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Henry Foyal’s Principle of Management With

Reference to Dmart
• DMart was started by Mr.
Radhakishan Damani and his family
to address the growing needs of the
Indian family in 2002. DMART is a
one-stop supermarket chain that
aims to offer customers a wide range
of basic home and personal products
under one roof. Each DMart store
stocks home utility products -
including food,beauty products,
garments, kitchenware,home
appliances and more - available at
competitive prices. Their core
objective is to offer customers good
products at great value
Principles and their Applications
• Divison of work
• According to this principle work can
be done more efficiently if it is
divided in tasks and each task is
performed by specialist. It is in the
basis of this principle that one can
find different departments in every
• In Dmart work is also divided in
different departments such as :-
• Sales department
• Marketing department
• Supply Chain department
Principles and their Application

• Authority and
• Authority means to take decision and
responsibility means obligation to
perform the assigned task.

• In Dmart Authority and Responsibility

are delegated as per there manager
sees the fit.Here,the sales amanger for
instance has to sell a particular no of
goods per month(responsibility) to do
so he can lower the prices and give
discounts upto a particular
Principles and their Applications
• Discpline
• Discipline means obedience to
organisational rules and employment
agreements that are necessary for
functioning of any organisation.They are
as follows:-
• In DMART there is an agreement
between the management and workers
Union where workers have agreed to
work an extra hour without additional
wages if the company is in loss and later
their wages will be increased When the
mission is completed hair discipline
would mean that both workers and
managers will fulfill their commitment
towards one another
Principles and their Application

Unity of Command
• According to this principle an individual employee
should have only one superior from whome he should
receive orders. More than one person at a time
giving orders creates confusion and conflicts.
• In DMART the sales executive gets instructions from
the sales manager to sell more to reach targeted
sales at the same time he receives order from the
production manager to go slow due to shortage of
raw material, this creates conflict in the executive’s
mind’ thus this principle is not followed in DMART.
Principles and their Application

• Remuneration
• According to this principle
employees in the organisation must
be paid fairly or adequately to give
them maximum satisfaction.
• In DMART employees are paid
within the notice period and are
overall happy with their wage it
encourages them to work harder
and contribute more.
Principles and their Application

• Centalisation and
• When the power to take decision rests
with the top management it is called as
'Centralisation'. When the power to take
decision is given to the person performing
the job it is called as 'Decentralisation’
• In Dmart managers try to balance both i.e they
neither keep it centralised nor decentralised.
They decide which to be implemented
depending on the decision to be taken and
other factors.
Principle and their Application

• Scalar Chain
• Scalar chain is the chain of all
supervisors from the top
management to the person
working in the lowest rank. As
per the principle of scalar chain,
the flow of any information has
to follow a pre-defined path.
• In DMART the sales executor for
example cannot talk directly to
the C.E.O he/she has to follow
the formal levels.
Principles and their Application

• Order
• According to the principle of order, a
right person should be placed at the
right job and a right thing should be
placed at the right place.
• In DMART everything that is needed is
arranged in two types:-
1. Material order:-
Everything which Is needed in stores are
placed at right place.
2. Social Order:-
Assures proper places for every employe
such as proper office space and cabin.
Principles and their Application
• Equity
• Equity means combination of fairness,
kindness & justice. The employees should
be treated with kindness & equity if
devotion is expected of them. It implies
that managers should be fair and impartial
while dealing with the subordinates.
• In DMART there has never been any case
of inequality on the basis of religion, sex,
caste, or race every employee is treated
equally and their payment is also based
On what post they are at and how much
effort they put in.
Principles and their Application
• Stability of Personnel
• Stability of tenure of personnel is a
principle stating that in order for an
organization to run smoothly,
personnel (especially managerial
personnel) must not frequently enter
and exit the organization.
• In DMART there is a particular
procedure to hire new employees they
are always followed promptly and
once appointed there is a contract
which has details about their jobs and
dismissals so that there is no provision
for wrongful dismissals.

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