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- Movies, televisions
- Present perfect simple
Movie credits
1. the credits : danh sách các diễn viên, đạo
diễn, người quay phim,… đã thực hiện một
bộ phim hoặc chương trình tivi
2. involve: bao hàm.
The course involves a great deal of hard work.
3. screenplay: kịch bản phim
4. direct /v/ làm đạo diễn (phim, kịch…)
direction /n/ director: đạo diễn
5. edit : biên tập
editor noun [count] người biên tập
6. cast /kAst/ verb : chọn diễn viên
casting noun : việc chọn diễn viễn
7. a feature film phim chính
8. someday : một ngày nào đó
Someday I’ll meet the right woman and we’ll get married.
9. quit : GIVE UP: từ bỏ
quit doing something: Tell him to quit laughing at me.
10. get started : to begin doing something
We couldn’t wait to get started on the next job.
11. low-level : without much importance, power, or
12. frustrating : làm nản lòng, gây bực dọc
It’s frustrating to wait all day for a repairman who doesn’t
show up.
13. mean : nghĩa là, có nghĩa là
When you shake your head it usually means “no.”
meaning : ý nghĩa
It seems that the clothes have a deep religious
14. end up : rốt cuộc
15. tiring : gây mệt mỏi
Teaching small children is very tiring.
16. work on something : to spend time
producing or improving something.
He’ll have to work on getting fit before
the game.
17. progress: sự tiến triển, sự phát triển
in progress: đang được làm, đang tiếp
Listen to this interview with Jennifer.

Which jobs has she done?

Which job would she like to do?

• She has done writing and directing mainly.

She has written one screen play.
• She’d like to do some film editing.
Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false)
F 1 Jennifer works in movies full-time.
___ 2 It was easy for her to finish writing her
first screenplay.
___3 Making her movie took about four years.
___4 She wants to work with a famous actress
in the future.
___5 She didn't enjoy shooting the movie
because it was too tiring.
___6 She has many ideas for making future
Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false)
F 1 Jennifer works in movies full-time.
F 2 It was easy for her to finish writing her first
T 3 Making her movie took about four years.
T 4 She wants to work with a famous actress in
the future.
F 5 She didn't enjoy shooting the movie
because it was too tiring.
T 6 She has many ideas for making future
• Bringing the Horses Home: Cowboys, horses, and the Wild
West. An old-fashioned western!
• All Over the Universe: Crazy adventures around the galaxy.
Science fiction and comedy in one movie!
• Bird World: A documentary about birds around the world.
• Queen of the Mountain: Beautiful drawing and well- known
actors' voices make this animated movie a "must see" for both
kids and adults.
• The Night: Ghosts, blood, and Other scare things. Only for those
who love a good horror movie!
The present perfect tense
You Have
We ‘ve
He Past participle
She Has
It ‘s
Put the adverb in the correct place
in each sentence

E.g. Have you watched that video yet? (yet)

1. It’s 5:00 p.m. and Joe hasn't finished the
editing work. (still)
2. Sonia's been in three movies. (already)
3. I'm hungry. It's 11:00 a.m. and I haven't had
breakfast. (still)
4. Let’s go to a movie. I haven't seen the new
one at the Lagoon Theater. (yet)
Put the adverb in the correct place
in each sentence

E.g. Have you watched that video yet? (yet)

1. It’s 5:00 p.m. and Joe still hasn't finished the
editing work.
2.Sonia's (already) been in three movies already
3. I'm hungry. It's 11:00 a.m. and I still haven't
had breakfast.
4. Let’s go to a movie. I haven't seen the new
one at the Lagoon Theater yet.
Say what Conrad has done or hasn’t done.

Example: He hasn't called Henry Lansing yet.

OR He still hasn't called Henry Lansing.
Ask and answer these questions

1. What’s your favorite movie? Why?

2. Who are your favorite actors/ actresses or directors?
3. What types of movie don’t you like? Why?
4. What movies have you seen more than once?
5. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently? What’s the
6. What new movie do you want to see, but haven’t seen
Complete the conversation
Complete the conversation

If u ask me

I don’t think Maybe

I guess so

I suppose you are right

1. genuine ['dʒenjuin] (adj): chân thật, xác thực
2. thriller ['θrilə] (n): phim giật gân
3. character ['kæriktə] (n): nhân vật
4. murderer ['mə:dərə] (n) kẻ giết người
5. fascinating ['fæsineitiη] (adj): hấp dẫn, lôi
6. exceptional [ik'sep∫ənl] (adj): hiếm có
7. superb [su:'pə:b] (adj): tuyê ̣t vời, xuất sắc
Read the review again and answer the
following questions.
1. What type of movie is it?

2. Who are the main characters? What happens in

the movie?

3. What is special about the movie?

4. What are the summary points that end the

Fill in the blank with an appropriate adj
Find and correct five more mistakes
Circle the number that indicates how much you
agree or disagree

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