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Design of Isolated Footings

1. Foundation structures should sustain the applied

loads, moments, forces and induced reactions
without exceeding the safe bearing capacity of the
2. The settlement of the structure should be as
uniform as possible and it should be within the
tolerable limits.
3. Isolated Footings are used when the soil has
sufficient strength within a short depth below the
ground level. They need sufficient plan area to
transfer the heavy loads to the base soil.
Isolated Footing Isolated Stepped Footing
Constant Thickness

Column Column
Footing Slab Footing Slab

Isolated Footing Varying Thickness


Footing Slab

Design Principle
1. Footing Dimensions are fixed such that SBC is
not exceeded under service load conditions.
2. Rectangular footings are proportioned such that
projections beyond column/pedestal faces on all
sides are equal.
3. Footing slab is designed as a cantilever subjected
to upward udl due to soil pressure.
4. BM in the footing Slab is computed as per
CL34.2.3.2 (a) – at the face of Column or pedestal
5. Shear in the footing Slab is computed as per

i) CL34.2.4.1 (a) – One way Shear

- at a distance equal to the effective depth of
footing from column/pedestal face

ii) CL34.2.4.1 (b) – Two way Shear (Punching Shear)

- as per CL 31.6
- critical section for shear shall be at a distance
d/2 from the periphery of the column/pedestal
Critical Sections for design Section 1-1
21 At column/pedestal
21 face ; To compute
Column Max. BM

Footing Slab Pedestal Section 2-2

At ‘d’ from Column/
Pedestal face;
a b
To compute Maximum
a b SF for One way Shear

d c Section abcd
d c At ‘d/ 2 ’ from Column/
21 Pedestal face;
To compute SF for
Two way shear
6. Minimum Thickness of footing Slab >=150mm as
per CL 34.1.2
Example1: Square Footing

Design an isolated footing for a square column

400 mm x 400 mm with 12-20 mm diameter
longitudinal bars carrying service loads of 1500 kN
with M 20 and Fe 415. The safe bearing capacity of
soil is 250 kN/m2 at a depth of 1 m below the ground
level. Use M 20 and Fe 415.
Step 1: Size of Footing

Column Load (Service) = 1500 kN

Assume the weight of the footing and backfill as
10% of the column load = 150 kN
Total Load = 1650 kN

Area required =1650/250 = 6.6 m2.

Provide 2.6 m x 2.6 m , area = 6.76 m2
Step 2:
Thickness of footing based on one-way shear
2600 Factored soil pressure = 1500x1.5x / 6.76
= 0.333 N/mm2
section Assume pt = 0.25%;
c = 0.36 N/mm2 (Table 19)
Shear Carried by concrete Vu
= 0.36x 2600x d

Critical section at ‘d’ from column face

Force in the shaded area
1100 Shear Force = 0.333 x 2600 x (1100 - d).

0.36x2600xd = 0.333 x 2600 x (1100 – d)

0.333 MPa
d = 528.57mm
Clear Cover = 50mm. Rebar Dia = 16, in two layers

Provide D = 536 + 50 + 16 + 8 = 610 mm.

16 dia


50 16 dia
Step 3: Check for two-way shear
The critical section is at a distance of d/2 from the periphery of
the column.
Shear force =Soil Pressure (Footing Area –Critical section Area)

=0.333[(2600)2 – (936)2] /1000 = 1959.34 kN.

CL. 31.6.3
Shear resistance = (ks c ) x Resisting area

ks = 0.5 + βc ; βc = 1.0, ks = 1.5 > 1; ks = 1.0

c = 0.25 x fck0.5 = 1.12 N/mm2.

936 Resisting area = perimeter of critical section x d

= 4(936) x 536 = 2006784 mm2
Shear resistance = 1.12 x 2006784/1000
Step 5: Bending moment
The critical section is at the face of the column.
Moment due to shaded area at critical section

1100 Mu = 0.333 x 2600 x 1100 x (1100/2) = 524 kNm

b=2600 mm
Mu,lim = 0.36x0.48(1- 0.42x0.48)2600x5362x20

=2061 kNm > 524 kNm.

524x106 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 536 x

[1- (Ast x 415 / (2600x536x20)]

2.88 Ast2 - 193522.8 Ast + 524 x106 = 0

0.333MPa Ast = 2827 mm2
Ast from One way shear = 0.25x2600x536/100
Provide Ast = 3484 mm2
Provide 18 - #16 or #16 @ 140 mm c/c in both
directions as footing is square and having equal
projections on all faces

Step 6: Check for Development length

Ld = 0.87x415x16/(4x1.6x1.2) = 752 mm
Length available = 1100 – 50 = 1050 mm > 752 mm.

#16 @ 140

#16 @ 140


Example 2:
Design an isolated footing for a rectangular column,
300 mm x 500 mm carrying a service load of 3000 kN.
Assume safe bearing capacity of soil as 260 kN/m2 at
a depth of 1 m below ground level.
Use M 20 and Fe 415.
Step 1: Size of Footing

Column Load (Service) = 3000 kN

Assume the weight of the footing and backfill as
10% of the column load = 300 kN
Total Load = 3300 kN

Area required =3300/260 = 12.7 m2.

Let ‘z’ be the projection beyond column faces

B = 0.3+ 2 z

L = 0.5+ 2 z
(0.5 + 2 z) x (0.3 + 2 z) = 12.7
0.15+0.6z+1.0z + 4z2 = 12.7
4z2 + 1.6z -12.55=0
z = 1.58 m; Provide z = 1.6 m
L = 3.7 m ; B = 3.5 m

Provide a footing of Size 3.7 m x 3.5 m

Step 2:
Thickness of footing based on one-way shear
3700 Factored soil pressure = 3000x1.5x / (3.7x3.5)
347kN/m2 = 0.347 N/mm2
section Assume pt = 0.25%;
c = 0.36 N/mm2 (Table 19)
300 Shear Carried by concrete Vc = c B d
= 0.36x 3500x d

Critical section at ‘d’ from column face

Force in the shaded area
1600 Shear Force = 0.347 x 3500 x (1600 - d).

0.36x3500xd = 0.347 x 3500 x (1600 – d)

0.347 MPa
d = 786mm
Clear Cover = 50mm. Rebar Dia = 16, in two layers

Provide D = 800 + 50 + 16 + 8 = 875 mm.

16 dia


50 16 dia
Step 3: Check for two-way shear
The critical section is at a distance of d/2 from the periphery of
the column.
Shear force =Soil Pressure (Footing Area –Critical section Area)

= 0.347[(3700x3500) – (1300x1100)] /1000
3998 kN.
Shear resistance = (ks c ) x Resisting area

ks = 0.5 + βc ; βc = 0.6, ks = 1.1 > 1; ks = 1.0


c = 0.25 x fck0.5 = 1.12 N/mm2.


Resisting area = perimeter of critical section x d

= 2(2400) x 800 = 3840000 mm2
3700 Shear resistance = 1.12 x 3840000 /1000
= 4301kN > 3998 kN. OK
Step 4: Design for Bending moment
The critical section is at the face of the column.
Moment due to shaded area at critical section

1600 Mu = 0.347 x 3500 x 1600 x (1600/2)= 1555 kNm

b=3500 mm
Mu,lim = 0.36x0.48(1- 0.42x0.48)3500x8002x20

=6180 kNm > 1555 kNm.

1555x106 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 800 x

[1- (Ast x 415 / (3500x800x20)]

2.14 Ast2 - 288840 Ast + 1555 x106 = 0

0.347MPa Ast = 5617 mm2
Ast from One way shear = 0.25x3500x800/100
Provide Ast = 7000 mm2
Provide 35 - #16 or #16 @ 100 mm c/c in both
directions as footing is having equal projections
on all faces

Step 6: Check for Development length

Ld = 0.87x415x16/(4x1.6x1.2) = 752 mm
Length available = 1600 – 50 = 1550 mm > 752 mm.

#16 @ 100

#16 @ 100



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