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 Digital India is a campaign launched by the Government of India in order

to ensure the Government's services are made available to citizens
electronically by improved online infrastructure and by increasing
Internet connectivity or making the country digitally empowered in the
field of technology. The initiative includes plans to connect rural areas
with high-speed internet networks. It consists of three core components:
the development of secure and stable digital infrastructure, delivering
government services digitally, and universal digital literacy.
 Launched on 1 July 2015, by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, it is
both enabler and beneficiary of other key Government of India schemes,
such as BharatNet, Make in India, Startup India and Standup India,
industrial corridors, Bharatmala, Sagarmala
 As of 31 December 2018, India had a population of 130 crore people
(1.3 billion), 123 crore (1.23 billion) Aadhaar digital biometric identity
cards, 121 crore (1.21 billion) mobile phones, 44.6 crore (446 million)
smartphones, 56 crore (560 million) internet users up from 481 million
people (35% of the country's total population) in December 2017, and 51
per cent growth in e-commerce.

The Digital India programme is centred on three key vision areas:

Digital Infrastructure as a Core Utility to Every Citizen

 Availability of high speed internet as a core utility for delivery of services to citizens
 Cradle to grave digital identity that is unique, lifelong, online and authenticable to every citizen
 Mobile phone & bank account enabling citizen participation in digital & financial space
 Easy access to a Common Service Centre
 Shareable private space on a public cloud
 Safe and secure cyber-space
Governance & Services on Demand
 Seamlessly integrated services across departments or jurisdictions
 Availability of services in real time from online & mobile platforms
 All citizen entitlements to be portable and available on the cloud
 Digitally transformed services for improving ease of doing business
 Making financial transactions electronic & cashless
 Leveraging Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) for decision support systems & development
Digital Empowerment of Citizens
 Universal digital literacy
 Universally accessible digital resources
 Availability of digital resources / services in Indian languages
 Collaborative digital platforms for participative governance
 Citizens not required to physically submit Govt. documents / certificates
 BJP Election Manifesto 2014 aimed to nurture a Digital India thereby
making every household and every individual digitally empowered..
 The party aims to make every household digitally literate with a goal to
make India the Global Knowledge hub, with IT being a major driver and
engine of growth.
 The manifesto has a strong focus on e-Governance as BJP believes IT is a
great enabler for empowerment, equity and efficiency.The party is
focusing on: broadbanding villages; participative governance; digital
learning; tele-medicine and mobile healthcare; open source and open
standard; E-Bhasha; and others.
Broadband Highways
This covers three sub components, namely Broadband for All - Rural, Broadband.
Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity
This initiative focuses on network penetration and filling the gaps in connectivity in the country.
Public Internet Access Programme
The two sub components of Public Internet Access Programme are Common Services Centres
Electronics Manufacturing
Target NET ZERO Imports is a striking demonstration of intent
Early Harvest Programmes
Early Harvest Programme basically consists of those projects which are to be implemented within short
e-Governance – Reforming Government through Technology
 Government Process Re-engineering using IT to simplify and make the government processes

eKranti - Electronic delivery of services

 Over the years, sustained efforts have been made at multiple levels to improve the delivery of public
Information for All
 Open Data platform facilitates proactive release of datasets in an open format by the ministries/departments

IT for Jobs
 This pillar focuses on providing training to the youth in the skills required for availing employment
opportunities in the IT/ITES sector.

 Digi locker

The service was launched as an important facility to store crucial documents like Voter ID Card, Pan
Card, BPL Card, Driving License, education certificates, etc. in the cloud.

The portal works as an online platform to engage citizens in governance through a “Discuss”, “Do” and
“Disseminate” approach.
 eSign Framework

This initiative would enable users to digitally sign a document online using Aadhaar authentication.
 Swach Bharat Mission mobile app

The app will enable organizations and citizens to access information regarding the cleanliness drive and
achieve the goals of the mission.
 National Scholarship Portal

This initiative aims at making the scholarship process easy. From submitting the application, verification, sanction
and disbursal to end beneficiary, everything related to government scholarships can be done on this single portal
 eHospital

Online Registration System under this initiative enables people to avail services like online registration, payment of
fees and appointment, online diagnostic reports, checking on the availability of blood online, etc.
 Digitize India Platform

This initiative will involve digitization of data and records on a large scale in the country to make easy and quick
access to them possible.
 Bharat Net

Under this initiative, a high-speed digital highway will connect all 250,000 gram panchayats of the country. This is
the world’s largest rural broadband project using optical fibre.
 Wi-fi Hotspots

Development of high speed BSNL wi-fi hotspots throughout the country is yet another initiative to improve digital
connectivity in the country.
 Next Generation Network

Launched by BSNL, this service will replace 30-year old telephone exchanges to manage all types of services like
voice, data, multimedia and other types of communication services.
 Electronics Development Fund

The fund will be set up to support the manufacturing of electronics products that would help create new jobs and
reduce import. The funds will promote innovation, research and product development to create a resource pool within
the country.
 Centre of Excellence on Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT will help the citizens in services like transport system, parking, electricity, waste management, water management
and women’s safety to create smart cities, smart health services, smart manufacturing and smart agriculture, etc.
 Emphasizing on transparency and an efficient interface between the government and
citizens of India, the United Progressive Alliance launched the National e-Governance
Plan in 2006. As it benefited only 18% of the middle class population, the National
Democratic Alliance reinvigorated the same by addressing the major lacunae of
digital empowerment and knowledge based economy under the umbrella program of
“Digital India”. The government has tried digitizing almost all the sectors of the
economy. Increased internet accessibility, mobile connectivity and banking facilities
were brought under the ‘Digital Infrastructure’, transforming services and making
them available online on a single window under ‘Governance and e-Services on
Demand’. Participative governance was encouraged by universalizing digital literacy
under ‘Digital Empowerment’.
 Besides the services that will be electronically provided under e-Kranti, not only will
the information of the government functioning be accessible online but a platform to
engage citizens will also be initiated under the ‘Discuss’ and ‘Dissemination’
Approach. Coupled with making the government accountable to the citizens, it will
enable the citizens to participate in the democratic framework of the country beyond
exercising basic voting rights. The campaign for “Digital India” unfolded on 1st July,
2015. Before the announcement of the Union Budget 2016-17, improvement was
observed in mobile manufacturing from Rs. 5.4 Cr. in 2014-15 to Rs. 11 Cr. in 2015-
16. To give a boost to the same, Rs. 120,294 Cr. was allocated in the budget and duty
advantage in comparison with imported goods were given to encourage the domestic
manufacturing of components.

 Creation of Digital Infrastructure and Electronic Manufacturing in Native India.

 Digital Empowerment of Native Indian People.
 Delivery of all Government Services electronically (E-Governance).
 A Digital Identification which will verify the end user.
 A Mobile for worldwide access to all services.
 A Bank account for Immediate Benefit Transfers of subsidies and payments.
 The program also aims to eliminate all electronics imports from foreign countries by
2020 and make India electronics manufacturing super power.
 Idle government RFPs- Many Request for Proposals (RFPs) issued by the government are not being

taken by competent private sector organizations due to lack of commercial viability.

 Poor connectivity - India needs over 80 lakhs hotspots compare to 31000 presently available.
 Proper policy making - lack of proper policy making all over the world also acts as an challenges

against the implementation of the programme.

 Making digital India scheme known and creating awareness regarding digital literacy is itself a big

 Slow and delayed infrastructure development- India’s digital infrastructure is comprehensively

inadequate to tackle growing increase in digital transactions in India.

 India is a country of varieties of languages. Non availability of the digital services in all local

languages is also a major problem regarding the implementation of the digital India programme.
 Fear of cyber crime and breach of privacy.
 Status now is not whether you are awake or asleep, it is whether you are online or offline
 Facebook, twitter, Instagram, they are the new neighbourhood of our new world
 The most fundamental debate of our youth is the choice between android, IOS or Windows
 Twitter today has turned everyone into a reporter
 Social media is reducing social barriers. It connects people on the strength of human values, not
 California is one of the last places to see the sunset. But it is here that new ideas that see the first light
of the day
 In the digital age we have an opportunity to transforms lives of people in ways that was hard to
imagine a couple of decades ago
 We must ensure that technology is accessible, affordable and adds value
 I see technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and
 The pace at which are taking to digital technology defies our stereotypes of age education, income and

 According to analysts, the Digital India plan could boost GDP up to $1 trillion by 2025. It can play a
key role in macro-economic factors such as GDP growth, employment generation, labor productivity,
growth in number of businesses and revenue leakages for the Government.
 As per the World Bank report, a 10% increase in mobile and broadband penetration increases the per
capita GDP by 0.81% and 1.38% respectively in the developing countries. India is the 2nd largest
telecom market in the world with 915 million wireless subscribers and world’s 3rd largest Internet
market with almost 259 million broadband users. There is still a huge economic opportunity in India as
the tele-density in rural India is only 45% where more than 65% of the population lives. Future growth
of telecommunication industry in terms of number of subscribers is expected to come from rural areas
as urban areas are saturated with a tele-density of more than 160%.
 Social sectors such as education, healthcare, and banking are unable to reach out to the citizens due to
obstructions and limitations such as middleman, illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, lack of funds,
information and investments. These challenges have led to an imbalanced growth in the rural and
urban areas with marked differences in the economic and social status of the people in these areas.
 Modern ICT makes it easier for people to obtain access to services and resources. The penetration of
mobile devices may be highly useful as a complementary channel to public service delivery apart from
creation of entirely new services which may have an enormous impact on the quality of life of the
users and lead to social modernization.
 The poor literacy rate in India is due to unavailability of physical infrastructure in rural and remote
areas. This is where m-Education services can play an important role by reaching remote masses.
According to estimates, the digital literacy in India is just 6.5% and the internet penetration is 20.83
out of 100 population. The digital India project will be helpful in providing real-time education and
partly address the challenge of lack of teachers in education system through smart and virtual

 The major changes in the technology space will not only brought changes to the economic system but
will also contribute to the environmental changes.
 The next generation technologies will help in lowering the carbon footprint by reducing fuel
consumption, waste management, greener workplaces and thus leading to a greener ecosystem. The
ICT sector helps in efficient management and usage of scarce and non-renewable resources.
 Cloud computing technology minimizes carbon emissions by improving mobility and flexibility. The
energy consumption can be decreased from 201.8 terawatt hour (TWh) in 2010 to 139.8 TWh in 2020
by higher adoption of cloud data centers causing a 28% reduction in carbon footprint from 2010 levels.

 More than 12,000 rural post office branches have been linked digitally and soon payment banking would
also become a reality for them.
 The government also plans to make ‘digital village’ across the country, by linking all schemes with
technology. The ‘digital village’ would be powered by LED lighting, solar energy, skill development centres
and e-services like e-education and e-health.
 Electronic transactions related to e-governance projects in the country have almost doubled in 2015, owing
to the Digital India Programme. According to government website electronic transaction aggregation and
analysis layer (eTaal), 3.53 billion transactions took place in 2014, which almost doubled in 2015 to 6.95
 The progressive policies and aggressive focus on ‘Make in India’ have played a significant role in the
resurgence of the electronics manufacturing sector.


 Are you aware of digital india project?
Ans: I’ve heard of the name
 Do you think the digital india project will uplift the standard living in rural areas?

Ans: yes
 Do you think rural people can be able to adopt the digital change in our country?

 What do you think as the most benefited sector out of digitilisation

Ans: general awareness

 Do you think digital india project will get success

Ans: agree
 What rating would you give to digital india project?

Ans: good


 Are you aware of digital india project?
Ans: Yes
 Do you think the digital india project will uplift the standard living in rural areas?

Ans: no
 Do you think rural people can be able to adopt the digital change in our country?

Ans: I don’t think so

 What do you think as the most benefited sector out of digitilisation?

Ans: E-literacy
 Do you think digital india project will get success?

Ans: no idea
 What rating would you give to digital india project?

Ans: average


 Are you aware of digital india project?
Ans: Yes
 Do you think the digital india project will uplift the standard living in rural areas?

Ans: yes
 Do you think rural people can be able to adopt the digital change in our country?

 What do you think as the most benefited sector out of digitilisation

Ans: general awareness

 Do you think digital india project will get success

Ans: disagree
 What rating would you give to digital india project?

Ans: good


 Are you aware of digital india project?
Ans: I’ve heard of the name
 Do you think the digital india project will uplift the standard living in rural areas?

Ans: yes
 Do you think rural people can be able to adopt the digital change in our country?

Ans:no idea
 What do you think as the most benefited sector out of digitilisation

Ans: don’t know

 Do you think digital india project will get success

Ans: agree
 What rating would you give to digital india project?

Ans: excellent


 Are you aware of digital india project?
Ans: yes
 Do you think the digital india project will uplift the standard living in rural areas?

Ans: I don’t think so

 Do you think rural people can be able to adopt the digital change in our country?

Ans: maybe
 What do you think as the most benefited sector out of digitilisation

Ans: general awareness

 Do you think digital india project will get success

Ans: agree
 What rating would you give to digital india project?

Ans: good

 Digital India initiative or internet can be used as a tool to enhance knowledge, faster
progress and for perfect result, however, no chance of big scale employment as
publicized by the ruling party. However, misuse of internet may unbalance the entire
social development process and do more bad than good. Hence, entire 'Digital India'
programme is to be re framed to make it maximum beneficial for all class of citizen
of India.
 Success of Digital India is possible when at least more than 50% population of our
country get benefit from this, but, that is far away from reality.
 Government should have a drive like ‘Healthy and Educated India’ and I feel this
could include all major initiatives i.e. ‘Make in India’ , ‘Digital India’ and ‘Skill
India’ and it would be more beneficial.

 A digitally connected India can help in improving social and economic condition of
people through development of non-agricultural economic activities apart from
providing access to education, health and financial services. However, it is important
to note that ICT alone cannot directly lead to overall development of the nation. The
overall growth and development can be realized through supporting and enhancing
elements such as literacy, basic infrastructure, overall business environment,
regulatory environment, etc.


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