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Schedule : Time, Place &

Telephone Numbers
Things that you need to know
⚫Name of days
⚫Preposition for day and time
Names Of Days

⚫Sunday ⚫Tomorrow
⚫Monday ⚫The day after tomorrow
⚫Tuesday ⚫The day before today
⚫Wednesday ⚫Last week
⚫Thursday ⚫Next week
⚫Friday ⚫Next month
⚫Saturday ⚫Last month
⚫Two days ago
Examining Time
It is nine forty five
It is forty five past nine
It is quarter to ten
p.m : post meridian
a.m : ante meridian ½ hour = a Half
In the morning ¼ hour = a quarter
In the evening
At noon
In the morning
What time is it ???
1. 09. 30 pm= ......
2. 07. 15 am= ......
3. 12. 10 pm= ......
4. 01. 35 pm= .......
5. 10. 22 am= .......
6. 04.45 pm= ......
7. 08.55 am = .....
8. 11. 30 am = ......
9. 06.00 pm = .....
10. 12. 59 am = ......
Conversation between Nurse Jane and Mrs.
Mrs. Nathalie : Excuse me, I’d like to meet dr. Smith.
Where can I see him?
Nurse Jane : Let me see the schedule first.
Mrs. Nathalie : For your information I’ve already
registred my name via phone.
Nurse Jane : Alright, You can see him in the
Examination Room today at 09.00 until
12.00 at noon.
Mrs. Nathalie : Thank You!
Nurse Jane : You’re welcome
Mrs. Nathalie : Excuse me, I’d like to meet dr. Smith.
Where can I see him?
Nurse Jane : Let me see the schedule first.
Mrs. Nathalie : For your information I’ve already
registred my name via phone.
Nurse Jane : Alright, You can see him in the
Examination Room today at 09.00 until
12.00 at noon.
Mrs. Nathalie : Thank You!
Nurse Jane : You’re welcome
Preposition of Time
• IN : Showing Room ; in the Office, in the class, in the

Operating Theatre, etc.

• ON : Showing Day ; on Friday, On Sunday, On

Monday, etc.

• AT : Showing Time ; at 7 O’clock , at 12.30, at 03.15

Name of Doctors Day Time Room
dr. Brian Wong Thursday 08.00 am – 02.00 Cardiology Clinic
(Cardiologist) pm
dr. Nicole Stewart Monday - Friday 09.00 am – 12.00 Examination
(Dentist) am Room
dr. Paul Cage Monday - 10.00 am – 03.00 Medical Ward
(General Saturday pm

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