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Legal History of Pakistan and India 1

LAW 1205

Lecture [20] :Pakistan Movement

Rizwana Yasir

Date: July 16, 2021
Legal History of Pakistan and India
Minto-Morley Reform (1909 )
• In 1906, Lord Morley, the Secretary of State for Indian Affairs, announced in the British
parliament that his government wanted to introduce new reforms for India, in which the
locals were to be given more powers in legislative affairs. With this, a series of
correspondences started between him and Lord Minto (the then Governor General of
India ).
• A committee was appointed by the Government of India to propose a scheme of reforms.
• The committee submitted its report, and after the approval of Lord Minto and Lord
Morley, the Act of 1909 was passed by the British parliament. The Act of 1909 is
commonly known as the Minto-Morley Reforms.
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Features Of Minto-Morley Reforms

• The number of the members of the Legislative Council at the Center was
increased from 16 to 60.
• The number of the members of the Provincial Legislatives was also
• Right of separate electorate was given to the Muslims.
• The members of the Legislative Councils were permitted to discuss the
budgets and suggest the amendments.

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Lucknow Pact 1916

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Lucknow Pact 1916
Condition of the Pact

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Khilafat Movement

Khilafat movement was a milestone in the struggle for freedom

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Khilafat Movement

Leaders of the Movements

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Khilafat Movement
Objectives of Movement:
• To keep the institution of Khilafat institution and Khalifah to carry out the business of
government usual.
• Restoration of Turkey‟s grace as it possessed before and during World War-1 and no
change to occur in the boundaries of Turkey.
• The sanctity of Makkah and Madina should be maintained and non-Muslim forces
should not be allowed to enter in these two sacred cities.

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Delhi Muslim Proposals ( 1927 )

• Tension between the Hindus and the Muslims was on the rise from 1922 onwards. The
Quaid, seeing that the Hindus was not inclined to cooperate with the Muslims, invited
the Muslims leaders of India to meet at Delhi under his presidency. This meeting was
held on the 20th of March 1927 and the result was the Delhi-Muslim proposals, which
were totally accepted by all the Muslim leaders.

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Delhi Muslim Proposals ( 1927 )

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Delhi Muslim Proposals ( 1927 )

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• Lord Berkenhead the first and second All Parties Conference was held at Delhi on 12th
February 1928, and 19th May 1928, respectively. A seven members constitutional
committee was formed in the conference. It has only two Muslim representatives namely
Mr. Ali Imam and Mr. Nehru. His son Jawahar Lal Nehru was also a member of the
committee. After staying at Allahabad from 3 months, the committee prepared a report.
This report was called the Nehru report.

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14 Points of the Quaid-e-Azam

• The Nehru Report showed the prejudiced attitude of the Congress. The right of
separate electorate which the Muslims considered essential for the preservation of
their identity and progress was rejected. This served the last blow to the cooperation
established between the Hindus and the Muslims for the first time in the Luck now
• The Quaid-e-Azam refused to accept the Nehru Report. In 1929, he presented the
fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam.

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14 points of the Quaid-e-Azam

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14 points of the Quaid-e-Azam

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14 points of the Quaid-e-Azam

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14 points of the Quaid-e-Azam

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