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Signals and Systems

Unit 2

ECE 221 4-0-3

12/03/2021 1
System Definition

• A system is a set of elements or functional blocks

connected together that processes or manipulates
the applied input signals, to accomplish required
function, and producing the new signals at the
• The output or the response of the system
depends upon the transfer function of the system.
• The transfer function gives the relationship
between the inputs and the outputs
Examples of System
• Adder : Mathematically, y(t) = T { x(t), w(t) }
y(t) = x(t) + w(t)
• Subtractor
• Amplifiers
• Filters
• Integrator
• Differentiators
• Communication channels
• Inter connections of these systems may also be another
System Classification
• Continuous time (CT) system x(t) y(t)
• Discrete time (DT) system x[n] y[n]
• Digital system
• In this subject, we discussed continuous time
system and discrete time system only.
continuous time systems and discrete
time systems Classification
based on the properties of system
• Linear or non-Linear system
• Time variant or Time invariant system
• Causal or Non-causal system
• Static or Dynamic system
• Stable or Unstable system
• Invertible or Non-invertible system
Linear Systems
• A system whose output is proportional to its input is an example of a
•  linear system.
• A linear system satisfies the superposition principle.
• Superposition principle implies homogeneity and additive properties.
• Homogeneity property: ax1(t) ay1(t)
• Additive property : x1(t) + x2(t) y1(t) + y2(t)
• The principle of superposition requires that the response of the system to
weighed sum of the signals be equal to the corresponding weighted sum
of the responses of the system to each of the individual inputs signals. In
mathematics it can be expressed as:
• The system is said to be linear if ax1(t) + bx2(t) ay1(t) + by2(t)
• Similarly, DT system is said to be linear if ax1[n] + bx2[n] ay1[n] + by2[n]
• Otherwise the system is said to be non-linear.
Static system
• The output of static system at any instant t is function of
present input(s) only
• Examples:
1. Resistive current divider circuit, the output current at any time
depends only on the current present at that time
2. amplifier in which output signal is amplified present input
y (t) = Ax (t)
3. Adder whose present output y [n] depends entirely on
the present inputs x [n] and w [n]
y [ n ] = x [ n ] + w [ n]
Dynamic System
• An output is a function of the past or/and the
future inputs.
• Hence dynamic system needs to use memory
element for storage.
• For example, R-L circuit: current in the circuit
depends on the voltage appeared in the past
and present voltage
Dynamic System
• The accumulator is an example of dynamic
system because its present output is the addition
of the past inputs and the present input. It needs
memory to store the past values of inputs.

• A static system is also known as memory less

system and dynamic system is known as system
with memory.
Time invariant and time variant systems

• A
  system is called time invariant if its input-
output characteristics do not change with time
• For continuous time system; x(t) y(t)
• The system is said to be time invariant if
x (t - td) y(t - td)
• The system is said to be time variant if
x (t - td) y’(t)≠ y(t - td)
Time invariant and time variant systems
• Multiplier, modulator, Coaxial cable are the
examples of the time invariant system.
• Mobile communication system is example of
time variant system
• The channel of mobile communication system is
free space whose characteristic changes with
time because of the atmospheric effects, terrain
effects, multipath signals and nature of the
result is changed with time.
Causal and Non Causal Systems

• A system is said to be causal if the output of the

system at any time instant depends only on the
present and/or the past inputs, but does not
depend upon the future inputs.
• A system is said to be non causal if the output
of the system at any time instant depends on
the present or/and past inputs and future
• All memoryless systems are causal.
• System should be causal to be physically
Stable and Unstable Systems

•• The system for which the output is bounded when the input is
bounded ( i.e. bounded input-bounded-output (BIBO) ) is known as
stable system; otherwise the system is said to be unstable.

For continuous time system;

The system is said to be stable if, for
|  𝑦 (𝑡 )|≤ 𝑀 𝑦 <∞
We get from system where and are some finite
positive numbers.
Convolution Integral
• Integrator and integration
• Impulse signal and its properties.
Properties of Impulse function
Sr. Description Mathematical Expression
1. Area under impulse function 

  (t )dt  1
2. Multiplication of any signal
with impulse function
x(t ) (t )  x(0) (t )
3. Multiplication of any signal
with shifted impulse function
x(t ) (t  t d )  x(t d ) (t  t d )
4. Integration of any signal with 
impulse function
 x(t ) (t )dt  x(0)
5. Integration of any signal with 
shifted impulse function
 x(t ) (t  t
d )dt  x(t d )
Properties of Impulse function
Sr. No. Description Mathematical Expression
6. Scaled impulse function 1
 (at )   (t ) a0
7. Scaled and shifted impulse 1 t
 (at  t d )   (t  d ) a0
a a
8. Convolution of any signal with
impulse function x(t )   (t )  x(t )

9. Convolution of any signal with x(t  t d )   (t )  x(t )   (t  t d )

shifted impulse function
 x(t  t d )
10. Integration of impulse function t

  ( )d  u (t )
11. Derivative of unit step function d
is impulse function u (t )   (t )
LTI systems
• Input-output
  relationship for LTI system is
described in terms of convolution operation.
• Given the impulse response, the output for any
given input can be calculated by convolution of
the impulse response and the input.

• Let’s examine
1. Impulse response and…
2.…response of LTI system to an arbitrary input
Impulse Response h(t)
  systems can be represented by its impulse
• System response to any input signal x(t) is
expressed as an integral involving only the
function and the system’s impulse response
function h(t). This interaction between the
input signal and the impulse response
function is called the convolution.
Response y(t) to an arbitrary input x(t)

  a LTI system with
• Any signal x(t) can be represented in terms of
• The signal x(t) is the integration of sequence
of impulses, each impulse delayed by time τ
and weighted by x(τ) as follows.
   ∞
x(t )   x( ) (t   )d 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 [𝑛]=𝑘 ∑
 =−∞
Response to an arbitrary input contd…
•  Thus, 𝑥 ( 𝑡 ) → 𝑦 (𝑡 ) 𝑖. 𝑒 . 𝑦 ( 𝑡 ) =𝑇 { 𝑥 (𝑡 ) } =𝑇
𝑥 ( 𝜏 ) 𝛿 (𝑡 −𝜏 ) 𝑑 𝜏
• Interchanging the order of integration and T

• ……….(1)

• (1) is called as convolution integral.

Convolution of two signals

• Convolution Integral:
(for CT signals)
y (t )  x(t )  h(t )   x( )h(t   )d

• Convolution Sum:
(for DT signals)
𝑦 [ 𝑛]= ∑ ¿¿
𝑘 =− ∞

• Convolution integral can be solved using graphical method

while convolution sum can be found out using tabular
Steps to find out convolution
•• Fold-Shift-Multiply-Integrate
1. Change to and to h.
2. Fold i.e time invert one of the signals (does not matter which) :

3. Shift the time inverted signal by t

4. Multiply and for every possible value of t. This signal changes continuously as t

varies and slides across
5. Integrate the product for all possible cases. 
y (t )  x( )h(t   )d

6. Combine all the integrals after the travelling waveform moved for
Convolution Example: To find the convolution
between and
•  Solution:
1. Change : Replace by
2. Fold to get : Replace by
3. Shift towards extreme left to get : Replace by

4. Multiply with . Product continuously varies as

t changes.
Given signals



Fold and Shift



Multiply for all possible values of t

1 𝑥 ( 𝜏 ) h ( 𝑡 − 𝜏 ) =0 , 𝑡 < 0
h(t-τ) x(τ)

t 0

𝑥 ( 𝜏 ) h ( 𝑡 − 𝜏 ) =1 ,𝑡 >0
h(t-τ) x(τ)

Integrate the product

y (t )   x( )h(t   )d
0 t 
  x( )h(t   )d   x( )h(t   )d   x( )h(t   )d
 0 t
0 t 
  0d   1d   0d
 0 t

Finally, the convolution between x(t)=u(t) and h(t)=u(t) is
Convolution result

Properties of convolution
• Commutative:
• Associative :

• Distributive:

• Shifting:
System Interconnections
• If two LTI CT systems are connected in cascade, then the
overall impulse response is h(t )  h1 (t )  h2 (t )
x(t) y1(t) y(t) x(t) h (t)*h (t) y(t)
h1(t) h2(t) 1 2

• If two LTI CT systems are connected in parallel, then the

overall impulse response is h(t )  h1 (t )  h2 (t )
x(t) y(t) x(t) y(t)
+ h1(t)+h2(t)
• For DT systems, h[n]  h1[n]  h2 [n] and h[n]  h1[n]  h2 [n]
System Properties based on its impulse
Sr. Property of Impulse Response Impulse Response of
No. the system of CT system DT system

1. Static h(t )  k (t ) h[n]  k [n]

2. Causal h(t )  0 for t  0 h[n]  0 for n  0

 
3. Stable
 h(t ) dt    h[k ]  
k  

4. Invertible h(t )  hi (t )   (t ) h[n]  hi [n]   [n]

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