Email Etiquettes: Click To Add Text

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Why do you need email etiquette?
A company needs to implement etiquette rules for the following three

• Professionalism: by using proper email language your company will

convey a professional image.

• Efficiency: emails that get to the point are much more effective than
poorly worded emails.

• Protection from liability: employee awareness of email risks will protect

your company from costly law suits.
What are the etiquette rules?

• There are many etiquette guides and many

different etiquette rules.

• Some rules will differ according to the

nature of your business and the corporate
1. Be concise and to the point.

• Do not make an e-mail longer than it needs to


• Remember that reading an e-mail is harder than

reading printed communications and a long e-
mail can be very discouraging to read.
2. Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions.

• Answer all the questions , to prevent receiving further

e-mails regarding the unanswered questions & put a
check on wastage your time and your customer’s
reducing frustration, which may arise due to the

• When you pre-empt relevant questions your customer

becomes grateful and impressed with your efficient
and thoughtful customer service.
3. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation.

• Improper spelling, grammar and punctuation give

a bad impression of your company.

• E-mails with no full stops or commas are difficult

to read and can sometimes even change the
meaning of the text

• It is also important for conveying the message

4. Make it personal.

• Not only should the e-mail be personally addressed,

• It should also include personal i.e. customized content.

• For this reason auto replies are usually not very


• Templates can be used effectively in this way.

5. Answer swiftly.

• Customers send an e-mail because they wish to receive a quick

response otherwise they would have sent a letter or a fax.

• Therefore, each e-mail should be replied to within at least 24 hours,

and preferably within the same working day.

• If the email is complicated, just send an email back saying that you
have received it and that you will get back to them.
6. Do not attach unnecessary files.

• By sending large attachments you

can annoy customers and even
bring down their e-mail system.
7. Use proper structure & layout.

• Since reading from a screen is more difficult than

reading from paper, the structure and lay out is very
important for e-mail messages.

• Use short paragraphs and blank lines between each


• When making points, number them or mark each

point as separate to keep the overview.
8. Do not write in CAPITALS.



• This can be highly annoying and might trigger an

unwanted response in the form of a flame mail.

• Therefore, try not to send any email text in

9. Don't leave out the message thread.

• When you reply to an email, you must

include the original mail in your reply, in
other words click 'Reply', instead of 'New

• A 'threadless email' will not provide

enough information and one has to
spend a frustratingly long time to find
out the context.
Do’s and Don’t ……
• 10. Read the email before you send it.
• 11. Mailings > use the Bcc
• 12. Take care with abbreviations and emoticons.
• In business emails, try not to use abbreviations such as BTW (by the
way) and LOL (laugh out loud).
• The recipient might not be aware of the meanings of the abbreviations
and in business emails these are generally not appropriate.
• The same goes for emoticons, such as the smiley :-). If you are not sure
whether your recipient knows what it means, it is better not to use it.
21. Do not ask to recall a message.

• Biggest chances are that your message has

already been delivered and read.

• A recall request would look very silly in that case.

• It is better just to send an email to say that you

have made a mistake. This will look much more
honest than trying to recall a message.
13. Use a meaningful subject.

• Try to use a subject that is meaningful to the recipient as well as


• For instance, when you send an email to a company requesting

information about a product, it is better to mention the actual
name of the product, e.g. 'Product A information' than to just
say 'product information' or the company's name in the subject.
14. Avoid long sentences.

• Try to keep your sentences to a maximum of 15-20 words.

• Email is meant to be a quick medium and requires a different kind of

writing than letters.

• Also take care not to send emails that are too long. If a person
receives an email that looks like a dissertation, chances are that they
will not even attempt to read it!
Forwarding …
• Dos :
• Check for accuracy of information
• Edit the subject and remove Fw:Fw:Fw
• Add a comment in the message body to indicate you have read the
forward message and what and why it is important.
• Delete all email address at the top of the message body before a
• Use BCC distribution lists to protect other email IDs
Reply/ Reply all ….

• Reply only sends the new message to the original sender.

Attachments are not included. 

• Reply all sends the new message to the original sender

and all other recipients on the To and Cc lines.
An Email Can Make

Or Break A Potential Opportunity For You,

So Send And Respond To Them Wisely.

Sample Mail

• You are a part of corporate communication team in your company.

The working time period is revised as 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Using the
following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70 words and a
maximum of 100 words to the employees in your company informing
the same.

by 30 minutes to avoid traffic - effect from next week - lunch duration
- revised working time - reduced by 10 minutes - free breakfast - office
will start earlier - till the end of rainy season - will be in effect
Dear All,
 This is to bring to your notice, that certain changes are being brought about in the organisation due to the
monsoon season & problems faced by many in travelling and reporting to office on time.
The changes are as follows :
1. Timing -
2. Due to early reporting to work , free breakfast will be provided in the premise.
3. Lunch timing -
4. The changes will in effect from ,xx-yy-zzzz
5. These changes will be in operation till the end of the rainy season and the date for the same will be intimated.
You are requested to adhere to the timings . For any further clarification get in touch with the ____________
Thanks & Regards
 (For Corporate Communication Department)
1. Write a mail to your professor, regarding wrong marks being
recorded in the quiz held a week earlier. (Team 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

2. Write a mail to the student coordinator, stating your unavailability for

a scheduled examination, stating the reason for the same. (Team 6, 7,
8, 9, 10)

3. Write a mail to your coordinator , requesting to be excused from

class for a day on 24-10-21 , for a family function. (Team 11, 12, 13, 14,
• Good evening ma’am
 Ma’am in our experimental learning assignment how many slides
should be there?

• Hi ma'am I've informed that I was not been able to attend the
quiz for bcom due to some technical issues pls help me out in
this regard
Thank you

• Mam I have submitted the test .I was present in offline mode

kindly check for the same.i have secured 9 marks out of 10
• Dear Ma'am

I have attempted quiz 1, but you have marked me absent. Please

check if there is any mistake fro your end. I hope you revert back.
• You have to share your particulars , for me to check out the
• My PRN no. Is 21021021215.

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