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 Fire fighters goals are to save life property and
 Fire fighters provide solutions for your fire protection
 Fire safety planning should be based on knowledge of
general fire behavior, fire behavior in buildings and
building behavior under fire conditions.
 Structural fire resistance is a prerequisite to other
considerations of occupant fire safety.
 Building contents, their selection and organization,
must be recognized as a key influence on fire safety
in buildings
 Active and passive precautions must be taken to
satisfy the requirement of safety.
 Those systems that are automatically deployed in the
event of fire .
this include smoke and fire alarm systems, sprinkler
systems, water spray extinguisher plant, co2
extinguishing installations, powder and foam
extinguishing plant and automatic smoke and heat
venting system.
 They are the construction solutions in the building
and its components.
Passive precautions relates mainly to minimum
structural sections, casings and coatings. In addition
to these other important measures are the layouts of
rising mains installation of fire doors and windows.
 When building height rise above 15 m – it
requires special high rise fire safety system to
protect modern structure from the risks .
 these facilities require high rise alarm
system with special capabilities such as
Emergency voice paging
fire fighters telephones
and other special fire protection systems.

The control panel supervises elevator recall, activates
smoke control system, emergency generators, and building
fire pumps.
 It is the ideal high rise fire safety system for large buildings
 With the high rise building comes the need for
emergency paging system
 We have system for single, dual or triple channel
voice, with multiple message capable of
simultaneous transmission to different zones of
the building.
 In a high rise fire fighter telephone system
is a necessity.
 Emergency telephone stations are
positioned at every floor throughout the
building to enable fire department to
communicate freely in their fire fighting
 The emergency phone system provides
two-way communication through-out the
entire facility
 Fire extinguishers provides the
first line defense against fire
 Long before the temperature
becomes sufficiently high to
activate, the fire extinguisher
can provide rapid fire
suppression before combustion
reaches life threatening levels
 Fire sprinkler system provides the primary building
structural fire protection .
 In the event of fire in the building heat from
combustion melts the fusible elements in the fire
sprinkler heat releasing water on to the surface of fire.
 Minimum spacing = 1.5 m, maximum as per the
function of the area the sprinkler is protecting.
Emergency lights enables
building occupants to safely escape
the building in the event of a power
failure. Equipped with back up
batteries capable of powering exit
and emergency lights for more than
an hour, emergency lights become a
critical element of a high rise safety
system in the event of a power
7. Fire Hose and Standpipes
 High rise buildings usually have fire
hose and reel stations positioned
throughout the facility. Fire hose must be
tested at periodic intervals to meet
current fire codes.
 8.Fire hydrant : Is an active fire
protection measure
 Hydrant system is a mechanism where
water is pumped, tapped off and released
in the form of a jet through a nozzle to
extinguish fire.
 Its a type of Hydrant system that is
extensively in high rise buildings where
special outlets are provided on each
. 9. Foam Based System   

• It is a time based and automatic operation

system where the whole oil surface is covered
with foam in order to cut off the atmospheric
oxygen supply to extinguish the fire.

• Fixed Foam System - It's a mechanism where

fixed foam is utilized for attacking the oil
surface in a tank.
• Foam Sprinkling Systems - Foam sprinkling
systems are used to fight fire on oil surfaces in a
processing unit.
High Expansion Foam Systems - High
expansion foam systems are used to fight fire on
oil surfaces.
10. Gas Based System   

• It is process of suppressing fire by reducing the

concentration of atmospheric oxygen by adding other
This system is highly effective in an enclosed risk
areas such as control rooms, server rooms, computer
rooms etc.
Co2 Systems - Co2 systems are conventional gas
systems used to fight fire.
• Clean Agent Gas System - Clean Agent Gas Systems
use environment friendly gases in systems fighting fire.
1. Elevators (lifts)
 Lifts shall be provided at the rate of one lift for 20
 All lifts shall be provided from ground floor and shall have
minimum capacity of six persons.
 Buildings having height more than 13mts – 1 lift shall be
 With building height of 21 meters or more – 2 lifts should
be provided
 The staircase and lifts shall be so located that it shall be
within accessible distance of not more than 25 m
Fire protections
 Atleast one staircase should be provided as fire staircase
 Water supply – underground water tank capacity –one or
two lakh liters should be provided for all high rise
 In high rise buildings the internal fire hydrants shall be
 An external fire hydrants shall be provided within the
confines of the site of building, and shall be connected with
the boster pumps from the static supply maintained on the
 Separate electric circuits – lifts installation, lightning of
passage , corridors and stairs and for external hydrants shall
be provided
 Provision of dry-powder fire extinguisher -2 on each floor
with capacity of 5kg
 Building with a floor at more than 18 m above or
with a basement at more than 10 m below,
fire service vehicle access level, should be provided
with fire fighting shafts containing fire fighting lifts
Fire fighting stairs and
Fire fighting lobbies
Which are combined in a protected shaft.
 Again, buildings with 2 or more basement storeys
each exceeding 900 sq m in area, should be provided
with fire fighting shafts which need not include fire
fighting lifts.
 Several classes of buildings (industrial, storage and
commercial buildings) less than 18m in height are
also required to have a fire fighting shaft.
 The materials of construction and fixture of the shaft
should be of fire resisting nature.
 Every high rise building shall be provided with a fire
escape stairway.
 Fire escape stairway shall be directly connected with
public or common areas on all floors and shall lead
directly to the ground.
 Atleast one side of the stairway shall be an external
wall either with large openings or with break open
glass to facilitate rescue operation during an
 The way from the fire escape staircase should lead to
the main road directly without any obstructions and
shall be provided with 5m wide open space on any
one of its sides.
 High rise residential building shall have atleast 2
 Height of handrail min.= 900mm and
max. = 1200 mm.
 Width of each balusters shall not be more than
 Traid = 200mm, Risers not more than = 190 mm
 The number of risers shall be limited to16 per flight.
 Spiral staircase upto building height 10m
 An enclosed staircase which can only be
approached from the various floors through
landings or lobbies separated from both the floor
areas and the staircase by fire resisting doors and
open to the outer air
 Dry riser of minimum 100mm dia pipe with
hydrant outlets on the floors constructed with a
fire service inlet to boost the water in the dry
 Drums filled with water of 2000 liter capacity
with 2 fire buckets on each floors.
 A water storage tank of min. 20,000 litre
capacity, which may be used for other
construction purposes also.
 The purpose of this study is to create awareness
about the fire fighting provisions.
 Fire fighting system thus is an essential part for
protection of life’s and building.
 Fire safety measure should be installed in each
building to avoid loss.

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