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pronouns adverbs

1adjectives verb

nouns interjections

conjunction preposition

Nouns refer to words that name people, places, things, or ideas

Noun can be plural or singular

Add –S to prulalize
House Houses most count noun
Bag Bags
Glass Glasses Add –es to prulaize
count noun ending
Beach Beaches ss,ch, s, sh, x
Fox Foxes
Tomato Tomatoes Add –es / -s to nouns
ending in o
Video Videos
Baby Babies Add –es nouns ending
with consonant + y
Noun can be count or non count
Examples :
• I bought a chair
• Sam bought three chairs
Chair is a count noun, chairs are items that can be counted

• We bought some furniture

• Incorrect : we bought some furnitures
• Incorrect : we bought a furniture
Furnitures is a non count noun,in grammar furniture can’t be

A chair Chairs A count noun :

One chair Two chairs 1. May be preceded by a/an
Some chairs in the singular
A lot of chairs 2. Takes a final –s/-es in the
COUNT NOUN Many chairs plural

Furniture A non count noun

Some furniture 1. It’s immadiately preceded
A lot of furniture by a/an
Much furniture 2. Has no plural, so doesn’t
NON COUNT NOUN - take a final –s/-es
Example :
I read a book. It was good A pronoun it refers to a book

Subject pronoun
Are used as subject of sentences
1. John has a new car, he drives to work.
2. Mariana and Lina go to Bali once in a year, they go to bali by plane.

Object pronoun
Are used as object as a verb, as in example number (1) Or an object of a prepotitions as
in example number (2)
3. John works in a office, I know him well.
4. I told them to take care.
Possesive pronoun
Are not followed immediately by a noun, they stand alone.
1. That book is hers
2. This balls are yours

Posssesive adjective
Are followed immediately by a noun, they don’t stand alone
1. Her book is here.
her followed by book, book is a noun
2. Your ball is kicked by that boy
your followed by ball, ball is a noun
Possesive pronoun
Are not followed immediately by a noun, they stand alone.
1. That book is hers
2. This balls are yours

Posssesive adjective
Are followed immediately by a noun, they don’t stand alone
1. Her book is here.
her followed by book, book is a noun
2. Your ball is kicked by that boy
your followed by ball, ball is a noun
Indefinite pronoun

Example : everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, something,

anyone, anybody, anything

Somebody left his book on the desk

Everyone has their own idea

*indefinite pronoun dianggap sebagai singular

Adjectives are words that modify nouns or pronouns.
Some adjective can be formed by attaching some
suffixes to verbs or noun.
Example :

Maudy is a beautiful girl

That car is so expensive

Our love is endless

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, ajective. A word is an adverbs if it answer
question how, when or where

Ex. Fast, beautifully,

Ex.In the morning, At 7.00
pm, in the afternoon

Ex. Here, there, in the
school, at home
Examples :
Adverb of time
I wake up at 7.00 am
I studied english last night Adverb of manner
I am going to go shopping tomorrow Grace dances gracefully
He drives his car carefully
I studied math dilligently
Adverb of place
I go to school
I was here yesterday
Do you visit your grandma’s home
Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses.

Coordinating Correlative conjunction

Subordinating Ex: not only + but also,
conjunction either + or, neither +
Ex: for, and, but, so, yet,
Ex: as, before, after, nor, both + and
Coordinating conjunction
Ex: for, and, but, so, yet, or

Example in a sentence :
I choose a education of english for my major in college
Nazwa and Oriza are studying in the same college
Alan is good at english but poor at math
The theme of tonight’s graduation party is yet to decide
Please turn on your mic, so I can hear your voice
Do you prefer to choose coffee or tea?
Subordinating conjunction
Ex: as, before, after, because

Example in a sentence :
Because of the nonstops rain, we had to cancel our trip
I’ll see you again after we came back from holiday
I’d like to talk to you before you go home
I helped him because he was a good time
Let’s go out as soon as Peter arrives
Correlative conjunction
Ex: not only + but also, either + or, neither + nor, both + and

Example in a sentence :
Not only me but also Johnny watched the football match last night.
They can have either whiskey or wine on the party
Neither Andita nor Erika visited Hongkong last year
Both my brothers and my sisters are having dinner now
Verb has some forms
Verb can be regular and irregular

V1 V2 V3
Accept Accepted Accepted

Beg Begged Begged

Check Checked Checked

Dry Dried Dried

Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed

Help Helped Helped

Paint Painted Painted

V1 V2 V3

Eat Ate Eaten

Drink Drank Drunk

Cut Cut Cut

Fly Flew Flown

Meet Met Met

Take Took Taken

Go Went Gone
General Examples:
The kid hid herself in the living room.
Spesific My mom passed away in 2021
ON What are you doing on Saturday?
The watch is hung on the wall.
spesific I get up at 6.00 am o’clock
The stress is so quiet at night

are word that show emotion. It may come in the beginning of

sentences, in the middle of sentences, or stands alone

Examples :

Gee! That bug is tiny.

The answer to that math question is, uh 90.

Whoops! I am almost slipping on the floor.

If you are considering entering Into a business
Cojunction pronoun to be preposition verb preposition non-count noun

are involved with an existing business, there are

To be verb preposition noun adverb of place to be

a number of different way to structure your business

non-count noun preposition adjective noun verb pronoun noun

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