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Week 3

“The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the
dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the
prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both
small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the

– In this unit, students will be introduce to the concepts of

community and environmental health and that will enable
a. to identify the primary health care programs in the
community and the institutions that provide and protect the
health of the community and its people.
Do you know who’s the first Health
Worker in the history?

Watch this animated videos

Note: Other related videos about Jesus’ healing miracles can used instead of this video.
Ms. Brenda

The Devine Healer
Healing the Mother of Peter’s wife
Raising Lazarus
Healing the Paralytic at Bethsaida
The blind man Bartimaeus in Jericho
Healing the
blind at birth
and lot more.
 Our government believes that a strong
nation needs healthy citizenry.
 In order to achieve this, the Department of
Health launched an approach in promoting
community health through the partnership of
the community, barangay, government
organizations, and non-governmental
 This approach is called Primary Health Care.
What is a Primary Health Care?

 Primary health care is an essential health care based

on practical, scientifically sound and socially
acceptable methods and technology made
universally accessible to individual and families in
the community through their full participation at the
cost that the community and the country can afford
at every stages of development in the spirit of self
What is a Primary Health Care?

 Brings health care as close as possible to where

people live and work (WHO)
 Services provided to community as a whole
 Services organized and adapted to the needs of
population served
What is a Primary Health Care?

 Services decentralized to community based

 Provides by health care professional who have
the right skills to meet the needs of
individuals ad the communities being served.
What is the characteristics of the concept of
Primary Health Care (PHC)

The fundamental principle of Primary Health

Care is that..

1. all people, everywhere, deserve the right

and proper care, right in their
What is the characteristics of the concept of Primary
Health Care (PHC)

2. Easily available and most essential health

- The service delivered within the primary
health care should be easily available and
should meet the primary needs of the mass or
people with in the community.
What is the characteristics of the concept of Primary
Health Care (PHC)

3. Acceptable for the family and community

- The services provided in the PHC should be
easily acceptable to every individual and
What is the characteristics of the concept of Primary
Health Care (PHC)

4. Wholesome community participation

- In this system, communities are encouraged
to take the initiation in identifying their own
health and social problem
What is the characteristics of the concept of Primary
Health Care (PHC)

5. Community and the nation can bear the

- PHC service is based on local technology
and can be easily managed by the local
people and community.
Essential components of PHC

1.Education about prevailing health problems

and how to prevent and control them
2.Food supply and proper nutrition
3.Adequate supply of safe water and basic
4.Maternal and child health, family planning
Essential components of PHC

5. Immunization against infectious disease

6. Prevention and control of endemic diseases
7. Treatment of common infections
8. Essential drugs
Primary Health Care Programs in the Community

Health Center Services Functions

1. Maternal Health Care Pre-natal, Natal, Post-natal
2. Child Health Care Immunizations, Control of
diarrheal diseases
3. Nutrition Program Operation Timbang, Food
Primary Health Care Programs in the

Health Center Services Functions

4. Population and Family Free Family planning
Planning Program
5. Control of Tuberculosis control
communicable diseases program
6. Environmental Inspection of food
Sanitation program establishments
Primary Health Care Programs in the

Health Center Services Functions

7. Control on non- Blood Pressure screening
communicable diseases
8. Dental Health Program Tooth Extraction
9. Reproductive Health Counseling on family
Care planning and RH
Primary Health Care Programs in the

Health Center Services Functions

10. Medical Morbidity Provision of free
clinic medicines
11. National Voluntary Blood-letting activities at
Blood Services barangay level
12. Epidemiology and Controlling outbreaks like
Surveillance program Dengue
Primary Health Care Programs in the

Health Center Services Functions

13. Disaster Management Medical Services/assistance
preparedness Program during disaster
14. Mental Hygiene Adolescent counseling
15. Pharmacy Services Distribution of medicines to
all health centers
Who are the human resource for health?

Who administer health care to the

community and to its people?

Health Workers
Who are the Health Workers?

Health Workers
  Are people whose
job is to protect and
improve the health
of their communities
Who are the Health Workers?

 People who are

engaged in actions
whose primary goal
or intent is to
enhance or improve
Who are the Health Workers?

 They often help link people to needed health

care information and services.
Who are the Community Health Workers (CHW)?

 Community health workers (CHWs) are

frontline public health workers who have
a close understanding of the community
they serve.
Who are the Community Health Workers (CHW)?

 Community health workers (CHWs) sereves as

a liaison/link/intermediary between health/
social services and the community to facilitate
access to services and improve the quality and
cultural competence of service delivery.
Who are the Community Health Workers (CHW)?

 Community health workers - build individual

and community capacity by increasing health
knowledge and self-sufficiency through a
range of activities such as outreach,
community education, informal counseling,
social support and advocacy.
(American Public Health Association, 2008)
Who are the Community Health Workers (CHW)?

 Community health workers are dedicated

individuals who function along a continuum
ranging from individual and community
development to service delivery and
promoting community empowerment and
social justice.
Who are the Community Health Workers (CHW)?

 Community health workers work in all

geographic settings, including rural,
urban and metropolitan areas; regions
and the entire nation.
Public Health Care Delivery System
For Student Teacher:
To explain the illustration:
Philippine Health Care Delivery System It is a complex set of organizations interacting to
provide an array of health services. This system is divided to Public and Private Sectors
Public Sectors are Organizations and Institutions that are Largely financed through tax-based
system and run by the National and Local Government
National are those that have specialty, regional hospitals, medical centers and DOH
Local Government are the provincial and district hospitals, Rural and Barangay Health Units
Private Sectors are Largely market-oriented and under this are the Profit Sectors and the
Non-profit Sectors.
Profit Health Care services uses Commercial and market orientation for Private practitioners,
private clinics and laboratories and the
Non Profit Health Care services uses Non-commercial, service orientation, Socio-civic
groups, religious organizations, or foundations
Activity 8:

What is the national health

situation in the
(Watch the video on the next slide)
 Community health problems are
prevalent now a days. Like what our
country is facing now, that leads the
government to put the entire Luzon in
the state of emergency and enhanced
community quarantine to prevent the
spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019
 With the advent of the modern
technology, people neglect the
importance of the basic need for safety.
 A safe environment will ensure quality
life that will lead to a more productive
citizen of the country.
 This lesson will emphasize to the
learners their role in eradicating
community health problems and
engrossed with the realities that our
environment is threatened due to human
Activity 9: Inspect – Retrospect
1. Inspect the health services offered to your
2. The left column is the lists of the characteristics of a
healthy community.
3. On the right column, fill in the services that will
fulfill the healthy community characteristics in the
left column.
4. An example is provided.

Note: Write the answer on your notebook.

Processing Questions:
1. From your answers above, can you consider
your community healthy? Why or Why not?
2. What services did you not observe in your
3. What programs can you do to acquire such
Characteristics of a Healthy Possible Services observed
Community from your community
1. A clean and safe Fogging, cleaning the
physical environment drainage, improved street
2. An environment that
meets everyone’s
basic needs
Characteristics of a Healthy Possible Services observed
Community from your community
3. An environment that
promotes social harmony
and actively involves
4. An understanding of
local health and
environment issues
Characteristics of a Healthy Possible Services observed
Community from your community
5. A community that
participates in
identifying local
solutions to local
Characteristics of a Healthy Possible Services observed
Community from your community

6. A community whose
members have access
to varied experiences,
means of interaction
and communication
Characteristics of a Healthy Possible Services or programs
Community observed from your
7. Accessible and
appropriate health
services and facilities
8. The promotion and
celebration of
historical and cultural
Characteristics of a Healthy Possible Services observed
Community from your community
9. A diverse and
innovative economy
10. A sustainable use of
available resources
End of Day 5
Day 6
What are the Most Pressing
Environmental Issue Or
Problem Here In The Philippines that affects the
Community Health?

Watch the video on the next slide…

Activity 10: Video Analysis
Guide and Processing Questions:
1.What are the pictures you’ve seen?
2.What are the natures of the environmental issues
and problems?
3.What are the contributing factors that aggravate
these environmental issues and problems?
4.How does each environmental issues affect the
condition of the community and its people’s health?

Environmental issues are harmful affects

of human activity on the biophysical and
natural environment.

Example: improper waste disposal etc.

What are the causes of environmental problems
and issues?

 Overpopulation
 Globalization
 Improper waste disposal
 Loss of agricultural land due to urbanization
 Poverty
 Unplanned Construction
 Technocentrism (concentration of all activities on
technology the leads to industry oriented lifestyle)
Nature of Environmental Issues
Agriculture and Urbanization
Climate Change
Coral Reef Degradation
Global warming
Population Growth
Nature of The Environmental Issue

A. Pollution or Environmental Pollution

 The addition of any substance (solid, liquid, or
gas) or any form of energy (such as heat,
sound, or radioactivity) to the environment at a
rate faster than it can be dispersed, diluted,
decomposed, recycled, or stored in some
harmless form.
For the Student Teacher:

Before starting with activity and the

topic about pollution, please read the
article about Pollution (taken from the
Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable
By Alejandro R. Roces (September 10, 2002)
A recent study conducted by the Department of
Health in co-operation with the World Health
Organization’s Western Pacific Regional Office
show that the air people breathe in Metro Manila
contains pollutants in excess of tolerable levels.
The worst victims are the children.
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

 Metro Manila authorities will have to

employ drastic measures to solve this
problem. The way we see it two basic
steps will have to be taken: First, is to
take preventive measures so that the
pollution stops getting worse. Second is
to clear the pollution that is already there.
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

  It is common knowledge that a

strong typhoon helps blow the
pollution away. But a strong
typhoon is a problem in itself.
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

The Metro Manila pollution is caused

by two things. First and foremost is the
exhaust from motor vehicles. Second,
the exhaust from factories and even
first class hotels in Metro Manila.
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

We still use leaded gasoline which has

been banned in advanced countries and,
sad to say, it is a very common sight to
see cars and trucks that are obviously
violating the anti-pollution laws but
seldom do you see their drivers
apprehended by the police.  
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

There are also factories that spew out

not only thick black smoke but that dump
chemicals into our creeks and rivers, but
that, too, continues unabated.  
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

Every morning, we take a walk and it is

obvious that many of the hotels burn their
garbage on their top floors. Manila Mayor
Lito Atienza has taken steps to transfer the
Pandacan oil depot out of his city.  
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

This is because they pose a danger to the

entire area in the event that a fire breaks
out. That is very true. But the greater danger
is environmental pollution. Steps should be
taken to slowly move all factories that pollute
out of Metro Manila.
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

  We should also look into the feasibility

of utilizing other forms of energy such as
solar and wind power. This country is
ideal for both because we have a lot of
sunlight and wind power. Another source
that can be tapped is the constant tide in
our seas.
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

Ten years ago, there was an Earth Summit in

Rio de Janeiro to discuss the ailing world
environment. Now the same nations are convened
in Johannesburg to discuss the very same
problem. As we see, the problem has worsened
since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
Will it improve after the present Johannesburg
Summit on Sustainable Development?
NEWS ARTICLE Metro Manila Air Pollution Exceeds Tolerable Level

Metro Manila is one of the most polluted

metropolitan cities in the whole world. We
may learn some measures that we can
undertake from the more advanced countries
as to just how to remove the pollution that is
already there. But it is obvious that the only
perennial answer to the whole problem is to
prevent the pollution from even starting. This
will take time, but we have to start now.
Nature of The Environmental Issue

What are the kinds of



Nature of The Environmental Issue

 In modern society is
also concerned about
specific types of
pollutants, such as the
following: noise
pollution, light
pollution, and plastic
Nature of The Environmental Issue


 The contamination of the

earth’s atmosphere by
substances that pose a
health threat to living
Nature of The Environmental Issue: AIR POLLUTION

 It is due to a release into the

atmosphere of various
gases, finely divided solids,
or finely dispersed liquid
aerosols at rates that exceed
the natural capacity of the
environment to dissipate and
dilute or absorb them.
Nature of The Environmental Issue

 Two Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our

1. Carbon Monoxide (CO)
2. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
3. Particulate Matter (PM)
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

A. Carbon Monoxide (CO)

- is a colorless, odorless gas
that contains carbon and
oxygen. It is formed when
carbon in fuel is not burned
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Sources of Carbon
1. motor vehicle exhaust
2. industrial processes
3. gas stoves
4. cigarette smoke
Nature of The Environmental Issue: AIR POLLUTION
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Effects of Carbon Monoxide (CO)

1. CO is poisonous.
2. It prevents the body from receiving the
oxygen it needs.
3. It affects people with heart disease and can
harm the central nervous system.
4. Large quantities are fatal.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

B. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

 is a gas made up of sulfur
and oxygen. It dissolves
in water to form an acid,
and it reacts with other
gases in the air to form
sulfates and other harmful
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Sources of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

1. Is formed when fuel that contains sulfur (such as
coal and oil) is burned
2. When gasoline is extracted from oil
3. Metals extracted from their ores or raw materials
like minerals.
4. Volcano
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Effects of Sulfur Dioxide

It irritates the nose, throat and airways to

cause coughing, wheezing, shortness of
 Contributes to respiratory illnesses and
aggravates existing heart and lung diseases.
Very risky to people with asthma
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

C. Particulate Matter (PM)

- is a general term for
particles such as dust,
dirt, soot, smoke, mold,
and liquid droplets that are
found in the air.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Sources of Particulate Matters (PM)

1. May be emitted directly into the air from

sources such as motor vehicle exhaust and
2. May also form in the air through chemical
reactions between gases.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Effects of Particulate Matters

Too much exposure may lead to or linked to

aggravated asthma, chronic bronchitis,
decreased lung function, and premature death.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health
D. Ozone (O3)
-It’s a gas composed of
three oxygen atoms.
-Ground – level ozone is a Maximum
major component of Hole as of
Sept. 2019
smog, a yellow – brown
haze that forms when
sunlight reacts with air
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Sources of Ozone (O3)

1. This is formed from a chemical reaction
between nitrogen oxide compounds and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
2. Motor vehicle exhaust, industrial emissions,
gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents are the
primary sources of nitrogen oxides and VOCs.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Effects of Ozone (O3)

 O3 can irritate and inflame lung airways.
 It is linked to aggravated asthma, reduced
lung capacity, and increased susceptibility to
respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia and
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

E. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

- It’s a general term for a group of highly reactive

gases that contain varying amounts of nitrogen and
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Sources of Nitrogen Oxides

 These substances form
when fuel is burned at
high temperatures.
Primary sources include
motor vehicles and
electric utilities.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Effects of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

 Nitrogen oxides help form ground – level

 They form particles that cause or trigger
serious respiratory problems.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

F. Lead (Pb)
- Lead (Pb) has long been known to be a dangerous
-It is a elemental heavy metal found naturally in the
environment as well as in manufactured products.
- It can be released directly into the air, as
suspended particles.
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Sources of Lead (Pb)

 Major source of lead air emissions were motor
vehicles and motor-aviation emissions.
 Primary sources – lead smelter, waste
incinerators and lead-acid battery manufacturers
and recyclers
 Industrial sources – metal processing, glass
manufacturer, cement manufacturers
Nature of The Environmental Issue
 Major Air Pollutants and its effect on our Health

Effects of Lead (Pb)

- This substance can cause mental retardation and
increase in the rate of infections and cancer by
blunting body’s defense mechanisms (the immune
-Lead accumulates in blood, bones, and soft tissue
and may result in damage to brain, central and
peripheral nervous system, and kidneys.
To Wrap up the topic about air
pollution, its sources and
effects, watch the video on the
next slide.
End of Day 5

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