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Discuss the current period – US election

2020, situation in the country?
Joseph Biden is declared the President
of the USA. But the fact is that no
matter who the bizarre electoral
system of the United States has
appointed as president, it is obvious
that more than half of Americans will
be against this person.

It's about simple arithmetic.

66.9 percent of Americans took part in the
elections. The votes are still counting, but it is
already clear that about half of them chose
Biden, half - Trump. And another third of
Americans did not come to the polls at all.
About eighty million voters did not want to
participate in the democratic process.
 The phenomenon of non-
voting voters attracted the
attention of sociologists in
the US back in the winter.
As a result of polls, it
turned out that elections
are regularly ignored by 33
to 65 percent of citizens.
In other years, up to a
hundred million Americans
do not want to exercise
their constitutional right to
elect representatives of

People on the street in Philadelphia

after the news of the victory in the
presidential election of the Democratic
Party candidate Joseph Biden
The disappointment of Americans refusing to
vote is only a reflection of the country's
general decline. “Despair is killing us, eating
away at the fabric of social life, destroying
relationships, and incarnating itself in a series
of self-destructive and aggressive
perversions,” writes the famous journalist
Chris Hedges on the pages of the influential
pro-democracy Internet resource

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