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Robert Bradford Fox

• Anthropologist and
• Born on May 11,
1918, in Galveston,
• Robert Fox graduated
from the universities
of Southern
California, Texas, and
• American anthropologist who made
substantive and enduring contributions to
Philippine anthropology (research,
publications, teaching, and public service)
•  Chief Anthropologist of the Philippine
National Museum
(1948 to 1975) 
• He died May 25, 1985, in Baguio City,
Fox’s major publications include:
• “The Pinatubo Negritos : Their Useful Plants
and Material Culture,” The Philippine
Journal of Science (1951);
• “Religion and Society Among the Tagbanuwa
of Palawan Island, Philippines,” (1954);
• “The Tabon Caves : Archaeological
Excavations on Palawan Island, Philippines
(1962-1965),” Philippine Journal of Science.
The Tabon Caves
Archaeological Excavations on Palawan
Island, Philippines
• The Tabon Caves, dubbed as the Philippines'
Cradle of Civilization
• are a group of caves
located on Lipuun Point,
in the south western part
Palawan on Palawan
Island, in the Philippines.
Archaeological discoveries
• The caves are named after the Tabon scrubfowl. 

Philippine scrubfowl 

• The caves were researched by Dr. Robert B. Fox and a team

from the National Museum of the Philippines
Archaeological discoveries
• The fossil is composed • The earliest evidence of
of the skull cap, or the man, himself, in the
frontal Philippines: which is also
the earliest appearance of
skull bone, two fragments
modern man – Homo
of jaw bones sapiens sapiens – in these
and some teeth.  islands,
• The team found over 1,500 burial jars
(Manunggul Jar)
Cave use

• . Earliest cave uses included inhabitation, and

the factory like production of stone tools
Tabon Caves Garuda Gold Pendant
• A gold Ornamental Pendant, from the Tabon
caves in the island of Palawan,
• A few fine pieces of trade pottery and gold
objects, including a superb gold ornament
with a garuda image, the vahama or 'vehicle"
of the Hindu god Vishnu,
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