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CIT 4102

System Administration
and Maintenance

Chapter 4 ·Models of Network and

System Administration

Ariel Del Valle Aviles


College of Computer Studies and Systems

·Models of network and system
Understanding human–computer systems necessitates
the ability to see connections between seemingly
disparate components. The ignoring of
interrelationships inside such systems causes many
failures and security violations.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Information models and
directory services
A directory service is a set of software and processes that keep
track of information about your company, subscribers, or both.
The Domain Name System (DNS), which is provided by DNS
servers, is an example of a directory service.

Directory services are used to store, retrieve, and manage data

about items including user accounts, computer accounts, mail
accounts, and information about network resources.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Types of Directory Services
LDAP — Stores user and group information in an
LDAP-based directory server.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a

cross-platform authentication protocol for directory
services. LDAP is the protocol that allows applications
to communicate with other directory services servers.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

College of Computer Studies and Systems
Key File — A text file that contains the user's password
in a hashed format, and the list of groups to which the
user belongs. ...

Digest File — Stores user and group information based

on encrypted username and password.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Why do we need a directory
The primary purpose of a directory service in an
organization is to manage the connections
between users and their IT resources. When
users seek access to IT resources, those
resources consult the directory service to
determine whether or not the person should be
permitted access.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

·System infrastructure
The systems, protocols, and processes that provide the
organization structure, support its main functions, and
entrench routine practice are referred to as
organizational infrastructure. The organization's
infrastructure also aids in the execution of its vision,
purpose, goals, and values.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Information system security

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Identifying dangers is the first step in
developing a safe information system. The
second stage, implementing controls, can be
taken once possible problems have been
identified. Finally, audits are performed in
order to detect any security breaches.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Purpose of information system
The information infrastructure is a loosely
coordinated global network of people,
organizations, agencies, policies, processes, and
technology that improve the creation,
production, dissemination, organization, storage,
retrieval, and preservation of information and
knowledge for people.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Types of Network Models
1. Random Network

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Types of Network Models
2. Scale - Free Network

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Types of Network Models
3. Hierarchical network.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Network management
The use of data systems to manage and provide
digital resources through a computer network is
known as network technology. A wide range of
industries require computer hardware and system
software to maintain networks, necessitating the
hiring of network administrators.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

System Maintenance
There are four types of systems maintenance:
1. Corrective,
2. Adaptive,
3. Perfective, and
4. Preventive.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

System Maintenance
Corrective maintenance is the process of
identifying, isolating, and repairing a fault in
order to get equipment, a machine, or a system
back into working order so it can perform its
intended function.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

System Maintenance
Adaptive maintenance refers to the
implementation of adjustments in a metallic
structure's or object's monitoring, use, or other
operational elements to prevent corrosion from
spreading from one portion of the metal to

College of Computer Studies and Systems

System Maintenance
Perfective software maintenance focuses on
the software's functioning and usability.
Perfective maintenance entails fine-tuning,
removing, or adding new features to an existing
product's functionality. Perfective adjustments
may alter the appearance of a product as well as
its functionality.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

System Maintenance
Preventive maintenance (PM) is the process of
maintaining equipment and assets on a regular basis in
order to keep them running and avoid costly
unplanned downtime due to unexpected equipment
breakdown. A successful maintenance strategy
necessitates the planning and scheduling of equipment
repair before a problem arises.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Policy and configuration
By assigning configuration parameters to a policy
that is assigned to end-users before they launch the
app, app configuration policies can help you
eliminate app setup difficulties. When the program
checks for these parameters, which is usually the
first time the app is executed, the configuration
policy settings are used.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Diagnostics, fault and change
This is the most difficult phase in any analysis. A
desire for simplicity is frequently balanced
against a desire for fullness. The precise method
for achieving this equilibrium requires induction
or inference from experiment, rather than logic
or deduction.

College of Computer Studies and Systems

The IEEE classification of software anomalies is [166],
• Operating system crash
• Program hang-up
• Program crash
• Input problem
• Output problem
• Failed required performance
• Perceived total failure
• System error message
• Service degraded
• Wrong output
• No output.
College of Computer Studies and Systems
Another source of error is found at the human edge of
the system:
• Management error
• Miscommunication
• Forgetfulness
• Misunderstanding/miscommunication
• Misidentification
• Confusion/stress/intoxication
• Ignorance

College of Computer Studies and Systems

Another source of error is found at the human edge of
the system:
• Carelessness
• Slowness of response
• Random procedural errors
• Systematic procedural errors
• Inability to deal with complexity
• Inability to cooperate with others.

College of Computer Studies and Systems


College of Computer Studies and Systems

College of Computer Studies and Systems

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