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TOPIC: financial sector reforms



Financial Sector Reforms in India Since 1991
• Financial sector reforms refer to the reforms in the
banking system and capital market.
• An efficient banking system and a well-functioning
capital market are essential to mobilize savings of the
households and channel them to productive uses.
• The high rate of saving and productive investment are
essential for economic growth.
• Prior to 1991 while the banking system and the capital market
had shown impressive growth in the volume of operations, they
suffered from many deficiencies with regard to their efficiency
and the quality of their operations.
• The weaknesses of the banking system was extensively analyzed
by the committee (1991) on financial sector reforms, headed by
• The committee found that banking system was both over-
regulated and under-regulated.
• Prior to 1991 system of multiple regulated interest rates
prevailed. Besides, a large proportion of bank funds was
preempted by Government through high Statutory
Liquidity Ratio (SLR) and a high Cash Reserve Ratio
• As a result, there was a decrease in resources of the
banks to provide loans to the private sector for
• This preemption of bank funds by Government
weakened the financial health of the banking system
and forced banks to charge high interest rates on their
advances to the private sector to meet their needs of
credit for investment purposes.
• This was prominently revealed by 1992 scarcity scam
triggered by Harshad Mehta.
Reasons for financial sector reforms in
• After independence, India inherited various deprivations and
problems due to colonial legacy. The country was lagging behind
in social as well as economic affairs.
• By 1991, To attain the goal of rapid economic development,
India adopted the system of planned economy based on the
Mahalanobis model, fiscal activism forthe policy of Fiscal
activism, but all failed. The war in the Middle East and the fall of
USSR had put pressure on the Foreign Exchange Reserves of
India. India was facing the balance of payment crisis and
reforms were now inevitable.
Types of Financial Sector Reforms:

1. Changes in CRR and SLR: 

• One of the most important reforms includes the
reduction in cash reserve ratio (CRR) and statutory
liquidity ratio (SLR). The SLR has been reduced from
39% to the current value of 19.5%. The cash reserve
ratio has been reduced from 15 % to 4%. This reduction
in the SLR and CRR has given banks more financial
resources for lending to the agriculture, industry and
other sectors of the economy.
2. End of Administered Interest Rate Regime:

• Earlier, the system of administered interest rate structure was

prevalent in which RBI decided the interest rate charged by the
banks. The main purpose was to provide credit to the
government and certain priority sectors at concessional rates of
interest. The system has been done away and RBI no longer
decides interest rates on deposits paid by the banks. However,
RBI regulates interest on smaller loans up to Rs 2 lakhs on
which the interest rate should not be more than the prime
lending rates.
Capital Adequacy Ratio: 
• The capital adequacy ratio is the ratio of paid-up capital
and the reserves to the deposits of banks. The capital
adequacy ratio of Indian banks had not been as per the
international standards. The capital adequacy of 8% on
the risk-weighted asset ratio system was introduced in
India. The Indian banks had to achieve this target by
March 31, 1994, while the foreign Bank had to achieve
this norm by 31st March 1993.
Allowing private sector banks: 
• After the financial reforms, private banks we are given life and HDFC
Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, Corporation Bank etc. were
established in India. This has brought much needed competition in
the Indian money market which was essential for the improvement of
its efficiency. Foreign banks have also been allowed to open branches
in India and banks like Bank of America, Citibank, American Express
opened many new branches in India. Foreign banks were allowed to
operate in India using the following three channels:
• As foreign bank branches,
• As a subsidiary of a foreign bank which is wholly owned by the foreign Bank,
• A subsidiary of a foreign bank within maximum foreign investment of 74%
Reforms related to non performing assets (NPA):

•  Non performing assets are those loans on which the

loan installments have not been paid up for 90 days. RBI
introduced the recognition income recognition norm. According
to this norm, if the income on the assets of the bank is not
received in two quarters after the last date, the income is not
recognised. Recovery of bad debt was ensured through
Lok adalats, civil courts, Tribunals etc. The Securitisation And
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security
Interest (SARFAESI) Act was brought to handle the problem of
bad debts.
Elimination of direct or selective credit
• Earlier, under the system of selective or direct credit
control, RBI controlled the credit supply using the
system of changes in the margin for providing a loan to
traders against the stocks of sensitive commodities and
to the stockbrokers against the shares. This system of
direct credit control was abolished and now the banks
have greater freedom in providing credit to their
Promotion of microfinance for financial
• For the promotion of financial inclusion, microfinance
scheme was introduced by the government, and RBI the
gave guidelines for it. The most important model for
microfinance has been the Self Help Group Bank
linkage programme. It is being implemented by the
regional rural banks, cooperative banks, and Scheduled
commercial banks.
Reforms in the government debt market

• The policy of automatic monetization of the fiscal deficit

of government was phased out in 1997 through an
agreement between the government and RBI. Now the
government borrows money from the market through
the auction of government securities.
• The government borrows the money at market
determined interest rates which have made the
government cautious about its fiscal deficits.
• The government introduced treasury bills for 91 days for
ensuring liquidity and meeting short-term financial
needs and for benchmarking.
• Foreign institutional investors were now allowed to
invest their funds in the government securities.
• The government introduced the system of delivery
versus payment settlement for ensuring transparency in
the system.
• The system of repo was introduced for dealing with
short term liquidity adjustments.
Role of regulators
• Importance of the role of the regulator was recognised and RBI
became more independent to take decisions. More operational
autonomy was granted to RBI to fulfill its duties.
• The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) became an
important institution in managing the securities market of
• The insurance regulatory and Development Authority was an
important institution for initiating reforms in the Insurance
sector. Its responsibilities include the Regulation and
supervision of the Insurance sector in India.
Reforms in the foreign exchange market
• Since 1950s, India had a highly controlled foreign
exchange market and foreign exchange was made
available to the Reserve Bank of India in a very complex
manner. The steps taken for the reform of the foreign
exchange market were:
• In 1993, India moved towards market based exchange
rates, and the current account convertibility was now
allowed. The commercial banks were allowed to
undertake operations in foreign exchange.
• The Rupee foreign currency swap market has been
developed. New players are now allowed to enter this
market and undertake currency swap transactions
subject to certain limitations.
• The authorised dealers of foreign exchange were now
given the permission for activities such as initiating
trading positions, borrowing and investing in foreign
markets etc. subject to certain limitations and
• The foreign exchange Regulation Act, 1973 was replaced
by the foreign exchange management Act, 1999 for
providing greater freedom to the exchange markets.
• The foreign institutional investors and non-resident
Indians were allowed to trade in the exchange-traded
derivatives contracts subject to certain regulations and
Assessment of financial sector reforms
• After the financial sector reforms, the resilience and
stability of Indian economy have increased. The growth
rate up the economy has increased from around 3.5 % to
more than 6% per annum.
• The country has been able to deal with the Asian
economic crisis of 1977-98 and the recent Global
subprime crisis which affected the banking system of
the world but did not have much impact on the
economy of India.
• The banking sector and Insurance sector have grown
considerably. The entry of private sector banks and
foreign banks brought much-needed competition in the
banking sector which has improved its efficiency and
• The Insurance sector has also transformed over the
period of time. All these have benefited the customer
with diversified options.
• The stock exchanges of the country have seen growth and
stability, and it has adopted the international best practices.
• RBI has effectively regulated and managed the growth and
operations of the non-banking financial companies of India.
• The budget management, fiscal deficit, and public debt
condition have improved after the financial sector reforms.
The country is moving with more such future reforms in
different sectors of the economy.

• The overall impact of the financial sector reforms has been

positive. However consistent reforms are needed to
maintain the economic growth and make it inclusive of all the
sections of society. The recent measures taken by government
includes the bankruptcy and insolvency code for resolution of
non performing assets, the indradhanush strategy for
strengthening the banking sector, the goods and services tax for
making India a unified market, single window clearance to
remove red tapism and bring transparency, startup India
scheme and standup India scheme to boost economic growth in
the country etc. India has reached among the top 100 in the ease
of doing business of World Bank. But continued efforts are
required to sustain and improve the economic growth rate.

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