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Stakeholders in a business

Chapter 5
Impact on stakeholders of changing
business objectives
• Directors or senior managers might be forced to change corporate
• When this happens, the impact on stakeholders can be significant.
• Nokia sold to Microsoft and the body shop shifted to cost cutting and
closed some of its stores
• List the groups of people who benefit
from Nano car production.

• List the groups of people who might

be badly affected by the use of large
numbers of small, cheap cars.

• Do you think Tata should attempt to

reduce the potential conflicts between
the interests of these groups?
Distinguish between the shareholder concept
and the stakeholder concept
a) Shareholder Concept:
• An individual (also known as stockholder) that legally owns a
share/stock in a public corporation. They are also owners of a limited
company. They buy shares which represent part of a company.

b) Stakeholder Concept
• The view that businesses and their managers have responsibilities to a
wide range of groups, not just shareholders.
Explain why a business might experience lower
profits by meeting stakeholder objectives

Mostly because it's what the stakeholder wants and is not always what
the consumer wants. Generally stakeholders want stability without
much risk.
Explain why a business might experience higher
profits by meeting stakeholder objectives.
• Increasing their shareholder value as well as meeting their social
standards over a period of time, will qualify them to raise their
profits. If the company's reputation improves, they will be able to
increase their sales & profits as well, which also can add opportunities
that are long and broad.
Explain the difference between a business acting
legally and acting socially responsibly
• A business that is acting legally is following the rules set corporate
policies or the government.
• Acting socially responsible is the when a business considers the
interests of society in their activities and decisions. These actions are
often ethical decisions made to better the community and its
What do you understand by the term ‘conflicts
between stakeholder interests’?
• When stakeholders are wanting different results that satisfy them
from the business
• Different stakeholders have different objectives. The interests of
different stakeholder groups can conflict. For example:
• Owners generally seek high profits and so may be reluctant to see the
business pay high wages to staff.
• A business decision to move production overseas may reduce staff
costs. It will therefore benefit owners but work against the interests
of existing staff who will lose their jobs. Customers also suffer if they
receive a poorer service
Outline the responsibilities a business in the oil
industry might have to two stakeholder groups.
a) Customers:
• The business should keep reasonable prices on their products as
customers will not buy from them as much if the price is too high.
b) Local Community:
• Have to maintain a clean atmosphere due to the fact that oil spills
have a severe impact on the environment if anything occur
• Employee: Have a safe working environment, since oil is extremely
flammable. In addition, earn enough money for a sufficient income
Outline the responsibilities a business in a tertiary
industry might have to two stakeholder groups.
• For example, a hair salon business is in the tertiary sector and their
stakeholders such as customers are very important.
• Their responsibilities towards customers are to provide them a good
service and ensure they are happy.
• Another stakeholder such as suppliers. The company must sell the
products made by suppliers at a decent price so the suppliers make a
profit that they are satisfied with.

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