for N/A
• Implications
- Several new procedural requirements imposed
- All questions must be answered, NO answers will
require an NCR to be issued
Rev D checklists
Slide 24

• Processes and materials that do not fit into the

baseline have been added as supplements, which
you will need to identify if you require to be
assessed and accredited to them
• There are a limited number of supplements that
are unique to a few primes. The primes who have
these requirements are shown in a prime vs,
supplement matrix which is available in the public
documents section of eAuditNet
Rev D checklists
Slide 25

• This is the most extensive revision ever to occur to

the Welding Checklists.

• As such, it cannot be over emphasized how

important a thorough self audit to the new checklists
is to avoid unnecessary NCRs in your next audit.
Rev E checklists
Slide 26

• There is one change between Rev D and Rev E.

This allows some primes to utilize National
accredited laboratories for metallurgical
assessment of welds as opposed to mandating
AC7110/13 accreditation.
• The 4 Primes who allow this option are
- Rolls Royce plc
- BAE SYSTEMS – Air Systems
- Boeing
- Northrop Grumman
Rev E checklists
Slide 27

• If you work exclusively for any of these primes,

the auditor will ask 2 supplemental questions that
ensure the accreditation held by these laboratories
is acceptable to the prime
• Details of their acceptance criteria are identified in
the Rev E handbooks
Applicable Checklists
Slide 28

AC 7110 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Welding.

Core Document which addresses Quality System issues
related to Welding. This document is required for all
Weld / Braze audits.

AC 7110/1 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Brazing.

Includes supplemental requirements specific to torch and
induction brazing. Note vacuum brazing is covered by
Heat Treat Task Group (AC7102/1)

AC 7110/2 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Flash Welding.

Includes supplemental requirements specific to Flash
Applicable Checklists
Slide 29

AC 7110/3 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Electron Beam Welding.

Includes supplemental requirements specific to Electron
Beam Welding

AC 7110/4 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Resistance Welding.

Includes supplemental requirements specific to Spot, Seam,
Projection and microspot Welding.

AC 7110/5 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Fusion Welding.

Includes supplemental requirements specific to Fusion
Welding. Includes TIG, PAW, casting repair and other less
common fusion processes.
Applicable Checklists
Slide 30

AC 7110/6 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Laser Welding.

Includes supplemental requirements specific to Laser Welding.
AC 7110/7 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Rotational Friction /
Inertia Welding.
Includes supplemental requirements specific to Friction and Inertia
AC 7110/8 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Diffusion Welding
Includes supplemental requirements specific to Diffusion Bonding
AC 7110/9 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Percussion Welding
Includes supplemental requirements specific to Percussion Stud
Applicable Checklists
Slide 31

AC 7110/12 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Welder / Welding

Operator Qualification.
Includes supplemental requirements specific to welder /
operator qualification.

AC 7110/13 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Metallurgical Evaluation

of Welds.
Includes supplemental requirements specific to evaluation of
welds / weld coupons.

Note: there are no checklists for AC7110/10 and /11 –

these have previously been withdrawn from use
Relationship between Checklists
Slide 32

• AC7110/12 is invoked from processes that require welder /

weld operator qualification (AC7110/3, electron beam;
AC7110/5, fusion welding; AC7110/6 laser)
• AC7110/13 is invoked from processes that require weld
metallurgical evaluation (AC7110/3, electron beam;
AC7110/4, resistance; AC7110/5, fusion; AC7110/6, laser;
AC7110/12 welder qualification)
• Weld facilities who perform their own metallurgical
assessments will be assessed at the weld audit. External test
facilities will be assessed at their next Material Test Lab
audit (An implementation plan for this has been agreed
between the Weld and Material Test Lab Task Groups)
Slide 33

Throughout Rev D, two common terms are used; documented

procedure and process. These are the Task group definitions as
stated in AC7110

Documented Procedures:
A documented procedure requires a procedure to be
established, documented, implemented, and maintained.

A process is an activity which the supplier would need to
demonstrate has occurred but would not necessarily need
to be documented.
Examples of changes
Rev C to Rev D
Slide 34

Visible Dye Penetrant Inspection Control:

Rev C
If present at supplier facility, do procedures preclude the use
of visible dye penetrant inspection unless permitted by
customer specification? YES NO NA

Rev D
• Do documented procedures preclude the use of visible dye
penetrant inspection unless permitted by applicable
documents? YES NO
Examples of changes
Rev C to Rev D
Slide 35

Visible Dye Penetrant Inspection Control (Cont’d)

• In Rev C it was acceptable to answer N/A with the

justification that visible dye was not used at the
• For Rev D, there must be a documented procedure
precluding the use of visible dye.
Examples of changes
Rev C to Rev D
Slide 36

Visible Dye Penetrant Inspection Control (Cont’d)

The handbook states the following for this question:-
• Intent: To prevent weld / braze personnel from using
visible dye.
• Acceptable Objective Evidence: A written procedure must
specifically preclude the use of visible dye (unless allowed
by customer specification).
Can be contained in a NDT procedure, however it has to be
flowed down to the weld / braze department.
Handbook – other examples
Slide 37
Cleaning Materials, Chemical Solvents & Etching
• Are cleaning materials, chemical solvents, or etching
solutions as specified on part drawings or
certified/qualified welding procedures/schedules?
• Intent: To avoid using materials that are known to have
detrimental effect on product quality. To avoid mixing or
accidental interchange of solvents.
• Acceptable Objective Evidence: Cleaning / etching media
are clearly labeled. The supplier must show the auditor in
the paperwork which cleaning agent /media should be
used, and it must match up with the actual cleaning agent /
media used.
Handbook – other examples
Slide 38
Pre-Weld Preparations
• Are pre-weld preparations defined and in accordance with customer
• Intent (of question): Assure that parts are prepared (for example:
cleaned, proper joint clearances and fit-up, alignment tolerances, joint
run-out, joint configuration, cleanliness of filler material, etc.) and
tooling and fixtures are in accordance with customer requirements
prior to processing.
• Acceptable Objective Evidence: The process instructions (routing,
data cards schedule, etc) prior to joining must address items such as
cleaning, time between cleaning and joining, and part alignment.
Cleanliness of filler material can be demonstrated if wiping with a
solvent dampened cloth does not show a difference when wiped a
second time.
Implementation of Rev D
Slide 39
• AC7110, 7110/1-/9 Rev D and AC7110/12 - /13 Rev NC will
be issued in September 2006 for implementation in December
• The checklists will be available in eAuditNet under the
checklist/welding menu (For a short period both Rev C and Rev
D will be available – please select the correct revision for
your audit)
• Concurrently, auditor handbooks will be issued for each of the
checklists. They are extremely useful and available to all users.
They explain question intent and acceptable objective evidence.
They are available in eAuditNet under the public document
menu. You are advised to review these as they provide
additional information and clarify the checklist questions.
Implementation of Rev E
Slide 40
• AC7110/3 - /6 Rev E and AC7110/12 Rev A will be issued in
December 2006 for implementation in March 2007.
• The checklists will be available in eAuditNet under the
checklist/welding menu (For a short period both Rev D and
Rev E will be available – please select the correct revision
for your audit)
• Concurrently, auditor handbooks will be issued for each of the
checklists. They are extremely useful and available to all
users. They explain question intent and acceptable objective
evidence. They are available in eAuditNet under the public
document menu. You are advised to review these as they
provide additional information and clarify the checklist
Audit Duration
Slide 41

• 1 day for AC7110 (Core Quality related to welding).

This is required for all audits. This day will also
include AC7110/12 and /13 if performed by the weld
• +1 day per weld process
• Thus a supplier requiring fusion and resistance weld
approvals who performs metallurgical assessment of
welds will be 3 days (1 day for AC7110 / AC7110/12
/AC7110/13 + 1 day for fusion + 1 day for resistance)
Scope / Content of Audit
Slide 42

• AC 7110 contains the weld specific Quality System

• AC7110/1 - /9 are the specific process checklists.
Each checklist has the following requirements:
a) Material control (Consumables including filler, flux and
b) Equipment control (including qualification, maintenance
and calibration)
c) Procedure Control
Scope / Content of Audit (Cont’d)
Slide 43

Requirements (Cont’d)
d) Process Control
e) Personnel Controls
f) Inspection and acceptance Criteria
g) Periodic Maintenance
h) Compliance

In addition to these baseline requirements, each checklist has

supplements related to materials / processes / prime specific
requirements. To be assessed to these, these supplements must be
defined in the audit scope.
Job Audits
Slide 44

Initial Audit:
• Two pieces of hardware per process must be witnessed.
• First choice will be a Nadcap subscribing prime’s parts.
• If none are available, other aerospace parts. If none of these,
run representative test pieces

Re-accreditation audits:
• It is preferable to weld actual parts, but auditor can review
completed jobs or another industries parts.
• Failure to weld parts / test pieces will affect merit eligibility)
NCSI Agenda
Slide 45

• Introduction

• General Preparation Steps

• Welding Checklist Review

• Welding Common Findings

• Contacts and Additional Resources
Common Findings
Slide 46

• Some of the problems shown here take many weeks

to resolve – for example welder qualification tests.

• Perform self-audit as far in advance as possible
• Ensure the self audit is thorough
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 47

Weld wire control, which includes

• Traceability. While in storage, wire must be traceable
to the heat lot
• Storage. Each batch uniquely segregated in locked
area with restricted access
• Purchase. Is wire ordered correctly (to material spec,
requirement for identification, size)
• Receipt Inspection
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 48

Weld wire control, which includes

• Identification. Each rod identified, eg flag tag,
stamped, color code. If color code, readily available
identification charts required
• Stub disposal, into non-retrievable containers
• Wire cleanliness
• Welder having access to more than one wire type at
any one time
• Wire control procedure documented from purchase to
use / disposal
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 49

Welder Qualification
• Procedural control, including eyesight, revocation, re-
qualification period, qualification records, activity
• Welder not qualified for work being performed
• Test record completed incorrectly
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 50

• Operator not working to travelers / weld schedules
• Equipment not qualified
• Equipment not calibrated / maintained
• Weld schedule incorrect / not correctly qualified
• No weld schedule at work station
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 51

• Insufficient evidence that Welders and Inspectors
have been trained. Note it is not adequate to use
acceptable welder qualification in lieu of training for
Training evidence should include training in your
own procedures and any specific requirements from
your customer’s specifications (Eg training in weld
acceptance criteria)
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 52

Preparation prior to weld

• Cleaning needs to be defined as an operation and
stamped / signed for. Does cleaning meet customer
• Tools need to be clean and defined on shop
• Tacking needs to be defined and performed by
approved welder
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 53

• Use of correct inspection methods and acceptance
• Appropriate, calibrated gauges available
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 54

Continuous Improvement - Requirement is that

process improvement is applied to the welding
You need:
a) Procedure stating how you will do this
b) Evidence that you are reviewing welding processes
c) If the data shows welding to be the cause of
nonconformance, then process improvement is
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 55

Gas Compliance
• Gas not ordered to the correct specification
• No certification for the gas. Minimum requirement is
a certificate stating the gas meets the defined
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 56

In process test piece control

• Mainly associated with resistance weld. Are the tests
representative of the job, performed at the required
frequency and assessed to the correct customer
acceptance standard?
Common Findings (Cont’d)
Slide 57

Schedule Qualification
• Have schedules been correctly qualified
• Do schedules meet customer requirements for
• Do schedules contain all parameters required by
customer specifications
Response to NCR’s
Slide 58

Should you receive NCRs

• Respond per the supplier guideline
• Respond in the required timeframe
• Provide the necessary objective evidence (required
for initial audits and for Major NCRs in re-
accreditation audits)
Response Due Dates - NEW!
Slide 59

 No extensions will be granted.

 Suppliers will be given 45 days of cumulative lateness
in responding.
 Lateness will be viewable on the Prime QML and
Primes will be able to run reports.
 Email reminders will be sent to Suppliers (15 days,
30 days late, 45 days = failure notice).
 New policy – goes into effect in for audits conducted
on or after 14 November 2006.
Accreditation Timescales
Slide 60

• Audits are scheduled in an eligibility quarter.

Audit Month Accreditation expiration

September, October, November January 31
December, January, February April 30
March, April, May July 31
June, July, August October 31

• Even if the audit is scheduled at end of the scheduling quarter

there are 60 days for the audit to be closed.
Accreditation Timescales (Cont’d)
Slide 61

• Remember that this time includes Task Group review

time (up to 10 days), certification issuance (up to 5
days) and any time for NCR resolution between the
supplier and the Staff Engineer

• Thus it is important to meet response timeframes

and note that NCRs need to be closed well in advance
of your accreditation expiration to avoid any lapse of
Additional Resources
Slide 62

• RCCA and NCR guideline response – a link is

attached to each NCR for these. If you want to find
out more prior to the audit, download the eAuditNet
Supplier’s Guide from eAuditNet under the Public
documents menu. The RCCA tutorial is available on
the PRI website,

• FAQ’s are available on eAuditNet under the sub-

menu of Welding in the public documents menu.
NCSI Agenda
Slide 63

• Introduction

• General Preparation Steps

• Welding Checklist Review

• Welding Common Findings

• Contacts & Additional

Slide 64

Weld Staff Engineers:

• Ian Simpson
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 870 350 5011
• Mike Gutridge
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel +1 740 587 9841
Slide 65

Weld Committee Service Representatives

• Louise Belak
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel +1 724 772 1616 ext 8115
• Samantha Jeswald
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel +1 724 772 1616 ext 8161
• Mercedes Rodriguez
e-mail: [email protected]
Te +44 870 350 5011
Slide 66

• Contact Staff Engineers for any technical issue

related to the checklist / audit.
• Contact the Committee Service Representatives
for any administration issues / help with
• Contact your relevant Scheduling department for
any changes required to your audit scope / audit
Nadcap Meeting Information
Slide 67

 Available at
 Minutes & Agendas
• Keep up with Task Group activities
• Participate in Task Group decisions

 Plan to attend Open Meeting – Suppliers are always

 Attend the Supplier Support Committee (SSC)
 Get involved – Join the SSC!
SSC Meeting Information
Slide 68

 Operates independent of the Task Groups – focus on overall

issues common to suppliers – not technical or Task Group

 Attend the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) meeting to

learn about ongoing projects:
• Communications & Mentoring
• Metrics
• Survey

 Get involved – Join the SSC! Volunteers Needed!

Slide 67

Nadcap Meeting Info

Slide 68
Key Points
Slide 71

 Conduct a thorough and complete self-audit to

the checklist.
 Pay close attention to common findings.
 Complete a thorough and complete root cause
analysis and document this in your NCR
responses in the appropriate format.
 Share this information with others!

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