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Operating System

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Lisa Gopal Ms. Sneha Ali
(CC-F-5thSem) University roll no. - 1918728
Sec – F
Sem – 5th

 Introduction
 History
 What is Operating System
 Types
 Special Features of OS
 Functions
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 Conclusion

 An operating system is an integrated set of programs that is

used to manage the various resources and overall operations
of a computer system.

 It is designed to support the activities of a computer


 Thus, like a manager of a company, an operating system is

responsible for the smooth and efficient operation of the entire
computer system.
 The 1940's - First Generations
The earliest electronic digital computers had no operating
 The 1950's - Second Generation
The General Motors Research Laboratories implemented the
first operating systems in early 1950's for their IBM 701.
 The 1960's - Third Generation
 The systems of the 1960's were also batch processing systems,
but they were able to take better advantage of the computer's
resources by running several jobs at once.
What is an Operating System?
 An Operating System, or OS, is low-level software that
enables a user and higher-level application software to
interact with a computer’s hardware and the data and other
programs stored on the computer.

 An OS performs basic tasks, such as recognizing input from

the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping
track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling
peripheral devices such as printers.
Operating System
Types of Operating System
 Batch Processing
 Real-time operating systems
 Time Sharing
 Single-User, Single task
Batch Processing
 Jobs together with input data are fed
into the system in a Batch

 The job are then one after another

 No job can be started until previous

job is competed
Real-time operating systems

 Real-time operating
systems are used to
control machinery,
scientific instruments and
industrial systems.
Time Sharing
Single-user, single task
Special features of OS
 Multi Tasking
 Multi programming
 Parallel précising
 Buffering
 Spoofing

 Automatic transition from job to job as directed by special

control statements.
 Maintenance of internal time clock and log of system usage
foe all users.
 Facilities easy communication between the computer system
and computer operator.
 Processor management i.e. assignment of processors to
different tasks being performed by the computer system.

 Memory management, that is, allocation of main memory and

other storage areas to the system programs as well as user
programs and data.
 It enables users to run their own computer without any
knowledge of coding.

 It consists of programs and data that runs on computers,

managing computer hardware resources and providing
services for various application software.

 If any problems affected in OS, you may lose all the contents
which have been stored already

 Unwanted user can use your own system


 Operating System performs a wide variety of jobs.

 The functions of operating system are transparent to the user.

 This shows that operating system is very important part of


 Swayam

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