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A thorough hazard identification and risk analysis is a collective term that encompasses all
activities involved in identifying hazards and evaluating risk at work facilities, throughout
their life cycle. To make certain, risk to employees, the public, or the environment are
consistently controlled within the organization’s risk tolerance. To mange risk, hazards must
first be identified, and then the risks should be evaluated, and determined to be tolerable or
There are many things that might affect people health not only work related, it also
includes the environment, lifestyle, and other people around them. Some are not aware about
the long-term effects of non-conducive workplace to one’s health.
Hazards and risk in the workplace

Hazards depict something that has the possible source of damage or negative effects to
individuals and organization property or equipment. These include any substance, material,
process, and practice that might cause harm on the health of a person under certain
conditions. Workplace hazards can eliminate through following standard safety practices of
the workers.
Types of workplace hazards

1. Safety hazards. These pertain to unsafe workplace conditions, unsafe work practices, and also
inadequate and insufficient machine protector.
2. Biological hazards. These were caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
3. Chemical hazard. These are solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous substances, dust, fume, or mist from
the work environment.
4. Ergonomic hazards. These are anatomical, physiological, and psychological demands on the
worker. A recurring and vigorous activities, vibration, intense temperatures, and improper
postures from work processes and inappropriate designed workstations.
5. Physical hazards. These are the noise, vibration, energy, weather, electricity, radiation, and
pressure from work related causes
6. Psychological hazards. These are basically causing stress to a worker, this type of hazard may
harm a person so much to a certain degree that his whole well being is affected.
Risk identification and analysis

Risk is the possibility that someone will be harmed or having adverse health effect later on. It may be from
work circumstances or the risk of developing lung cancer from everyday breathing of fumes from chemicals
in the workplace that’s more likely will result to death
Factors that influence the degree of risk include:
1. How much a persons is exposed to a hazardous thing or condition?
2. How the person is exposed (e.g., breathing in vapor, skin, contact to chemicals)?
3. How severe are the effects under the conditions of exposure?
Risk assessment process:
4. Recognize the hazards.
5. Evaluate the risk related with that hazard.
6. Verify the appropriate ways to get rid of the hazard.
Effects of hazards in the workplace

The result that occupation may have on a worker’s health is dependent on the exposure to
relevant factors. Knowing a history is a lot significant in recognizing quantitative exposures
and connecting them to illness. Generally, the main determinant of risk and health related
occupational exposures are in different ways that may affect any system of the body
• Allergic alveolitis(e.g. farmer’s lung from fungal spores)
• Pneumononiosis (e.g. silicosis caused by inhaling quartz)
• Cancer (e.g. from asbestos inhalation
• Tenosynovitis and similar conditions
• Back pain from manual heading
Nervous and mental
• Peripheral neuropathy (e.g. caused by lead or n-hexane)
• Nerve deafness induced by noise
• Mental ill-health (e.g. caused by stress, or by chemical exposures such as mercury)
• Anemia (e.g. caused by lead, which may be impair the synthesis of normal hemoglobin. A
plastic anemia may be caused by high exposures to benzene.)
• Leukemia ( a certain type of cancer of white blood cells) caused by benzene .
Genitourinary and Endocrine
• Kidney damage caused by some solvent exposures (e.g.,cadium)
• Bladder cancer (e.g., caused by beta naphthylamine, or

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