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Learning Activity: You will be

Objective: successful if:

•Explore the use Starter: You understand the
of extended Guess the type of language used
metaphor to product! in Consumer reports
develop a
thought/ reflect Develop: You know what a
on an idea Explore the parody is – and how it
•Understand how poem can be used to make
the writer uses independently us think
parody/pastiche & feedback.
You feel happy and
to make us think
confident that you
•Know what Annotate the
have analysed the
“stand” is being poem.
poem independently
made in this poem
Guess the Product!
Addis 505383 Twist
Mop Cool Blue
Lady Groom Mate Nose &
Ear Hair Trimmer For
The name of the product I tested is *******
It’s a gift
It’s not economical

It’s left an embarrassing deposit behind

I’m not sure such a thing should be put in the way of children

It’s difficult to think of a purpose for it.

It’s just to keep it’s maker in a job

The price is much too high

Lots of different labels, sizes and colours

Shape is awkward, waterproof, heat resistant
It’s a popular product
People should take it for granted

I’d buy it. It’s overdone

Checklist for looking
at a poem
1st reading – 1st contact
1) Read the TITLE – what will the poem be about? What
do I expect? What are the keywords and what do
they make me think about?

2) Read the POEM through ONCE

3) Jot down what you think it is about – how do you see it

at the moment? Can be basic/confused. All part of
the experience!
2nd reading - content
1) Read it through again CLOSELY

2) Underline words/phrases/lines that you like.

Jot down next to them the ideas they spark
off in you. What do you think of? What
EFFECT do they have?

3) Underline any words you are unsure of.

3rd reading - structure
1) Read it through again looking at the
structure (how the poem builds up)

2) Read the 1st line

3) Read the last line

4) What has happened in between? Jot down

4th reading – Technical reading
Underline & annotate examples of:
Metaphor/extended metaphor
4th reading continued…
Look for PATTERNS:
Count syllables (beats) in each line
Number of verses
Number of lines in each verse
Is there a rhythm?
How does it look on the page?
Is punctuation used?
You Did It!

Now get ready to share in a

Learning Activity: You will be
Objective: successful if:
•Explore the use Starter: You understand the
of extended Guess the type of language used
metaphor to product! in Consumer reports
develop a
thought/ reflect Develop: You know what a
on an idea Explore the parody is – and how it
•Understand how poem can be used to make
the writer uses independently us think
parody/pastiche & feedback.
You feel happy and
to make us think
confident that you
•Know what Annotate the
have analysed the
“stand” is being poem.
poem independently
made in this poem

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