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Nama Kelompok:
1. Dita Arlinda
2. Febby Valentina
3. Rizqi Aulia Romadhoni
1. Language style in sociolinguistics
Language style is defined as the choice of words used by a specific group of
people when speak in a place and in one condition. Language Style is pivotal of
construct in the study of sociolinguistics variation.
2. Language Variation
Everyone speaks at least one language, and probably most people in the
world speak more than one. Even Americans, most of whom speak only English,
usually know more than one dialect. Certainly no one talks exactly the same way
at all times. The language variation exist because of the use of single language
which is different within a single community, such as men do not speak like
women, and older people do not speak like younger people.

Lingo Accent

3. Style
Style is more related with the situations than with the speakers themselves.
a.Language Style
Language is not simply a means of communicating information about a
subject, but it is also a very important means of establishing and maintaining
relationships with other people
b.Kinds of Language Style
The researcher uses the same of Sociolinguistic theory purposed Martin Joss
claims (1976: 153-155) that which is discusses five style of language: frozen
style, a formal style, a consultative style, a casual style, and intimate style. The
explanations of those styles are follows:
- Frozen Style (Oratorical Style)  
It is the most formal style used in formal situations and ceremonies such as in
palace, church, speech of state of state ceremony, and some other occasions
such as
in palace, church, speech of state ceremony, and some other
occasions. Example: Stated in the Introduction Fundamental constitution 1945.
- Formal Style (Deliberative Style)  
Formal style is defined as the style of language that used for important or
serious situation. Formal style used in school by students, teacher, lecturer,
Example: Mr. Muji: Do you want to learn this course?  
- Consultative Style  
Consultative style is style that which used in semiformal communication
situation. . There are basic part of the system, among them are “Yes, No, Huh,
Mm, That’s right “.  
- Casual Style  
Casual style is a style that is used for the conversation is relaxed or normal
situation that is appropriate to the conversation with our friends or sometimes
members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the students have a
1. Don’t get up!
2. Anybody home?
3. Hello guys, are you okay?
- Intimate Style
Intimate style is a completely private language developed within families,
lovers and close friends. The intimate labels are: dear, darling, honey and even
Mom, Dad, and other nicknames might use in this situation.
1. Cornelius : Hey darling, how are you?
2. What is it, honey?
c. Function of Language Style  
It means that language style can be very important factor in group
identification, group solidarity and the signaling of differences, and when a
group is under attack from outside, signal of difference may become more
important and are exaggerated. While Badiah (in Hidayat, 2004:11) defines the
functions of language stye as follows
1. To increase the Audience’s taste.
2. To persuade the reader.
3. To create certain mood.

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