Creating A Newsletter in Microsoft Word: Freeform Without Using A Template

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Creating a Newsletter in

Microsoft Word
Without Using a Template
Getting Started
• Select Microsoft Word. It will be located on
the dock and is represented by a blue “W”

• A “Project Gallery” box will appear and “Word

Document” will be highlighted (in blue).
Select “Open” to bring up a blank document
on your desktop.
Microsoft Word Toolbars
• The key to control is using the
toolbars, which are located at the
top and bottom of the document. If
no toolbars are present, select
“View”, then “Toolbars”, then check
“Standard”, “Formatting”, and
“Drawing”. These three toolbars
will appear at the top and side of
the desktop. Additional toolbars
(specialized in nature) are also
Microsoft Word Toolbars

The “Standard” toolbar lets you

• Create a new blank document
• Open a previous document and save your current
• Print, copy, cut, paste, undo and redo an action
• Create tables, borders, and columns
• Increase and decrease your document size
• Pull down a floating Formatting Palette
• Get help from the Toolbox or MS Word Help
Microsoft Word Toolbars

The “Formatting” toolbar lets you

• Choose a font and style
• Choose a font size
• Make words (or letters) bold, italic, or underlined
• Align the document (left, centered, right)
• Make a bulleted or numbered list
• Control indentation and adding borders
• Highlight (with color) words and change text from
Microsoft Word Toolbars
The floating “Formatting” toolbar
lets you do everything the fixed
Formatting toolbar does and
• Lets you move the Formatting
Palette to any convenient location
• Add objects such as symbols, lines,
graphics, WordArt, and AutoShapes
• Control the margins of the document
with numeric control (in inches)
Microsoft Word Toolbars
The “Drawing” toolbar (by default) is a
vertical panel that
• lets you draw and create shapes with
straight and curved lines
• add objects such as WordArt, ClipArt,
AutoShapes,and pictures
• create and place geometric shapes on
your document
• add text using a text box
• control the color and thickness of your
• Rotate any object you’ve place on your
• Fill in areas with color
Creating a Newsletter
• Here is a sample
newsletter. This step-by-
step tutorial will guide you
through the steps required
to create this document.
This document relies
heavily on the creation of
“Text Box” information
areas. Also included is
WordArt, ClipArt, and a
Creating a Newsletter
o Open a new blank document.
o Type the desired date (size 14 bold)
and place it in the top right corner
by highlighting the text and
selecting the right-hand justify icon.
o Now type in your newsletter title.
(Use font size 24 and make it bold.)
Center this title by using the
centering tool.
o Create a Text Box by selecting
“Insert”, then “Text Box” from the
Standard Toolbar. Expand the box
to your desired size and move it to
your desired location.
Bold Tool tool Right-hand
Creating a Newsletter
The Text Box feature allows a user to create
any size box. This newsletter is divided into
two columns. The text boxes can be moved
anywhere and can be resized. The right text
box is wider and is given a border. The three
text boxes on the left are customized to fit the
amount of information displayed.

Text inserted into the box will automatically

wrap around to give a neat appearance. Size
14 works well; use size 12 if you have a lot of
information to convey. Use the bold tool for
Font Size
Change Tool Right Hand
Creating a Newsletter
Adding WordArt, in this case “Happy New
Year”, is added from the WordArt folder.
Select “Insert”, then “Picture”, then “WordArt”.
You will get a large selection of styles from
which to choose. Make your choice and select
“OK”. Then type your text and select “OK”.
You can resize your WordArt if you think it is
too big or small. Your WordArt will appear on
top of your document and can be moved to any
Change WordArt
size here

Note: WordArt can also be

added from the “Drawing”
Creating a Newsletter
ClipArt is added from the ClipArt folder.
Select “Insert”, then “Picture”, then
“ClipArt”. You will get a category list from
which to choose. Highlight the category
and image you want to use and select
Insert. The image can be resized and
moved anywhere on your document. You
can even put ClipArt inside a text box.
Creating a Newsletter
Adding photographs can be
problematic because megapixel
cameras generate huge images.
You may find the newsletter can’t
print correctly unless you shrink the
size of the photo. Here is one way
to make an image smaller.
1. Download your image to iPhoto from
your digital camera.
2. Put the photo on your desktop by
dragging it from iPhoto.
3. Note the photo’s name and location
on your desktop. We will use
Preview to reduce the photo’s size.
Creating a Newsletter
4. Using Preview, “Open” the image.

5. Find the image on your desktop (it

will have letter/number name unless
you renamed it) and open it.

Select the
image and
Creating a Newsletter
6. The photo will appear on the Preview
clipboard. Choose “Tools” and “Adjust
Size”. The Image Dimensions box will

7. Choose “Other”, then

select “640 x 480”. This
will downsize the photo to a
manageable size.
Creating a Newsletter
8. You will now see a much smaller
image on the Preview clipboard.
Select “File”, then “Save As”, and
rename the image with a memorable
name. Select “OK” and the image will
appear on your desktop. You can now
drag the image onto your newsletter.
Resize it to fit your needs.
Another way to downsize your photo is
to highlight it from the iPhoto contact
sheet. Then select Email from the
bottom right of the window.
Creating a Newsletter
A “Mail Photo” box will appear.

Change the size to “Small”. Then select

“Compose”. It will take about 15
seconds for the downsized photo to
appear in a new email window. Drag
this smaller photo onto your document.
You can now resize and move the photo
to your desired location.
Creating a Newsletter
Each of the elements presented
(text box size and shape, fonts,
ClipArt, WordArt, photographs)
can be changed from week-to-
week. Common and recurring
topics (such as weekly work or
the date and title) can be in a
fixed position and size through-
out the school year.
Creating a Newsletter
Remember to use the “Help” tool
(located on the right-hand side of
the topmost Word tool bar) when
you have questions.

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