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Officiating Volleyball

Lesson 4 in P.E
Playing Area/Court
The playing zone, the boundary zone, and the free zone are
included in the playing court. The playing court should be
symmetrical and rectangular measuring 18 x 9 m, surrounded by a
free zone which is a minimum of 3 m wide on all sides.

Playing surface
 The surface must be flat, horizontal and uniform. It is not
allowable to play on slippery or rough surfaces. Only a wooden
or synthetic surface is allowed for FIVB World and Official
Lines on the Court
 All lines are 5 cm wide. They must be of a light color that is
different from the color of the floor and from any other lines.
Zones and Areas
 The front zone, service zone, and substitution zone are the zones in
the playing court.
Temperature and Lighting
 The minimum temperature shall not be below 10ºC (50ºF). The FIVB World
and Official Competitions, the maximum temperature shall not be higher than
25ºC (77ºF) and the minimum not lower than 16ºC (61ºF). For FIVB World and
Official Competitions, the lightning on the playing area should be 1000 to 1500
lux measured at 1 m above the surface of the playing area.
Net and Posts
The height of the net for men is 2.43 m and 2.24 m for women. The net is 1
m wide, 9.50m long made of 10 cm square black mesh. Two white bands are
fastened vertically to the net and placed directly above each sideline. At the outer
edge of each side band, an antenna is fastened.
The posts supporting the net are placed at a distance of 0.50- 1.00 m outside the
sidelines. They are 2.55 m high.

 the spherical ball is made of flexible leather or synthetic leather case with a
bladder inside made of rubber or a similar material.
 For FIVB World and Official Competitions, three ( 3 ) balls shall be used.
. Participants
 A volleyball team may consist of maximum of 12 players, one
coach, one assistant coach. one trainer, and one medical doctor.
Only team member is allowed to sit on the bench during the match.

 A player's equipment consists of a jersey, shorts, socks, and sport

shoes. Player's jerseys are numbered 1 to 18. It is not allowable to
wear uniforms of a color differed from the other players (except
from the Libero). The wearing of objects which may cause injury
or give an artificial advantage to a player.
 Both the team captain and coach are responsible for the
conduct and discipline of their members. The team captain and
coach sign the score sheet. The team captain is the only one
authorized to speak to their referees. The coach conducts the
play of the team. The assistant coach sits on the bench but has
no right to intervene in the match.
Libero Player
 specialized defensive player.

Ball in Play
The ball is in play from the moment of the hit of the service
authorized by the first referee.
Ball out of Play
 The ball is of out of play at the moment of the fault which is
whistled by one of the referees, in the absence of a fault , at the
moment of the whistle.
Ball In
 The ball is in when it touches the floor of the playing court
including the boundary lines.
Ball Out
 The ball is out when:
 The part of the ball which contacts the floor is completely
outside the boundary lines.
 It touches an object outside the court, the ceiling, or person in
 It touches the antenna, rope, post, or net, or the person out of
 It crosses the vertical plane of the net either partially or totally
outside the crossing space.
 It crosses completely the lower space under the net.
The service is the act of putting the ball into play, by the right back player
placed in the service zone.

Service Order
The player must follow the service order recorded in the line - up sheet. After
the first service in a set, the player to serve is determined as follows:
 When the serving team wins a rally, the player (or his substitute) who
served before serves again.
 When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains the right to serve and
rotates before actual serving.
 The player who moves the front right position to the back right position
will serve the ball.
Game Officials
 The first referee
 The second referee
 The scorer
 Four linesmen or line judges

1. Only the first and second referees may blow a whistle during the match.
 The first referee gives the signal for the service that begins the rally.
 The first and second referees signal the end of the rally, provided that they
are sure that a fault has been committed and they have identified its
2. They may blow the whistle during an interruption of play indicating

that they authorize or reject a team request.

3. The referee indicates with the official hand signals:

 the nature of the fault
 the player at fault
 the team to serve
First Referee
A. Location
The first referee carries out his functions seated or standing on a referee’s stand
located at one end of the net. His view is about 50 cm. or above the net.

B. Authority
 'Directs the match from the start until the end.
 Has authority over all official and the members of the teams
 Makes final decisions; overrules the decisions of other officials
 Control the work of the ball retrievers.
 Has the power to decide on any matter involving the game
 Determines before and during the match whether the playing area and the
conditions meet playing requirements.
C. Responsibilities
Prior to the match, the first referee:
 inspects the conditions of the playing area, the ball and other
 performs the toss with the team captains.
 controls the team's warming up
During the match, the first referee:
 sanctions misconduct and delays
 decides upon:
 the fault of the serve of the positions of the serving team
including the screen
 the fault in playing the ball
 the fault above the net and its upper part.
Second Referee
A. Location
The second referee stands at the post outside the playing court on the opposite
side of and facing the first referee.

B. Authority
 Assists the first referee although he has his own range of jurisdiction.
 May replace the first referee should the first referee become unable to
continue his work.
 May signal faults outside his jurisdiction but may not insist them to the
first referee.
 Controls the work of the scorer.
 Supervises the team members on the team bench and reports their
misconduct the first referee.
 Controls the players on the warm- up areas.
 Authorizes the interruptions, control their duration and rejects improper
 Controls the number of time- outs and substitutions used by each team and
reports the second time-out and 5th and 6th substitutions to the first referee
and the coach concerned.
 Authorizes a substitution on recovery time, in the case of an injury of a
 Checks the floor condition, mainly in the front zone and checks, during the
match, that the balls still fulfill the regulations.
C. Responsibilities
 Checks that the actual positions of the players on the court correspond to
those on the line-up sheets.
 During the match, the second referee decides, whistles and signals.
a. positional faults of the receiving team.
b. the contact of the player with the net and with the antenna on his side
of the court.
c. penetration into the opponent's court space under the net .
d. the attack- hit or blocking faults of the back - row players.
e. the ball that crosses the net outside the crossing space or touches the
antenna on his side of the court.
f. the contact of the ball with an outside object on the floor when the
first referee is not in position to see the contact
A. Location
The scorer is seated at the scorer's table on the opposite side of and facing the first
B. Responsibilities
The scorer keeps the scoresheet according to the rules.
Prior to the match, the scorer:
 registers the data of the match and teams and obtains the signatures of
the captains and the coaches.
 records the starting line - up of each team from the line- up of each team
from the line-up sheet.
During the match, the scorer:
 records the points scored and ensures that the scoreboard indicates the
right score.
 controls the serving order of each team and indicates any error to the
referees immediately after the service hit.
records the time-out and player substitutions, controlling their number and
inform. the second the referee.
notifies the referees of a request for interruption that is out of order.
Announces to the referees the end of the set and scoring of the 8th point in
the deciding set.
 records the sanctions, warnings and penalties.

At the end of the match, the scorer:

 records the final result
 signs the scoresheet and obtains the signatures of the team captains and
the referees.
 writes or permits the team captain to write on the scoresheet a statement
on the incident if there is any
A. Location
They stand in the free zone at 1 to 3 m. from each corner of the court, on the
imaginary extension of the line that they control.

B. Responsibilities
The linesmen perform their functions by using flags.
The linesmen:
 signal the ball in and out whenever the ball lands near their lines.
 signal the touches of out balls by the team receiving the ball
 signal when the ball crosses the net outside the crossing space,
touching antenna, etc.
 signal the foot faults of the server.
Fill in the blanks.
It is not allowable to play on 1. _____ and 2. _____surfaces.
Only a 3. ______or 4. ______surfaces is allowed for FIVB Word and Official
All lines are 5. _____m wide.
The height of the net for men is 6. _____m and 7. ______m for women.
For FIVB World and Official Competitions, 8.______balls will be used.
Only 9. ______are allowed to sit on the bench during the match.
The 10. ______ and 11. ______ are the ones who sign the scoresheet.
The 12. _______ is a special defensive player.
The 13. _____from the moment of the hit of the service authorized by the first
The 14. _____is the act of putting the ball into play by the right back player placed
in the service zone.
The 15. ______ at the moment of the fault.
Thank you!!!

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