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RasGas Expansion Project Phase 2 -

AKG-2 Project
RGPMS Gate 4 Review Package

December 3, 2007
Doha, Qatar

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 1 December 3, 2007


• Gate 4 Review of Purpose and Objectives

• Project Overview
• Development/Business Planning
• Commitment/Appropriation
• Organization
• Technical Definition
• Execution
• Cost and Schedule
• Procurement
• Independent Project Reviews
• Management of Change
• Reporting
• Back-up

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 2 December 3, 2007

Gate 4 Review Objective

• To review the status of the AKG-2 Project Gate 4 deliverables.
• To seek Venture Manager’s endorsement of the Gate 4 review package.

• All Gate 4 deliverables are complete or there is an agreed plan in place to complete.
• An Onshore Construction Readiness Review (CRR) was completed in June 2007.
– The CRR Team determined that the Onshore project team was ready to proceed
with the construction phase of the project.
• An Offshore Construction Readiness Review (CRR) and Construction Risk Assessment
will be conducted in 1Q08 which aligns with the Offshore fabrication schedule.
• RGX-2 Onshore and Offshore Project Managers support and endorse AKG-2 Gate 4
• RGX2 Senior Project Manager endorses project passing through Gate 4

• Venture Manager endorses the passage of the AKG-2 Project through Gate 4.

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 3 December 3, 2007

AKG-2 Project Scope
Cost for October 2007, inclusive of SCSA

Status - October 2007

Approved Current
PROJECT Funding Forecast Project Schedule
AKG-2 Onshore $2,208M $2,186M On Plan - Aug, 2009
AKG-2 Offshore $465M $452M On Plan - Aug, 2009
Drilling AKG-2 $489M $489M
Waste Water Injection Well $12M $12M
AKG-1 C2 Recovery $58M $57M On Plan - Nov, 2008
On-Plot Condensate Handling $19M $19M
Beach Valves
TOTAL $3,251M $3,215M
Costs include SCSA funds (not released to RG) and Forex impacts
Costs exclude Buy-Ins and RG Corporate costs

Onshore Facilities Built (Replicated Units w/ Tr6) Onshore Facilities Shared Offshore Facilities Built
• Inlet Gas Treating • Slugcatcher: Tie-in to slugcatcher No.3 • Platforms: Install WHP-10/11
with RGX2 and No.2 with RGX
• Acid Gas Removal • Drilling: 15 total wells – 8 on WHP 10 & 7
• LPG Storage & Loading: Share in Common on WHP11 – most to be drilled, pre-
• Dehydration and Mercaptan Removal LPG Storage and Loading facilities topsides
• Mercury Removal • Flare: Share in facilities installed with RG
• Pipelines: AKG-2’s WH 10 & 11 have 2
• Tr 6
NGL Recovery 28” pipeline tie-ins (one 2 km Wet Gas
• Common Condensate Storage & Loading: Intrafield Pipeline from WHP 10 and one
• Fractionation Plant: Install C2+ fractionation units Share in facilities 3 km Wet Gas Intrafield Pipeline from
• Utilities: Buy-in to RG Utilities: Power, WHP 11) to Tr 6/7’s 2 38” export
• Sulfur Recovery Water, Steam, Air, Nitrogen, Fuel Gas pipelines (primary lines to AKG-2 and Tr
• 6/7processing) coming form WH 6 & 8.
Sales Gas System Expansion w/ four additional • Common Molten Sulfur Storage and
compressors at Mesaieed Compressor Station Handling: Share in Common Sulfur • Add subsea “wyes” for future expansion
• Steam System sized to AKG-2 needs facilities in export pipelines to shore

• AKG-1 Ethane Recovery treatment and sales

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 4 December 3, 2007

Development / Business Planning

1. Development / Business Planning G3 G4 G5

• Project Objectives & Strategy (POS) statement, included in
1.1 Project Objectives & Project Objectives & Strategy (POS) F
PEP Section 2 and is fully aligned within Onshore and Strategies statement

Offshore. Project Categorization F

• The AKG-2 Project is a Category I project based on medium 1.2 Economics Business Case / Economic Model F

complexity and greater than $500M cost. Resource Definition F

• Business Case / Economic Model is fully developed and 1.3 External Affairs External Affairs - Issues defined/Plan F
managed by AKG Management. developed

Joint Venture Agreements

• The AKG-2 Resource Definition was defined by Subsurface
and is included in DBM Section 2 and Resource Commercial Agreements U F

Development Plan.
• The AKG-2 External Affairs plan defined and developed in Project Category Selection Matrix

the planning phase of the project. Overview analysis Exposure


described in PEP Section 4 and is in alignment with Venture Project Cost

$ > $500M $150M < $ < $500M $ < $150M

HSE / Potential Significant Moderate Minimum

External Affairs plan Higher Lower
Category I Category I Category II
+ New Technology
• Joint Venture Agreements are in place and held with AKG C +
Frontier Location
Low er contractor capability

management. m
+ Planned f ast track schedule

p + Non-routine or new RasGas Category I Category II Category III

• Commercial Agreements were conducted by the Commercial l application of existing
Group; 81 agreements, 45 completed, 36 outstanding: 26 x
+ Average contractor capability
+ High degree of coordination Train 6 & 7 Project
AKG-2 Project
i required (WIO, Govt, etc.)
with common facilities (LPG, etc.) stewarded by COP, 5 t Category II Category III Category III

revisions to existing FSA/FSDSA agreements, 5 with RGX2.

+ Conventional technology
+ Established infrastructure
+ Average to high contractor

Commercial Agreements to be completed by Commercial capability


Group supported by AKG-2 as required. 1

Perspective on placing projects on this matrix should be early evaluation phase (post Gate 1)
For complexity, one or more of the characteristics can control placement of a project on the matrix
For exposure, either project cost or HSE/political can

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 5 December 3, 2007


2. Commitment / Appropriation G3 G4 G5
2.1 Commitments Commitment / Appropriation Plan

2.2 Appropriation Advanced / Full Funding Package F

Financial Control Plan F

Financial Closeout - - -

Project Reappraisal - - -

• Commitment / Appropriation Plan as well as

Funding packages where developed at Gate 2
and are fully funded and held with AKG
• Financial Control is referenced in PEP Section 24,
and the AKG-2 Project is using the Venture
Financial Control Plan.
• Financial Closeout and Project Reappraisals will
be completed post Gate 5.
• Funding Letter excludes SCSA

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 6 December 3, 2007


• Approved Joint Organization Plan for RGX-2 covers AKG-2 3. Organization G3 G4 G5

Staffing. VOCs in-place, with signed Organization Charts 3.1 Organizational Plan Organization Plan U U F

and fully aligned Venture Organization Plan. The 3.2 Team Performance Team Building & Alignment U U U
Organization Plan provides detailed PMT profiles and is
documented in 07’ WP&B. Currently: 3.3 Training & Career Development Training & Career Development
Plan for PMT

• Onshore staffing includes 244 approved positions

• 193 positions filled RGX2 Senior Project
W. Bacon (EM)

• 51 vacancies with projection to fill by 1Q08

• Offshore staffing includes 32 approved positions RGX2 Offshore
Project Manager
RGX2 Onshore
Project Manager
RGX2 Technical
A. Goins (EM) D. Smith (EM) D. Williams (EM)

• 31 positions filled
RGX2 Onshore RGX2 Onshore RGX2 Onshore RGX2 Special RGX2 Completions RGX2 Onshore RGX2 Onshore
Business Manager Engineering Mgr Construction Mgr Projects Manager Manager Quality Manager SHE Manager
• 1 vacancy with projection to fill by 1Q08 N.L. Robertson (EM) G.E. Mayhall (EM) J. Lee (EM) G. Lobrecht (EM) D. Brixey (EM) H. Al-Naimi (RG) J. Curtis (C)
RGX2 Onshore Incremental Headcount (Thru VOC#35)

• OED personnel involved in project execution and responsible 250

Oct07 Actual
(202 FT Staff) Tr6 AKG2

for commissioning and start-up plans for the Facilities M AC M AC


• Team building sessions held in September 2006, February 200 AKG2 Plan

2007, and June 2007 for Offshore. Onshore teambuilding Headcount (Staff Months)

with CTR in February 2007, October 2007, with additional 150 Train 7 Plan

session scheduled for December 2007.


• Training & Career Development an on-going focus for Direct Train 6 Plan

Hires and Secondees within the PMT. In August, 2006 AKG- 50

2 graduated 9 Qatari nationals from a 9-month training

syllabus jointly created and executed by PMT and CTJV. 3 0















retained by RGX-2 projects

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 7 December 3, 2007

Technical Definition

• Development System Selection are Pre-Gate 3 activities and 4. Technical Definition G3 G4 G5

have been completed.

4.1 Development System Selection Project Development
Memorandum (PDM)
• The Design Basis Memorandum (DBM) is an integrated
Onshore/Offshore basis developed and approved in June Early Risk Assessment Plan
2006. Modification to the DBM are done through the PMOC
Conceptual Design Risk

• Project Specification and Standards are in-place. Assessment

• Risk Assessment Plan is fully developed and reviewed Conceptual Design

Constructability Review
(current version valid for October, 2007).
• Offshore conducted a Detailed HAZOP in March 2007; 12 of Project Constructability Plan

19 action items are closed, 2 of the remaining 7 items are

dependent on completion of the Operating Manual; the other 4. Technical Definition G3 G4 G5
5 are dependent on final piping layouts. Onshore conducted 4.2 Preliminary Design Design Basis Memorandum F
a Detailed HAZOP in February 2007; 760 action items (DBM)

identified and assigned to the respective parties, 558 closed. Project Spec and Standards I F

• Comprehensive Constructability Reviews completed for Risk Assessment Plan F

Onshore and Offshore; Constructability checklist developed Preliminary HAZOP F

and being executed.
Detailed HAZOP - F
• Offshore Construction Risk Assessment (CRA) planned for
1Q08; Individual Installation Risk Assessments to be Comprehensive Constructability

conducted per the Risk Assessment Plan. Onshore CRA Construction Risk Assessment - F
conducted in Jan 2007, action items being closed.
Operability Requirements/Specs F

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 8 December 3, 2007


5. Execution G3 G4 G5
• Lessons Learned (LL) employs the Venture LL process and
procedures with capture and application as part of the 5.1 Lessons Learned Apply Lessons Learned U U F

Continuous Improvement Data Base (CIDB). Capture Lessons Learned I U U

• AKG-2 Project Execution Plan (PEP) is an integrated 5.2 Project Execution Planning Early Project Execution Plan
(EPEP). Refer to comments.
Onshore/Offshore PEP developed and approved in July
2006. Project Execution Plan (PEP) F

• Offshore/Onshore Project Quality Plan developed using the 5.3 QA/QC Project Quality Plan F

Venture Quality Documents. 5.4 Safety and Health Project Safety Plan F

• Offshore/Onshore Site Safety Plan employs the EPC Site Safety Plan - F

Contractor Site Safety Plan.

Site Health Plan - F

• Offshore/Onshore Health Plan employs the Venture Health

Security Mgmt Plan - F
Site Security Plan F
• Offshore/Onshore Site Security Plan employs EPC
Contractor Security Plan and Venture Security Management Emergency Response Plan F

5.5 Information Management Doc and Info Management Plan F

• The Project’s Doc and Info Management Plan uses the

Final Documentation - - I
Venture Information Management Plan and Offshore
Document Control Procedure.
• Final Documentation will be completed at Gate 5.

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 9 December 3, 2007

Execution Continued

• Regulatory Compliance Plan documented in PEP section 17, 5. Execution G3 G4 G5

and using Venture Project Implementation Plan. 5.6 Regulatory / Regulatory Compliance Plan F

• Engineering documentation is fully developed. Environmental Mgmt Plan F

• Construction Workpacks developed as part of Offshore 5.7 Detailed Design Engineering Documentation I U F

fabrication schedule (incorporating construction elements) has

Construction Workpacks - I F
been developed and approved. Onshore has an equivalent
system but Area based, Completions working with CTR to 5.8 Fabrication & Construction Plan I F
develop integrated schedule.
5.9 Commissioning & Commissioning & Startup Plan - I F
• Construction Plan documented in PEP Section 14,
Pre-startup Safety Review - - F
supplemented by JRM Construction Plan (Offshore), and
Project Construction Plan (Onshore). Operating Procedures - I F

• Commissioning & Startup Plan is primarily a post Gate 4 Operator Training - - F

Deliverable. Discussions ongoing with OED to finalize plan.

Maintenance/Inspection Data - - F
• Issues Management, using Venture Issues Identification and
5.10 Issue Identification & Issues Management Procedure F
Management Procedure. Process in place and being Management Plan

managed. 3 key issues outstanding which are being Issues Identification/Resolution U U F


Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 10 December 3, 2007

Open Key Issues

Key Issue Resolution Plan

Interference effects with Train 6 & 7 Projects • Develop Integrated Plan across Train 6 & 7 and AKG2 to identify resource
utilization and execution interfaces (tie-ins, lifts, etc.).
• Assess Site PMT construction resources required to support integrated plan.
• Identify activities and resources required to support PMC and start-up activities for
Train 6 & 7 and AKG2.
• Monitor Plan progress to completion every quarter.

CTJV staffing capability for handling multiple mega • Review Contractor’s organization to ensure minimum experience levels are met for
projects concurrently. key contractor positions dedicated to AKG2.
• Interview candidates for key project management positions and recommend /
replace where needed.
• Retain capable Contractor Key Personnel who are currently executing similar
• Supplement PMT resources as required.

Difficult and complicated execution of AKG2 • Identify key Brownfield areas and related execution issues for construction
Brownfield work scope. activities. Develop early definition of Brownfield work scope.
• Identify all tie-ins including Brownfield areas and develop scope of work.
• Conduct surveys as required for Brownfield areas.
• Develop detailed work plan and procedures.
• Review plan with Operations and seek alignment.
• Conduct Brownfield Toolkit sessions.
• Ensure Brownfield experience in Construction Team.
• Monitor Plan progress to completion every quarter.

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 11 December 3, 2007


October, 2007 6. Cost and Schedule G3 G4 G5

6.1 Cost Estimate Basis F

Estimates/Schedules Memorandum

3,000 Cost Estimate F

= Current Forecast updated every month Cost Estimate Confidence F


Schedule Estimate F
6.2 Project Controls Project Control Plan F


• Predicted final costs tracking within authorized budgets
NOW (includes AKG-1 Ethane Recovery)
Approved Current
USD(Nominal, 100%)

1,500 Funding Forecast • Forecast savings to date - $36M primarily due to a PMT
AKG-2 Onshore 2,266 2,243
AKG-2 Offshore 465 452 cost update reflecting revised organization chart/staffing
Total 2,731 2,695 and contingency rundown; offset by impact of Hydrate

1,000 Mitigation Project

AKG-2 - Current Forecast
AKG-2 - Approved Funding
AKG-2 - VOWD (Plan)
AKG-2 - VOWD (Actual)
AKG-2 - VOWD (2008 WP&B Plan)




























Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 12 December 3, 2007


• Onshore 6. Cost and Schedule G3 G4 G5

– AKG2 remains behind contract plan
6.1 Cost Estimate Basis F
+ Schedule under pressure due to delays to interface activities Estimates/Schedules Memorandum

with Tr 6 and shortage of qualified resources Cost Estimate F

– Final Level 4 schedule has not yet been completed by CTJV

Cost Estimate Confidence F
+ Preliminary versions are incomplete on scope. CTJV Package
continues to work with CTJV sub-contractors on Schedule Estimate F
Constructability Issues and preparation of final schedule
6.2 Project Controls Project Control Plan F
• Offshore
– AKG2 Offshore on plan with 38/39 month Contract schedule

RasGas Expansion Project Phase 2- AKG-2

Onshore & Offshore Facilites 2006 2007 2008 2009
Summary Schedule Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Activity Description F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
Month Number -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Main EPC Award Award Onshore & Offshore EPC



Mechanical Acceptance
Construction Comm

AKG-2 WHP 10 & WHP 11
WHP10 & WH11 Mechanical Acceptance
Construction Comm


LEGEND: Time Now Key Milestone Del Delivery to Site

Main EPC Activities Offshore Installation Ramadan Milestone MA Mechnical Acceptance
Hook-up & Mechanical

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 13 December 3, 2007


7. Procurement G3 G4 G5
• Currently, all major equipment ordered 7.1 Contracting Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) F

• Offshore: 91 of 116 target POs placed; Contracting Strategy & Plans F

all remaining POs to be placed by Contract Close Out F

1Q08 7.2 Purchasing Purchasing Strategy/Plans F

• Currently no issues with projected Long Lead Equipment List F

material/equipment delivery dates Pre-selected Equipment List F

7.3 Materials Management Material Management Strategy/Plan F

• Onshore:
• Base Case: (Forecast Total POs = 252) • Key Material Issues
• Vessels from Korean vendors continue to
• Plan: 243 / Actual: 230 (94.7% of experience delivery slippages – Extensive
Plan) expediting with Senior CTR management is
• Option 4a: (Forecast Total Pos = 95) ongoing
Nov’07 • Structural Steel fabrication continues behind
• Plan: 95 / Actual: 93 (97.9% of plan – Additional manufacturing bay and
Plan) workers added at fabrication shop

• Monthly Highlights • SS Clad Pipe delayed due to high work load

at vendor – Work has been prioritized to Site
• The Amine Absorber, the largest AGK-2 requirements and expediting continues
vessel (1,340 tons) delivered to Site
Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 14 December 3, 2007
Independent Project Reviews

8. Independent Project Reviews G3 G4 G5
• Project Reviews Completed
• Initial Design Readiness Review (IDRR) – 11/05 8.1 Pre-Feed Gate 2 IPR

• Gate 3 IPR – 04/06 8.2 Pre-Commitment IPR Readiness DRR F

• Final Design Readiness Review (FDRR) – 11/06 Review(s)

• CRR – 06/07 CRR - F

• Venture Quality Audit – 11/06 Gate 3 IPR F

• RasGas Project Audit – 10/07
8.3 Pre-Startup IPR Gate 5 IPR - - F

• The Gate 3 IPR conducted in April 2006

• All 15 Onshore items closed.

• The CRR team presented the project with 30

findings. 4 of the findings have been closed, with 15
additional findings being recommended for closure by
the RGX-2 Senior Project Manager.

• The RasGas Project Audits resulted in zero findings.

• Gate 3 IPR conducted in April 2006
• All 10 Offshore items closed

• Venture Quality Audit conducted in September 2006

• Progressing open items

• Construction Readiness Review scheduled for 1Q08

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 15 December 3, 2007

Management of Change & Reporting

• AKG-2 Project following the Venture Management of 9. Management of Change G3 G4 G5

Change Procedure. Define MOC process and


• Progress reporting requirements are in-place 10. Reporting G3 G4 G5

• Weekly and Monthly Progress included in 10.1 Progress Reporting Progress reporting requirements U F

Venture Reports 10.2 Gate Review Reporting Gate Review Packages G3 G41 G5

• Gate 3 review held in April 2006 10.3 Closeout Reporting Closeout/Final Report - - -

• Gate 4 review held in December 2007

• Gate 5 review targeted for 3Q09

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 16 December 3, 2007

Back - Up

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 17 December 3, 2007

AKG-2 Road Map

Project: Al-Khaleej Gas Phase II Category: I Prepared by: Kermit Hemmert Date: November 5, 2007

Endorsed by: _________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: _____________________ Date: __________
RGX2 Senior Project Manager Venture Manager
- Assigned Gatekeeper: RasGas Managing Director
- Roadmap developed Post Gate 3 therefore Pre Gate 3 activities shaded in black.

G3 G4 G5

Applic. Des/
Element / Work Process Activities / Deliverable Guide3 FEED Proc Constr Oper Offshore Status Onshore Status Forward Plan (as related to RGPMS Deliverables)
. Development / Business
1.1 Project Objectives & Project Objectives & Strategy A F Included in PEP Section 2 Included in PEP Section 2 No further action planned
Strategies (POS) statement
Project Categorization A F Category I, Included in PEP Section 2 Category I, Included in PEP Section 2 No further action planned
1.2 Economics Business Case / Economic Model A F NA Post Gate 3 NA Post Gate 3 The Business Case / No further action planned
Economic Model is managed by AKG
Mg mt.
Resource Definition A F By Subsurface Included in DBM Section 2, May 06’ No further action planned
Resource Development Plan
1.3 External Affairs External Affairs - Issues A F Overview described in PEP Section 4 Included in PEP Section 4, aligned with No further action planned
defined/Plan developed Venture External Affairs plan

Joint Venture Agreements A In place In place No further action planned

Commercial Agreements A U F Conducted by Commercial Group; no 81 agreements, 45 completed, 36 Agreements to be completed by Commercial Group supported
further action planned outstanding: 26 common facilities (LPG, by AKG-2 as required
etc.) stewarded by other projects, 5
revisions to existing FSA/FSDSA
agreements, 5 with RGX2.
2. Commitment /
2.1 Commitments Commitment / Appropriation Plan A Fully funded Fully funded No further action planned
2.2 Appropriation Advanced / Full Funding Package A F Fully funded Fully funded No further action planned
Financial Control Plan A F Using Generic Venture Document and Using Generic Venture Document and Proceed per plan. No further action planned
referenced in PEP Section 24 referenced in PEP Section 24
Financial Closeout A - - - F - Gate 5 Requirement To be conducted at end of project
Project Reappraisal A - - - F - Gate 5 Requirement To be completed post startup
3. Organization
3.1 Organizational Plan Organization Plan A U U F Organization Plan approved in July 2006. Approved VOC 28 in-place, signed Org No further action required
Joint Organization Plan with AKG-2 Charts, with detailed PMT profiles, and
documented in 07’ W P&B. Aligned with
Venture, and Venture held Org Plan.
3.2 Team Performance Team Building & Alignment A U U U Team building sessions held in September Teambuilding with CTR in February Proceed per Plan
2006, February 2007, and June 2007. 2007, and October 2007. Additional
session scheduled for December 2007.
3.3 Training & Career Training & Career Development A U U U As required As required Follow Organization Plan
Development Plan for PMT
4. Technical Definition

4.1 Development Syste m Project Development A

Selection Approved/Signed Rev 4 PDM, April 2007 Approved/Signed Rev 4 PDM, April No further action planned
Memorandum (PDM) 2007

Early Risk Assessment Plan A No ERAP developed; refer to PRAP Completed February 14, 2006 No further action planned
Conceptual Design Risk A
Assessment NO CDRA conducted due to similar design. Completed May 3, 2005 No further action planned
Conceptual Design A
Constructability Review NA Post Gate 3 Completed October 12, 2005 No further action planned
Project Constructability Plan A NA Post Gate 3 NA Post Gate 3 No further action planned

4.2 Preliminary Design Design Basis Memorandum A F Integrated Onshore/Offshore DBM Integrated Onshore/Offshore DBM Include approved MOCs in an appendix in lieu of updating
(DBM) developed and approved in June 2006. developed and approved in June 2006. DBM.
Project Spec and Standards A I F
Documents in place Documents in place No further action planned

Risk Assessment Plan A F Plan developed; document in place Plan developed; document in place
Proceed per plan.

Preliminary HAZOP A F Not conducted as existing RasGas Platform Completed in FEED, September 2005 No further action planned
Design being utilized
Detailed HAZOP A - F HAZOP conducted in March 2007; 72 of 76 HAZOP conducted in February 2007; Close action items
action items are closed, the remaining 4 action items identified and assigned to
items are related to development of the the respective parties for closure
Operating Manual
Comprehensive Constructability A I F Offshore Constructability Review to be held Completed, Constructability Checklist Close action items
Review on November 7 with EPC Contractor developed and being executed
Construction Risk Assessment A - F CRA planned for 1Q08; Individual CRA conducted in Jan 2007. Onshore to close action items. Offshore to proceed per plan.
Installation Risk Assessments to be
conducted per the Risk Assessment Plan.
Operability Requirements/Specs A F Requirements described in DBM, PEP As specified in RG document T12-X07- No further action planned
Section 15 and in the EPC Contract 001 Ops, Maint & Reliability Reqt Spec.
5. Execution
5.1 Lessons Learned Apply Lessons Learned A U U F Process in place Process in place Following existing process.
Capture Lessons Learned A I U U F Process in place Process in place Following existing process.
5.2 Project Execution Early Project Execution Plan A NA Post Gate 3 NA Post Gate 3 No further action planned
Planning (EPEP). Refer to comments.
Project Execution Plan (PEP) A F Integrated Onshore/Offshore PEP Integrated Onshore/Offshore PEP Proceed per plan
developed and approved in July 2006 developed and approved in July 2006
5.3 QA/QC Project Quality Plan A F Offshore Project Quality Plan developed Using Venture Generic Quality Proceed per Plan
using Venture Generic Quality Documents Documents

5.4 Safety and Health Project Safety Plan A F Using EPC Contractor Safety Plan and Using Project and EPC Contractor Proceed per plan
Offshore Safety Management Plan Safety Plans
developed as a bridging document to align
with Venture Plan.
Site Safety Plan A - F Using EPC Contractor Site Safety Plan Using Project and EPC Contractor Proceed per plan
Safety Plans

Site Health Plan A - F Using EPC Contractor Health Plan and Using Venture Health Plan Proceed per plan
Venture Health Plan

Security Mgmt Plan A - F Using EPC Contractor Security Plan and Using Venture Security Management Proceed per plan
Venture Security Management Plan Plan

Site Security Plan A F Using EPC Contractor Security Plan Using Venture Security Management Proceed per plan

Emergency Response Plan A F Using EPC Contractor ERP and Venture Using EPC Contractor ERP and Proceed per plan

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 18 December 3, 2007

Emergency Preparedness Plan. Venture Emergency Preparedness
Plan, combined with YOC, FOC, POC
specific plans

5.5 Information Management Doc and Info Management Plan A F Using Venture Information Management Using Venture Information Proceed per plan
Plan and Offshore Document Control Management Plan & Venture
Procedure. Information Management Plan
AKG-2 Road Map Cont.

Construction Workpacks A - I F Onshore fabrication schedule Equivalent system but Area based, Being developed
(incorporating construction elements) has Completions working with CTR to
been developed and approved develop integrated schedule
5.8 Fabrication & Construction Plan A I F Documented in PEP Section 14, Documented in PEP Section 14, Proceed per plan
Construction supplemented by JRM Construction Plan supported by Project Construction Plan
5.9 Commissioning & Startup Commissioning & Startup Plan A - I F Mechanical completion and system Plan described in PEP Section 16, Proceed per plan
handover described in PEP Section 16 developed jointly with OED . Primarily a
post Gate 4 Deliverable.
Pre-startup Safety Review A - - F Conducted at 50% mechanical completion By OED. Primarily a post Gate 4 Proceed per plan
Operating Procedures A - I F Interaction with operations described in Approach described in PEP Section 15. Proceed per plan
PEP Section 15 Developed by CTJV with direction from
OED & PMT. Primarily a post Gate 4
Operator Training A - - F NA Described in PEP Section 15. No further action planned
Performed by OED. Primarily a post
Gate 4 Deliverable.

Maintenance/Inspection Data A - - F IOM Manuals supplied prior to handover Approach described in PEP Section 15. Proceed per plan
Requirements By OED, PMT & CTJV. Primarily a
post Gate 4 Deliverable.

5.10 Issue Identification & Issues Management Procedure A F Using Venture Issues Identification and Use Venture Issues Identification and Following existing procedures
Management Plan Management Procedure Management Procedure

Issues Identification/Resolution A U U F Process in place Process in place Continue application of process

6. Cost and Schedule

6.1 Cost Estimates/Schedules Estimate Basis Memorandum A F Complete; Full funding in place Complete; Full funding in place, No further action planned
documented in 2006 W P&B
Cost Estimate A F Complete; Full funding in place. Complete; Full funding in place, No further action planned.
documented in 2006 W P&B

Cost Estimate Confidence A F Complete; Full funding in place Complete; Full funding in place, No further action planned
Package documented in 2006 W P&B

Schedule Estimate A F Complete; In place for full funding Complete; Full funding in place, No further action planned
documented in 2006 W P&B
6.2 Project Controls Project Control Plan A F Offshore Project Controls Manual approved Project specific plan in place. Proceed per plan
and updated to include Venture Generic
7. Procurement
7.1 Contracting Work Breakdown Structure A F Included in PEP as Attachment 9 -2 Included in PEP as Attachment 9 -1 No further action planned
(W BS) developed
Contracting Strategy & Plans A F Described in PEP Section 9 Described in PEP Section 9 No further action planned

Contract Close Out A F Post MAC Gate 5 Requirement Complete Post MAC

7.2 Purchasing Purchasing Strategy/Plans A F Described in PEP Section 10, Purchasing Described in PEP Section 10, No further action planned
strategy and contractual requirements Purchasing strategy and contractual
outlined in Exhibit 5 of the EPC Contract requirements outlined in Exhibit 5 of the
EPC Contract
Long Lead Equipment List A F N/A N/A, but provide Major Equipment list No further action planned
as supporting documentation
Pre-selected Equipment List A F Limited applicability for Offshore; addressed Limited applicability for Onsho re; No further action planned
in Exhibit 5 (Appendix E) of EPC Contract addressed in Exhibit 5 (Appendix E) of
EPC Contract, also documented in
Major Equipment list
7.3 Materials Management Material Management A F Approach documented in PEP section 10 Approach documented in PEP section No further action planned
Strategy/Plan and EPC contractor procedure. 10 and EPC contractor procedure.
8. Independent Project
8.1 Pre-Feed Gate 2 IPR A NA Post Gate 3 NA Post Gate 3
8.2 Pre-Commitment IPR Readiness DRR A F No DRR conducted. Design similar to IDRR and FDRR completed No further action planned
Review(s) previous platforms.
CRR A - F CRR planned for early 1Q08; will also apply CRR completed Onshore to Close-out CRR Findings. Offshore to conduct
learnings from RGX2 CRR conducted in CRR.
March 2007
Gate 3 IPR A F Completed Completed No further action planned
8.3 Pre-Startup IPR Gate 5 IPR A - - F Conduct Gate 5 IPR Conduct Gate 5 IPR As required by RGPMS
9. Management of Change
Define MOC process and A F Offshore Management of Change Venture Project Management of Continue application of process
authorities Procedure updated to align with Venture Change Procedure used.
Project Management of Change Procedure
10. Reporting
10.1 Progress Reporting Progress reporting requirements A U F In place Project Controls Plan in-place, update Follow existing process
to include Special Projects
10.2 Gate Review Reporting Gate Review Packages A G3 G4 G5 - Gate 4 planned for 4Q07 Gate 4 planned for 4Q07 Complete Gate Reviews. Gate 4 Review with Venture Manager
Gate 5 target 3Q09 Gate 5 target 3Q09 with note sent to RGMD detailing outcome.
Gate 5 Review with RG MD.
10.3 Closeout Reporting Closeout/Final Report A - - - F Gate 5 Requirement Gate 5 Requirement After MAC

Explanatory Notes:
1. Explanation of shading coding:
No further action required (normal RGPMS)
Not applicable for this project (due to scalability/applicability considerations)
Deliverable reduced, combined with another document or generic Venture document used (effort reduced due to scalability)
W ork to completed as indicated by project timeline (unique deliverable, but still maybe scaled to project size/complexity)

2. Phased completion of deliverable along project timeline:

I = Initial U = Update as Appropriate F = Final
3. Typical Requirement from Applicability Guidelines:
A = Core Process B = Deliverable reduced, combined with another document or generic Venture document used C = Not normally required
N/A = Not Applicable

Sensitivity-Level: RasGas Confidential 19 December 3, 2007

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