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Job Design, Job Analysis and

Human Resource Planning
• Job design involves systematic attempts to organize tasks, duties
and responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve certain
• It integrates the work content and qualifications required for each
job that meets the needs of employee and the organization.
• Job design makes the job highly specialized and well designed jobs
are important in attracting and retaining a motivated work force.
• It is the process of deciding on the contents of a job in terms of its
duties and responsibilities, on the methods to be used in carrying
out the job, in terms of techniques, systems and procedures, and on
the relationships that should exist between the job holder and his
superior subordinates and colleagues.
Approaches to job design
• A job analysis is the process used to collect
information about the duties, responsibilities,
necessary skills, outcomes, and work
environment of a particular job.
• It is a process to identify and determine in detail
the particular job duties and requirements and
the relative importance of these duties for a
given job. Job Analysis is a process where
judgments are made about data collected on a
Process of job analysis
Benefits of Job Analysis
HR Setting & Compensati Recruitmen Training
Planning Monitoring ons & t&
Performanc Benefits Selection
e Standards
-Establish a job’s -Evaluate and -Establish relevant -Expose skills that
-Provides essential specific activities and establish appropriate standards and require by various
information for
performance levels of requirements for jobs
management before
standards compensation based personnel selection -Define contents of
-Carry out objective on job value purposes training programmes
performance -Develop -Locate suitable pool -Identify health and
appraisals compensation of candidates for safety hazards and
-Show actual number
-Combine programmes based recruit and hire working conditions
and nature of jobs
responsibilities into on different skill -Develop unbiased that require special
within the company
logical job groups levels interview questions training
-Create precise job
-Identify major job -Create an obvious -Get rid of
responsibilities for effect in motivating unnecessary tasks
-Bring the specifics of
inclusion in a employees and positions
a position in focus
performance -Know what should
-Determine relative
management system be done for the job
worth of each
position and its
appropriate class
-Maintain the
competitiveness of
the company in the
• HR planning links people management to the
organization's mission, vision, goals and objectives, as
well as its strategic plan and budgetary resources. A
key goal of HR planning is to get the right number of
people with the right skills, experience and competencies
in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost.
• It is the process by which management ensures that it
has the right personnel, who are capable of completing
those tasks that help the organization reach its
• Human resource planning is the process by which a
management determines how an organization should
move from its current manpower position to its desired
manpower position.
 Assessing manpower needs for future & making plans for
recruitments & selection.
 Assessing skill requirement in future.
 Determining training & development needs of the organization.
 Anticipating surplus or shortage of staff & avoiding unnecessary
detention or dismissal.
 Controlling wages & salary costs.
 Ensuring optimum use of human resource in the organization.
 Helping the organization to cope with the technological
development & modernization.
 Ensuring higher labour productivity.
 Ensuring career planning of every employee of the organization &
making succession programmers.
How is human resource planning linked to
overall strategic planning?
• It's easy to forget that HR planning (and HR functions)
do not exist as ends in themselves, but exist to serve the
rest of the organization in achieving the business goals of
the organization. Often HR functions and human
resource planning get accidentally de-linked from
business goals.
• Since human resources functions and strategies are a
means to achieve corporate ends, they need to be tied to,
and driven by the corporate role, mission, vision and
strategic goals, or else they simply end up as processes
that add overhead, but down increase return.
• The solution is obvious. Human resource planning needs
to reference the details of the overall strategic plan of the
organization. In effect, it serves the strategic plan.
 The shortage of certain categories of employees and/or variety of
skills despite the problem of unemployment.
 The rapid changes in technology , marketing, management etc.,
and the consequent need for new skills and new categories of
 The changes in organization design and structure affecting
manpower demand.
 The demographic changes like the changing profile of the
workforce in terms of age, sex ,education etc.
 The Government policies in respect to reservation ,child labor,
working conditions etc.
 The labor laws affecting the demand for and supply of labor.
 Pressure from trade unions, politicians ,sons of the soil etc.
 Introduction of lead time in manning the job with most suitable
Benefits of Human Resource Planning
 It checks the corporate plan of the organization.
 It offsets uncertainly and change .But the HRP offsets uncertainties
and changes to the maximum extent possible and enables the
organization to have right men at right time and in right place.
 It provides scope for advancement and development of employees
through training, development etc.
 It helps to anticipate the cost of salary enhancement, better benefits
 It helps to anticipate the cost of salary , benefits and all the cost of
human resources facilitating the formulation of budgets in an
 To foresee the need for redundancy and plan to check it or to
provide alternative employment in consultation with trade unions,
other organizations and government through remodeling
organizational, industrial and economic plans.
 To foresee the changes in values, aptitude and attitude of
human resources and to change the techniques of
interpersonal ,management etc.
 To plan for physical facilities, working conditions and the
volume of fringe benefits like canteen, schools, hospitals,
conveyance, child care centers, quarters, company stores etc.
 It gives an idea of type of tests to be used and interview
techniques in selection based on the level of skills
,qualifications, intelligence, values etc., of future human
 It causes the development of various sources of human
resources to meet the organizational needs.
 It helps to take steps to improve human resource
contributions in the form of increased productivity ,sales
turnover etc.
 It facilities the control of all the functions, operations,
contribution and cost of human resources.
Factors affecting Human Resource
Process of Human Resource Planning
Problems facing an effective Human
Resource Planning
 Resistance by Employers and Employees:
• Employers resist HRP as they think that it increases cost of manpower
• Employers feel that HRP is not necessary as candidates are/will be
available through out the year because of unemployment cases in third
world countries.
• Trade unions and employees also resist HRP as they view that it
increases the work load of employees and prepares programme for
securing the human resources mostly from outside.
 Uncertainties: are quite prominent due to absenteeism, seasonal
employment, labor turnover, changing technologies, market
conditions making HRP less reliable.
 Inadequacies of Information System:
• Information system regarding human resources has not yet fully been
developed due to industries giving low status to personnel department
and less importance given to HRP.
• Further the reliable data and information about the economy, other
industries, labour market, trends in human resources are not available.
Limitations of HR Planning

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