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Subject: IT-402

Topic: Electronic Spreadsheet

Grade: X

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Learning Outcomes

 Analyze data using scenario and goal seek

 Link data and spreadsheets

 Share and review a spreadsheet

 Create and use Macros in a spreadsheet

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Data Analysis
 OpenOffice Calc allows you to perform quick and useful analysis of your data.

 It provides tools that help to manipulate data in your spreadsheet

 These tools are present in the Tools and Data menu

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Consolidating Data
• It provides a way to combine data from two or more ranges of cells into a
new range.
• During consolidation, the contents of cells from several sheets can be
combined into one place.
• To consolidate data select Data -> Consolidate

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Consolidating Data

Sheet 1 Sheet 2

Sheet 3 – Before Consolidating data

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To consolidate data

Sheet 3 - Consolidated data

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Creating Subtotals
It totals the data arranged in a group of cells with labels for columns.

It creates groups and applies common functions like SUM to the grouped data.

It can also be accessed using Data > Subtotals.

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Creating Subtotals

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Creating Subtotals


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 Scenarios are a tool to test “what-if” questions.

 Each scenario is named, and can be edited and formatted separately.

 When you print the spreadsheet, only the contents of the currently active

scenario is printed.

 A scenario is a saved set of cell values for your calculations.

 You can switch between these sets using the Navigator or a drop-down list

which can be shown beside the changing cells

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Create Scenarios

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Create Scenarios

Scenario S5
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Similarly, create Scenario S7 and S9

Scenario S7 Scenario S9

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Using Navigator
You can use navigator to change the properties of Scenarios

Changed the display border of Scenario S9

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Using ‘what if’ scenarios

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Using ‘what if’ scenarios

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Multiple Operations tool
 It is a planning tool for “what if” questions.

 It creates a separate set of cells that shows the results of applying the

formula to a list of alternative values for the variables used by the formula.

 It is a function that allows you to calculate different results without having to

enter and run them separately.

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Multiple Operations tool

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Multiple Operations tool

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Goal Seek
 It is a tool that allows you to find answer to your questions with your data,

even when the data is incomplete.

 The Goal Seek tool needs three parameters

Formula cell - This cell contains the formula we want to resolve

Target value - The required value that we want our formula to resolve

Variable cell - The cell that contains the unknown data that we want to find that meets
the requirements

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To use Goal seek

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To use Goal seek

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 It allows you to solve equations with multiple unknown variables by

goal-seeking methods.

 The goal of the solver process is to

Find those variable values of an equation that provide an

optimized value in the target cell.

 You can choose whether the value in the target cell should be a

maximum, a minimum, or approaching a given value.

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To use the Solver, select Tools - > Solver.

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Using Multiple sheets
Using multiple sheets help to keep your information organized.

Click here to enter new sheet

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Inserting data from a different spreadsheet
Using From file option – Allows you to add a sheet from a different

spreadsheet file (for example, another Calc or Excel spreadsheet)

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 Hyperlinks are used to jump to a different location from or within a
 It can lead to other parts of the current file, to different files or even to web
 To insert an Hyperlink, select Insert -> Hyperlink

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Link to external data
 Select Insert -> Link to external option to insert the external sheet as a link
instead as a copy. 
 It provides “live” data from another spreadsheet.

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Link to registered data sources

 You can link a variety of databases and other data into a spreadsheet.

 To link a database to a spreadsheet, you need to register the data source

with (OOo)

 Once a data source has been registered, it can be used by any OOo

component. For example Calc.

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To register a data source that is in .odb format

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To register a data source that is not in .odb format

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Setting up a spreadsheet for sharing.
 Calc allows multiple users to work the same spreadsheet at the same time.

 To collaborate, you must register on the Tools > Options > OpenOffice> User
Data page.

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Setting up a spreadsheet for sharing
Select Tools > Share Document to activate the collaboration features for
a document

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Recording changes
To record changes made to a document:

•Use change marks to show added material, deleted material and formatting


•If you are not using file sharing, make changes to a copy of the document then

use Calc to compare the files and show the changes.

•You can save versions that are stored as part of the original file.

•To record changes, select Edit > Changes > Record 

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 A macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for
later use.
 An example of a simple macro is one that “types” your address.

 Macros are especially useful to repeat a task the same way over and over
 To record a macro, select Tools > Macros > Record Macro.

 To stop recording, click Stop Recording.

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