Use of English: Abstract Nouns and Compound Nouns

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Use of English

Abstract nouns and Compound nouns

Abstract nouns
• Abstract nouns name ideas, qualities, feelings and concernns.
Examples: Belief, thought, beauty

• Many abstract nouns are formed by adding suffixes to verbs

or adjectives. We often add theses suffixes to verbs
ment appointment
ion Discussion
tion Imagination
ation Examination
Sion Invasion
Compound nouns
• Made up of two or more words. Compound
nouns may be made from different parts of
speech. Some common examples are:
• Noun + noun Example: Sun+glasses
• Adjective + noun Example: Full+moon
• Noun + verb(ing) Example: Sun+rise
Using abstract and compound nouns

• 1. Complete the following sentences with abstract nouns

formed from the words in brackets
• A) our guide give us a lot of______________(inform)
• B) before______________ fell, we saw spectacular sunset.
• C) the rain didn't spoil our______________(enjoy)

• 2. Make as many compound nouns as you can from the box


• Scuba water storm Fall rain Diving drop thunder

Find the 5 abstract nouns and the 5 compound
nouns in the following paragraph

I felt such excitement as we approached the
waterfall. When we finally arrived, the power of
the water was the huge surprise. Where in my
waterproof raincoat strong walking shoes I stood
on the slippery footpath. I watched with
amazement, felt the spray and took photos of a
beautiful rainbow. This was an adventure I will
never forget.
Countable and Uncountable nouns
• Countable nouns refer to things there we can count. Most countable nouns can be
singular or plural. Examples: a lake, two waterfalls

• Uncountable nouns refer to things that we cannot count, such as

• Substances and materials such as bread water cotton and air
• Ideas and Concepts such as knowledge and advice
• Weather words such as thunder rain and snow
• Activities such as tennis swimming and sleep

• Most uncountable nouns do not have a plural form. We cannot see advices

• Some nouns can be countable and uncountable depending on how they were used
• Examples: I put a glass on the table. (countable)
• This table is made of glass. (uncountable)
Using countable and uncountable nouns

• Make two lists using the heading ‘Countable’

and ‘Uncountable’. Put the nouns from the
shopping list below in the correct list
Shopping list
Salt Spinach eggs oranges
toothpaste milk carrot Sun cream
onions potatoes tomatoes shampoo

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