Chapter 30: XML: Database System Concepts, 7 Ed

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Chapter 30: XML

Database System Concepts, 7th Ed.

©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
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 Structure of XML Data

 XML Document Schema
 Querying and Transformation
 Application Program Interfaces to XML
 Storage of XML Data
 XML Applications

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 XML: Extensible Markup Language

 Defined by the WWW Consortium (W3C)
 Derived from SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), but
simpler to use than SGML
 Documents have tags giving extra information about sections of the
 E.g., <title> XML </title> <slide> Introduction …</slide>
 Extensible, unlike HTML
 Users can add new tags, and separately specify how the tag should
be handled for display

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.3 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
XML Introduction (Cont.)

 The ability to specify new tags, and to create nested tag structures make
XML a great way to exchange data, not just documents.
 Much of the use of XML has been in data exchange applications, not
as a replacement for HTML
 Tags make data (relatively) self-documenting
 E.g.,
<dept_name> Comp. Sci. </dept_name>
<building> Taylor </building>
<budget> 100000 </budget>
<course_id> CS-101 </course_id>
<title> Intro. to Computer Science </title>
<dept_name> Comp. Sci </dept_name>
<credits> 4 </credits>
Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
XML: Motivation

 Data interchange is critical in today’s networked world

 Examples:
 Banking: funds transfer
 Order processing (especially inter-company orders)
 Scientific data
– Chemistry: ChemML, …
– Genetics: BSML (Bio-Sequence Markup Language), …
 Paper flow of information between organizations is being replaced by
electronic flow of information
 Each application area has its own set of standards for representing
 XML has become the basis for all new generation data interchange formats

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XML Motivation (Cont.)

 Earlier generation formats were based on plain text with line headers
indicating the meaning of fields
 Similar in concept to email headers
 Does not allow for nested structures, no standard “type” language
 Tied too closely to low level document structure (lines, spaces, etc)
 Each XML based standard defines what are valid elements, using
 XML type specification languages to specify the syntax
 DTD (Document Type Descriptors)
 XML Schema
 Plus textual descriptions of the semantics
 XML allows new tags to be defined as required
 However, this may be constrained by DTDs
 A wide variety of tools is available for parsing, browsing and querying
XML documents/data

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Comparison with Relational Data

 Inefficient: tags, which in effect represent schema information, are

 Better than relational tuples as a data-exchange format
 Unlike relational tuples, XML data is self-documenting due to presence
of tags
 Non-rigid format: tags can be added
 Allows nested structures
 Wide acceptance, not only in database systems, but also in browsers,
tools, and applications

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Structure of XML Data

 Tag: label for a section of data

 Element: section of data beginning with <tagname> and ending with
matching </tagname>
 Elements must be properly nested
 Proper nesting
 <course> … <title> …. </title> </course>
 Improper nesting
 <course> … <title> …. </course> </title>
 Formally: every start tag must have a unique matching end tag, that is
in the context of the same parent element.
 Every document must have a single top-level element

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Example of Nested Elements

<identifier> P-101 </identifier>
<purchaser> …. </purchaser>
<identifier> RS1 </identifier>
<description> Atom powered rocket sled </description>
<quantity> 2 </quantity>
<price> 199.95 </price>
<identifier> SG2 </identifier>
<description> Superb glue </description>
<quantity> 1 </quantity>
<unit-of-measure> liter </unit-of-measure>
<price> 29.95 </price>

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.9 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Motivation for Nesting

 Nesting of data is useful in data transfer

 Example: elements representing item nested within an itemlist
 Nesting is not supported, or discouraged, in relational databases
 With multiple orders, customer name and address are stored
 normalization replaces nested structures in each order by foreign
key into table storing customer name and address information
 Nesting is supported in object-relational databases
 But nesting is appropriate when transferring data
 External application does not have direct access to data referenced
by a foreign key

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Structure of XML Data (Cont.)

 Mixture of text with sub-elements is legal in XML.

• Example:
This course is being offered for the first time in 2009.
<course id> BIO-399 </course id>
<title> Computational Biology </title>
<dept name> Biology </dept name>
<credits> 3 </credits>
• Useful for document markup, but discouraged for data representation

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 Elements can have attributes

<course course_id= “CS-101”>
<title> Intro. to Computer Science</title>
<dept name> Comp. Sci. </dept name>
<credits> 4 </credits>
 Attributes are specified by name=value pairs inside the starting tag of an
 An element may have several attributes, but each attribute name can only
occur once
<course course_id = “CS-101” credits=“4”>

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Attributes vs. Subelements

 Distinction between subelement and attribute

 In the context of documents, attributes are part of markup, while
subelement contents are part of the basic document contents
 In the context of data representation, the difference is unclear and may
be confusing
 Same information can be represented in two ways
– <course course_id= “CS-101”> … </course>
– <course>
<course_id>CS-101</course_id> …
 Suggestion: use attributes for identifiers of elements, and use
subelements for contents

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 XML data has to be exchanged between organizations
 Same tag name may have different meaning in different organizations,
causing confusion on exchanged documents
 Specifying a unique string as an element name avoids confusion
 Better solution: use unique-name:element-name
 Avoid using long unique names all over document by using XML
<university xmlns:yale=“”>

<yale:course_id> CS-101 </yale:course_id>
<yale:title> Intro. to Computer Science</yale:title>
<yale:dept_name> Comp. Sci. </yale:dept_name>
<yale:credits> 4 </yale:credits>


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More on XML Syntax

 Elements without subelements or text content can be abbreviated by

ending the start tag with a /> and deleting the end tag
 <course course_id=“CS-101” Title=“Intro. To Computer Science”
dept_name = “Comp. Sci.” credits=“4” />
 To store string data that may contain tags, without the tags being
interpreted as subelements, use CDATA as below
 <![CDATA[<course> … </course>]]>
Here, <course> and </course> are treated as just strings
CDATA stands for “character data”

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.15 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
XML Document Schema

 Database schemas constrain what information can be stored, and the data
types of stored values
 XML documents are not required to have an associated schema
 However, schemas are very important for XML data exchange
 Otherwise, a site cannot automatically interpret data received from
another site
 Two mechanisms for specifying XML schema
 Document Type Definition (DTD)
 Widely used
 XML Schema
 Newer, increasing use

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.16 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Document Type Definition (DTD)

 The type of an XML document can be specified using a DTD

 DTD constraints structure of XML data
 What elements can occur
 What attributes can/must an element have
 What subelements can/must occur inside each element, and how
many times.
 DTD does not constrain data types
 All values represented as strings in XML
 DTD syntax
 <!ELEMENT element (subelements-specification) >
 <!ATTLIST element (attributes) >

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Element Specification in DTD

 Subelements can be specified as

 names of elements, or
 #PCDATA (parsed character data), i.e., character strings
 EMPTY (no subelements) or ANY (anything can be a subelement)
 Example
<! ELEMENT department (dept_name building, budget)>
<! ELEMENT dept_name (#PCDATA)>
<! ELEMENT budget (#PCDATA)>
 Subelement specification may have regular expressions
<!ELEMENT university ( ( department | course | instructor | teaches )+)>
 Notation:
– “|” - alternatives
– “+” - 1 or more occurrences
– “*” - 0 or more occurrences

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University DTD

<!DOCTYPE university [
<!ELEMENT university ( (department|course|instructor|teaches)+)>
<!ELEMENT department ( dept name, building, budget)>
<!ELEMENT course ( course id, title, dept name, credits)>
<!ELEMENT instructor (IID, name, dept name, salary)>
<!ELEMENT teaches (IID, course id)>
<!ELEMENT dept name( #PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT building( #PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT budget( #PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT course id ( #PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT title ( #PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT credits( #PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT name( #PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT salary( #PCDATA )>

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Attribute Specification in DTD
 Attribute specification : for each attribute
• Name
• Type of attribute
 ID (identifier) or IDREF (ID reference) or IDREFS (multiple
– more on this later
• Whether
 mandatory (#REQUIRED)
 has a default value (value),
 or neither (#IMPLIED)
 Examples
• <!ATTLIST course course_id CDATA #REQUIRED>, or
• <!ATTLIST course
course_id ID #REQUIRED
instructors IDREFS #IMPLIED >

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IDs and IDREFs

 An element can have at most one attribute of type ID

 The ID attribute value of each element in an XML document must be
 Thus the ID attribute value is an object identifier
 An attribute of type IDREF must contain the ID value of an element in the
same document
 An attribute of type IDREFS contains a set of (0 or more) ID values. Each
ID value must contain the ID value of an element in the same document

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.21 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
University DTD with Attributes

 University DTD with ID and IDREF attribute types.

<!DOCTYPE university-3 [
<!ELEMENT university ( (department|course|instructor)+)>
<!ELEMENT department ( building, budget )>
<!ATTLIST department
dept_name ID #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT course (title, credits )>
<!ATTLIST course
course_id ID #REQUIRED
instructors IDREFS #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT instructor ( name, salary )>
<!ATTLIST instructor
dept_name IDREF #REQUIRED >
· · · declarations for title, credits, building,
budget, name and salary · · ·

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XML data with ID and IDREF attributes
<department dept name=“Comp. Sci.”>
<building> Taylor </building>
<budget> 100000 </budget>
<department dept name=“Biology”>
<building> Watson </building>
<budget> 90000 </budget>
<course course id=“CS-101” dept name=“Comp. Sci”
instructors=“10101 83821”>
<title> Intro. to Computer Science </title>
<credits> 4 </credits>
<instructor IID=“10101” dept name=“Comp. Sci.”>
<name> Srinivasan </name>
<salary> 65000 </salary>

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Limitations of DTDs

 No typing of text elements and attributes

 All values are strings, no integers, reals, etc.
 Difficult to specify unordered sets of subelements
 Order is usually irrelevant in databases (unlike in the document-layout
environment from which XML evolved)
 (A | B)* allows specification of an unordered set, but
 Cannot ensure that each of A and B occurs only once
 IDs and IDREFs are untyped
 The instructors attribute of an course may contain a reference to
another course, which is meaningless
 instructors attribute should ideally be constrained to refer to
instructor elements

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XML Schema

 XML Schema is a more sophisticated schema language which addresses

the drawbacks of DTDs. Supports
 Typing of values
 E.g., integer, string, etc
 Also, constraints on min/max values
 User-defined, comlex types
 Many more features, including
 uniqueness and foreign key constraints, inheritance
 XML Schema is itself specified in XML syntax, unlike DTDs
 More-standard representation, but verbose
 XML Scheme is integrated with namespaces
 BUT: XML Schema is significantly more complicated than DTDs.

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.25 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
XML Schema Version of Univ. DTD
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=“”>
<xs:element name=“university” type=“universityType” />
<xs:element name=“department”>
<xs:element name=“dept name” type=“xs:string”/>
<xs:element name=“building” type=“xs:string”/>
<xs:element name=“budget” type=“xs:decimal”/>
<xs:element name=“instructor”>
<xs:element name=“IID” type=“xs:string”/>
<xs:element name=“name” type=“xs:string”/>
<xs:element name=“dept name” type=“xs:string”/>
<xs:element name=“salary” type=“xs:decimal”/>
… Contd.
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30.26 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
XML Schema Version of Univ. DTD (Cont.)
<xs:complexType name=“UniversityType”>
<xs:element ref=“department” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded”/>
<xs:element ref=“course” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded”/>
<xs:element ref=“instructor” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded”/>
<xs:element ref=“teaches” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded”/>

 Choice of “xs:” was ours -- any other namespace prefix could be chosen
 Element “university” has type “universityType”, which is defined separately
• xs:complexType is used later to create the named complex type

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.27 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
More features of XML Schema

 Attributes specified by xs:attribute tag:

 <xs:attribute name = “dept_name”/>
 adding the attribute use = “required” means value must be specified
 Key constraint: “department names form a key for department elements
under the root university element:
<xs:key name = “deptKey”>
<xs:selector xpath = “/university/department”/>
<xs:field xpath = “dept_name”/>
 Foreign key constraint from course to department:
<xs:keyref name = “courseDeptFKey” refer=“deptKey”>
<xs:selector xpath = “/university/course”/>
<xs:field xpath = “dept_name”/>

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.28 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Querying and Transforming XML Data

 Translation of information from one XML schema to another

 Querying on XML data
 Above two are closely related, and handled by the same tools
 Standard XML querying/translation languages
 XPath
 Simple language consisting of path expressions
 Simple language designed for translation from XML to XML and
 XQuery
 An XML query language with a rich set of features

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.29 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Tree Model of XML Data

 Query and transformation languages are based on a tree model of XML

 An XML document is modeled as a tree, with nodes corresponding to
elements and attributes
 Element nodes have child nodes, which can be attributes or
 Text in an element is modeled as a text node child of the element
 Children of a node are ordered according to their order in the XML
 Element and attribute nodes (except for the root node) have a single
parent, which is an element node
 The root node has a single child, which is the root element of the

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.30 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

 XPath is used to address (select) parts of documents using

path expressions
 A path expression is a sequence of steps separated by “/”
 Think of file names in a directory hierarchy
 Result of path expression: set of values that along with their containing
elements/attributes match the specified path
 E.g., /university-3/instructor/name evaluated on the university-3 data
we saw earlier returns
 E.g., /university-3/instructor/name/text( )
returns the same names, but without the enclosing tags

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.31 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
XPath (Cont.)

 The initial “/” denotes root of the document (above the top-level tag)
 Path expressions are evaluated left to right
• Each step operates on the set of instances produced by the previous
 Selection predicates may follow any step in a path, in [ ]
• E.g., /university-3/course[credits >= 4]
 returns account elements with a balance value greater than 400
 /university-3/course[credits] returns account elements containing
a credits subelement
 Attributes are accessed using “@”
• E.g., /university-3/course[credits >= 4]/@course_id
 returns the course identifiers of courses with credits >= 4
• IDREF attributes are not dereferenced automatically (more on this

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.32 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Functions in XPath
 XPath provides several functions
 The function count() at the end of a path counts the number of
elements in the set generated by the path
 E.g., /university-2/instructor[count(./teaches/course)> 2]
– Returns instructors teaching more than 2 courses (on
university-2 schema)
 Also function for testing position (1, 2, ..) of node w.r.t. siblings
 Boolean connectives and and or and function not() can be used in
 IDREFs can be referenced using function id()
 id() can also be applied to sets of references such as IDREFS and
even to strings containing multiple references separated by blanks
 E.g., /university-3/course/id(@dept_name)
 returns all department elements referred to from the dept_name
attribute of course elements.

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.33 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
More XPath Features

 Operator “|” used to implement union

• E.g., /university-3/course[@dept name=“Comp. Sci”] |
/university-3/course[@dept name=“Biology”]
 Gives union of Comp. Sci. and Biology courses
 However, “|” cannot be nested inside other operators.
 “//” can be used to skip multiple levels of nodes
• E.g., /university-3//name
 finds any name element anywhere under the /university-3
element, regardless of the element in which it is contained.
 A step in the path can go to parents, siblings, ancestors and descendants
of the nodes generated by the previous step, not just to the children
• “//”, described above, is a short from for specifying “all descendants”
• “..” specifies the parent.
 doc(name) returns the root of a named document

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.34 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
 XQuery is a general purpose query language for XML data
 Currently being standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
 The textbook description is based on a January 2005 draft of the
standard. The final version may differ, but major features likely to stay
 XQuery is derived from the Quilt query language, which itself borrows from
 XQuery uses a
for … let … where … order by …result …
for  SQL from
where  SQL where
order by  SQL order by
result  SQL select
let allows temporary variables, and has no equivalent in SQL

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.35 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
FLWOR Syntax in XQuery

 For clause uses XPath expressions, and variable in for clause ranges over
values in the set returned by XPath
 Simple FLWOR expression in XQuery
• find all courses with credits > 3, with each result enclosed in an
<course_id> .. </course_id> tag
for $x in /university-3/course
let $courseId := $x/@course_id
where $x/credits > 3
return <course_id> { $courseId } </course id>
• Items in the return clause are XML text unless enclosed in {}, in which
case they are evaluated
 Let clause not really needed in this query, and selection can be done In
XPath. Query can be written as:
for $x in /university-3/course[credits > 3]
return <course_id> { $x/@course_id } </course_id>
 Alternative notation for constructing elements:
return element course_id { element $x/@course_id }

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 Joins are specified in a manner very similar to SQL

for $c in /university/course,
$i in /university/instructor,
$t in /university/teaches
where $c/course_id= $t/course id and $t/IID = $i/IID
return <course_instructor> { $c $i } </course_instructor>
 The same query can be expressed with the selections specified as XPath
for $c in /university/course,
$i in /university/instructor,
$t in /university/teaches[ $c/course_id= $t/course_id
and $t/IID = $i/IID]
return <course_instructor> { $c $i } </course_instructor>

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.37 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Nested Queries
 The following query converts data from the flat structure for university
information into the nested structure used in university-1
{ for $d in /university/department
return <department>
{ $d/* }
{ for $c in /university/course[dept name = $d/dept name]
return $c }
{ for $i in /university/instructor
return <instructor>
{ $i/* }
{ for $c in /university/teaches[IID = $i/IID]
return $c/course id }
 $c/* denotes all the children of the node to which $c is bound, without the
enclosing top-level tag

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Grouping and Aggregation

 Nested queries are used for grouping

for $d in /university/department
<dept_name> { $d/dept name } </dept_name>
<total_salary> { fn:sum(
for $i in /university/instructor[dept_name = $d/dept_name]
return $i/salary

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.39 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Sorting in XQuery

 The order by clause can be used at the end of any expression.

E.g., to return instructors sorted by name
for $i in /university/instructor
order by $i/name
return <instructor> { $i/* } </instructor>
 Use order by $i/name descending to sort in descending order
 Can sort at multiple levels of nesting (sort departments by dept_name,
and by courses sorted to course_id within each department)
<university-1> {
for $d in /university/department
order by $d/dept name
{ $d/* }
{ for $c in /university/course[dept name = $d/dept name]
order by $c/course id
return <course> { $c/* } </course> }
} </university-1>

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Functions and Other XQuery Features

 User defined functions with the type system of XMLSchema

declare function local:dept_courses($iid as xs:string)
as element(course)*
for $i in /university/instructor[IID = $iid],
$c in /university/courses[dept_name = $i/dept name]
return $c
 Types are optional for function parameters and return values
 The * (as in decimal*) indicates a sequence of values of that type
 Universal and existential quantification in where clause predicates
 some $e in path satisfies P
 every $e in path satisfies P
 Add and fn:exists($e) to prevent empty $e from satisfying every
 XQuery also supports If-then-else clauses

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 A stylesheet stores formatting options for a document, usually separately

from document
 E.g. an HTML style sheet may specify font colors and sizes for
headings, etc.
 The XML Stylesheet Language (XSL) was originally designed for
generating HTML from XML
 XSLT is a general-purpose transformation language
 Can translate XML to XML, and XML to HTML
 XSLT transformations are expressed using rules called templates
 Templates combine selection using XPath with construction of results

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Application Program Interface

 There are two standard application program interfaces to XML data:

 SAX (Simple API for XML)
 Based on parser model, user provides event handlers for parsing
– E.g., start of element, end of element
 DOM (Document Object Model)
 XML data is parsed into a tree representation
 Variety of functions provided for traversing the DOM tree
 E.g.: Java DOM API provides Node class with methods
getParentNode( ), getFirstChild( ), getNextSibling( )
getAttribute( ), getData( ) (for text node)
getElementsByTagName( ), …
 Also provides functions for updating DOM tree

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.43 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Storage of XML Data

 XML data can be stored in

 Non-relational data stores
 Flat files
– Natural for storing XML
– But has all problems discussed in Chapter 1 (no concurrency,
no recovery, …)
 XML database
– Database built specifically for storing XML data, supporting
DOM model and declarative querying
– Currently no commercial-grade systems
 Relational databases
 Data must be translated into relational form
 Advantage: mature database systems
 Disadvantages: overhead of translating data and queries

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.44 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Storage of XML in Relational Databases

 Alternatives:
 String Representation
 Tree Representation
 Map to relations

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.45 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
String Representation

 Store each top level element as a string field of a tuple in a relational

 Use a single relation to store all elements, or
 Use a separate relation for each top-level element type
 E.g., account, customer, depositor relations
– Each with a string-valued attribute to store the element
 Indexing:
 Store values of subelements/attributes to be indexed as extra fields of
the relation, and build indices on these fields
 E.g., customer_name or account_number
 Some database systems support function indices, which use the
result of a function as the key value.
 The function should return the value of the required

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.46 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
String Representation (Cont.)

 Benefits:
 Can store any XML data even without DTD
 As long as there are many top-level elements in a document, strings
are small compared to full document
 Allows fast access to individual elements.
 Drawback: Need to parse strings to access values inside the elements
 Parsing is slow.

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.47 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Tree Representation

 Tree representation: model XML data as tree and store using relations
nodes(id, parent_id, type, label, value)

university (id:1)

course (id:2) department (id: 5)

course_id dept_name
(id: 3) (id: 7)
 Each element/attribute is given a unique identifier
 Type indicates element/attribute
 Label specifies the tag name of the element/name of attribute
 Value is the text value of the element/attribute
 Can add an extra attribute position to record ordering of children

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.48 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Tree Representation (Cont.)

 Benefit: Can store any XML data, even without DTD

 Drawbacks:
 Data is broken up into too many pieces, increasing space overheads
 Even simple queries require a large number of joins, which can be

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.49 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Mapping XML Data to Relations

 Relation created for each element type whose schema is known:

 An id attribute to store a unique id for each element
 A relation attribute corresponding to each element attribute
 A parent_id attribute to keep track of parent element
 As in the tree representation
 Position information (ith child) can be store too
 All subelements that occur only once can become relation attributes
 For text-valued subelements, store the text as attribute value
 For complex subelements, can store the id of the subelement
 Subelements that can occur multiple times represented in a separate table
 Similar to handling of multivalued attributes when converting ER
diagrams to tables

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.50 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Storing XML Data in Relational Systems

 Applying above ideas to department elements in university-1 schema, with

nested course elements, we get
department(id, dept_name, building, budget)
course(parent id, course_id, dept_name, title, credits)
 Publishing: process of converting relational data to an XML format
 Shredding: process of converting an XML document into a set of tuples to
be inserted into one or more relations
 XML-enabled database systems support automated publishing and
 Many systems offer native storage of XML data using the xml data type.
Special internal data structures and indices are used for efficiency

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.51 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

 New standard SQL extension that allows creation of nested XML output
 Each output tuple is mapped to an XML element row
<dept name> Comp. Sci. </dept name>
<building> Taylor </building>
<budget> 100000 </budget>
…. more rows if there are more output tuples …
… other relations ..

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.52 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SQL Extensions

 xmlelement creates XML elements

 xmlattributes creates attributes
select xmlelement (name “course”,
xmlattributes (course id as course id, dept name as dept name),
xmlelement (name “title”, title),
xmlelement (name “credits”, credits))
from course
 Xmlagg creates a forest of XML elements
select xmlelement (name “department”,
xmlagg (xmlforest(course_id)
order by course_id))
from course
group by dept_name

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.53 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
XML Applications

 Storing and exchanging data with complex structures

 E.g., Open Document Format (ODF) format standard for storing Open
Office and Office Open XML (OOXML) format standard for storing
Microsoft Office documents
 Numerous other standards for a variety of applications
 ChemML, MathML
 Standard for data exchange for Web services
 remote method invocation over HTTP protocol
 More in next slide
 Data mediation
 Common data representation format to bridge different systems

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.54 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Web Services

 The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) standard:

 Invocation of procedures across applications with distinct databases
 XML used to represent procedure input and output
 A Web service is a site providing a collection of SOAP procedures
 Described using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
 Directories of Web services are described using the Universal
Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) standard

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.55 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
End of Chapter 30

Database System Concepts - 7th Edition 30.56 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

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