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Bitcoin Price Prediction and Analysis Using Deep Learning
Algorithm LSTM and Sentiment Analysis on bitcoin
Guided by: Submitted by:
Mr Shanmuk CH.Roop Kumar (18HP1A1251)
Asst. Professor MD.Ibraheem (18HP5A1243)
(Dept. of IT)
P.Vikram (19HP5A12)
• Abstract

• Introduction

• proposed System

• System Requirements

• Conclusion
● Cryptocurrencies are a digital way of money in which all transactions are held electronically.
● It is a soft currency which doesn’t exist in the form of hard notes physically. Here, we are emphasizing the difference
of fiat currency which is decentralized that without any third-party intervention all virtual currency users can get the
● However, getting services of these cryptocurrencies impacts on international relations and trade, due to its high price
volatility. There are several virtual currencies such as bitcoin, ripple, ethereum, ethereum classic, lite coin, etc. In our
study, we especially focused on a popular cryptocurrency, i.e., bitcoin
● From many types of virtual currencies, bitcoin has a great acceptance by different bodies such as investors, researchers,
traders, and policy-makers.
● To the best of our knowledge, our target is to implement the efficient deep learning-based prediction models
specifically long short-term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU) to handle the price volatility of bitcoin
and to obtain high accuracy
● Our study involves comparing these two time series deep learning techniques and proved the efficacy in forecasting the
price of bitcoin.
● Virtual currencies are a form of cryptocurrency which is an impressive technical achievement in digital marketing,
● Virtual currencies become the most favorable and used for commercial enterprise transactions all over the world.
● The popularity is due to its innovative characteristics such as transparency, simplicity, and increasing acceptance
through the world.
● In the current time, bitcoin is the popular flourishing virtual currency. Reported , viewed on April 19, 2019, the virtual
currency market value is close to 90 billions of dollars, but it varies from time to time
● Primarily, the main challenge of bitcoin exchange rate is its high rate of price fluctuation
● High price volatility implies a certain measure should be taken to predict the price of bitcoin accurately. Knowing the
forecasting activity is necessary to tell about the future price of bitcoin and build trust as well as acceptance throughout
the world.
● The objective of our current study is to forecast the bitcoin price with improved efficiency using deep learning models
and minimizing the risks for investors as well as policy-makers.
● The PROPOSED system considers two different deep learning-based prediction model to forecast daily price of bitcoin by
identifying and evaluating relevant features by the model itself.

● After applying both the models for bitcoin prediction, we can determine which model is much more accurate for the future
fulfillment of our target and select appropriate parameters to obtain a better performance.

● In this work, we have proposed deep learning mechanisms such as LSTM and GRU which are the latest and efficient techniques
for the forecasting of bitcoin price.

● As bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, the price volatility issue should be handled within a short period of time.

● The process of prediction starting from collecting data till the forecasting of bitcoin price is depicted.
● RNN is a deep neural network characterized as a recurrent connection between the input and output
of its neurons or layers and capable of learning sequences designed to capture temporal contextual
information along time series data.

● They have recently gained popularity in deep learning due to their ability to overcome the limitation
of existing neural network architecture where it comes to learn over long sequences.

● Two common RNN networks are LSTM and GRU and presented in the subsequent sections.
● LSTMs are explicitly designed to avoid the long-term dependency problem
● Remembering information for long periods of time is practically their default behavior, not something they struggle to learn.
● The deep learning LSTM neural networks overcome the problems with RNN related to vanishing gradients, by replacing nodes
in the RNN with memory cells and gating mechanism.
● In this regard, it is an attractive deep learning neural architecture mostly on the account of its efficacy in memorizing long- and
short-term temporal information simultaneously, and it can be viewed the same in LSTM architecture depicted
● The GRU is the newer generation of recurrent neural networks and is pretty similar to an LSTM

● GRU got rid of the cell state and used the hidden state to transfer information.

● It has also only two gates, a reset gate and update gate

● Reset Gate: The reset gate is another gate that is used to decide how much past information to forget.

● Update Gate: The update gate acts similar to the forget and input gate of an LSTM. It decides what information to throw away
and what new information to be added
GRU architecture
● WINDOWS 7,8,10(64 BIT)

● RAM - 8GB(MIN)


● Bitcoin is the most popular decentralized way of virtual currency which has a great role in the free market economy and avoids
the intermediary of another third party between customers

● The main objective of our study is to forecast the bitcoin price with improved efficiency using deep learning models and
minimizing the risks for the investors as well as policy-makers.

● In our study, we have not considered other crypto currencies such as ripple, ethereum, lite coin, and others

● We will enhance the model by applying on these cryptocurrencies so the model becomes a stable one

● Fuzzification can also be incorporated at the input layer by considering the degree of participation of each of the features in the

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