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Salient Features

Indian Society

Presented By,
Nirmala Surbhi (MBA)
Roll NO.28
“Unity through
diversity” is the
theme of the
approximately one
billion people that
live in a country
that is so big, it’s
called a
Features of Indian Society
Class & Caste Structure
Unity in diversity
Agrarian Society
Joint Family structure
Coexistence of materialism & spiritualism

Features of Indian Society include two

 1.Features related to Rural Society
2.Features related to urban Society
What is Class?
The class denotes a category or group of persons
having a definite status in society which determines
their relation to other groups.
The social classes are those groups (not legally or
religiously defined and sanctioned) they are relatively
open not closed.
Their basis is indisputably economic but they are
more than economic groups.
What is Caste?
The word caste derives from the Spanish and
Portuguese “casta”, means “race, lineage, or breed”.
Portuguese employed casta in the modern sense when
they applied it to hereditary Indian social groups called
as ‘jati’ in India. It is a unique system associated with
Indian subcontinent.
• 1. Caste is Innate
• 2. Restriction on Food Habits
• 3. Caste is Endogamous
• 4. Hierarchical Social Structure
• 5. Occupation is Fixed
• 6.Increase in the Organisational Power of Caste
• 7. Political Role of Caste
• 8. Protection for Scheduled Castes and other Backward Classes
Difference between Caste and Class
A state of society in which members of diverse ethnic, racial,
religious, or social groups maintain and develop their
traditional culture or special interest within the confines of
a common civilization
In India, Hindus and Hindi-speaking people are the
majority, but people of other backgrounds, religions, and
languages also live there.
The practice of secularism in India is often denounced on the
grounds that, a strict separation of the religious and non-
religious practices is not possible. However, instead of arguing
for such an untenable position, it might be better to define
secularism as the separation of some religious and non-religious
institutions as Rajeev Bhargava does. In his discussion on Indian
secularism he argues that while an overall commitment to the
principles of social- democracy guided the Indian Constitution
makers to the adoption of the principles of secularism, the
immediate context of deteriorating Hindu-Muslim relations and
the Partition were the major factors that influenced our
adoption of secular principles.
Secularism in India refers to the equal status and treatment of
all religions. This word was added in Indian constitution
preamble by 42nd amendment.
Unity In diversity
The bond of unity of India is found in its geo-political
integration. India is known for its geographical unity
marked by the Himalayas in the north and the oceans
on the other sides. Politically India is now a sovereign
About 6 major religions
More than 1500 spoken languages
5 major racial groups
Number of sects within the religion
Agrarian Society
About 70% of the population in India resides in the rural
areas and almost half the population is engages in
agriculture as a major source of livelihood. It is usually
said that heart of India lies in its villages & proved by
the statistics as well as the culture of rural areas.
Joint Family System
The Indian culture lies in its age-long prevailing
tradition of the joint family system. It’s a system under
which even extended members of a family like one’s
parents, children, the children’s spouses and their
offspring, etc. live together. The elder-most, usually
the male member is the head in the joint Indian family
system who makes all important decisions and rules,
whereas other family members abide by it dutifully
with full respect.
Coexistence of Materialism and Spiritualism
Spiritualism’s main focus is to promote an individual’s
personal experience with God. Whereas the
materialism is a tendency to consider material
possessions and physical comfort as more important
than spiritual values.
 when it comes to inner evolution/spiritual progress,
Indians are much ahead of them. In every century we
are producing numerous enlightened.
Social Problems in Indian Society
Population Explosion
Communalism & Communal Violence
Youth Unrest & Agitation
Violence Against Women
Thank You

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