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LECTURER : Surya Kelana Putra, S.Pd.I., M.Hum


Muhammad Abdurrahman Ray Nim. 0206212097

Nurul Yuso Sirait Nim. 0206212048
Rida Arantika Nim. 0206212084
Mhd Asdon Munthe Nim. 0206212103

Pronoun is a word that takes the

place of a noun
Types of Pronouns

 Personal pronouns
 the subject of a verb
 the object of a verb
 Possessive pronouns
 Reflexive pronoun
Demonstrative pronouns
 Indefinite pronouns
Reciprocal Pronouns
 Interrogative pronouns (or) Relative pronouns
 Other pronouns
Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns
represent specific
people or things. The subject of a verb :
I, you, he, she, it, we and they can all be
used as the subject of a verb.

Examples :

 Lisa likes cats. Lisa – proper noun (subject)

She has four cats. She – pronoun (subject)

The objective of a verb :
me, you, him, her, it, us and them can all be used as the object of a

Ex :
Lisa likes cats. She likes to stroke them.

the object of the verb

the object of the verb

Personal Pronouns
Subject Object
First person I Me
Second person You You

Third person He Him

She Her
It It
First person plural We Us

Second person plural You You

Third person plural They them

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns are used to talk about things that belong to people. The
words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs are possessive pronouns.

Examples :

 This book is mine.

 Have you lost yours, Tom ?
Singular personal pronoun Possessive pronouns
I, me Mine

You Yours

He, him His

She, her hers

Plural personal pronoun Possessive pronouns

We, us Ours

You Yours

They, them theirs

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are words that refer to the noun or pronoun that is the
subject of the verb. The words myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,
ourselves, yourselves and themselves are reflexive pronouns.

Examples :
 My brother built this computer himself
 John was looking at himself in the mirror
Some more examples :
• Be careful not to cut yourself with that knife.
• Our cat washes itself after every meal.
• We baked the cake by ourselves.
• Come in, everybody, and find yourselves a seat.
• The children cleaned their room all by themselves.
• Bears like to rub themselves against a tree.
• The bird washed itself by splashing in a puddle.
• The players train every day to keep themselves it.
Singular personal pronoun Reflexive pronoun
I (subject pronoun) Myself
Me (object pronoun) Myself
You (subject/object pronoun) Yourself
He (subject pronoun) Himself
Him(object pronoun) Himself
She(subject pronoun) Herself
It itself
Singular personal pronoun Reflexive pronoun
I (subject pronoun) Myself
Me (object pronoun) Myself
You (subject/object pronoun) Yourself
He (subject pronoun) Himself
Him(object pronoun) Himself
She(subject pronoun) Herself
It itself
Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are used for pointing out things. The words this,
that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns.

• These are my pets.
• These are sheep but those are goats.
• Those are horses.
Some more examples :

• This is my desk.
• This is the toni’s house.
• That is my friend’s house.
• That’s my mother’s car.
Indefinite Pronouns

An indefinite pronoun does not refer directly to any other word. Most
indefinite pronouns express he idea of quantity.

Examples :

• Everybody is welcome at the meeting.

• Many prefer their coffee with sugar.
• Does anybody care for a cheese sandwich?
• Few choose to live in the arid desert.
Indefinite Pronouns :
All Each Most Other

Another Either Neither Several

Any Everybody Nobody Some

Anybody Everyone No one Somebody

Anyone Few None Someone

both Many One such

Reciprocal Pronouns

It expresses a relationship between the individuals

indicated in the plural subject

Examples :

Two boys fought with each other.

Here :Each other is reciprocal pronoun.

Some More Examples

 The boys fought with one another.

 The members of the family love one another.

Interrogative Pronouns (or)
Relative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. The words who, whose, what,
which and whom are interrogative pronouns.


• Who used all my paper?

• Who is Mom talking to?
• Who are those people?
Some more examples :

• Whose pen is this?

• Whose are these shoes?
• What is your brother’s name?
• What does Tom want?
• What is the date today?
Other Pronoun
All Each Every Another

Both Either Neither Enough

Little Less Fewer Many

Most Several Some One

Any Few much


Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or noun pharse. If we

only used nouns to refer to people, animals, and things, our
sentences, both spoken and written, would be very long and
Thank You

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