Child Street Hawking

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• Street hawking by children has been a common
thing in most parts of developing and undeveloped
• It does not only end on children’s hawking but there
are causes and its effects on the society at large
• Irrespective of the causes and effects of children’s
hawking on the streets , possible remedies can be
applied by the governments, parents and sponsors
to solve the challenging issue.
Introduction contd.
• A child is defined as any person less than eighteen
years of age
• Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defined a
child as a young human being below the age of full
physical development
• Street children are known to be homeless children
who are below the age of eighteen (18) seen
wandering along the streets begging for money and
help from the pedestrians, businessmen, and car
• These children in most cases have no homes and no
mother to call their own.
• Child Trafficking is the recruitment,
transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt
of a child by means of threat or use of force or
other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud,
deception, abuse of power, a position of
vulnerability or the giving or receiving of
payments, benefits to achieve the consent of a
person having control over the child for the
purpose of exploitation
Types of street children
• There are two broad categories of street
• home-based street children and
• the street-based children
Causes of Child Street Hawking
• The causes of street hawking by children are:
• Poverty;
• Poor family planning;
• Child trafficking;
• Wars; and
• Illiteracy
Effects of Children Hawking
• The effects of street hawking by children are, but
not limited to:

• Prostitution;
• Rape;
• Various diseases including STIs;
• Poor education;
• Gang stealing; and
• Moral decline.
Solutions to Child Street Hawking
• A number of ideas have to be accessed, examined,
cultivated and practiced to stop the challenges of
street hawking by children
• The solutions to children street hawking are:

• Implementation of Child’s Right Act;

• Construction of Orphanage Homes;
• Reaching out to the Poor; and
• Amendment of Some Religious Practices

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