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BSN 4-2
1. Who of them below is considered an accessory to a crime?
a. Nurse Maih, who administered the wrong medication
b. Nurse Maygs, who was there on the act of the incident
c. Nurse Manager Kit who arranged a discreet agreement with the client’s folks to resolve the conflict
d. All of them

Answer: B
Rationale: Accessory to the crime are those who, having knowledge of the commission of the crime without
having participated therein.

2. Nurse Rowena is to appear and testify in the court as a witness. What should she receive prior to that?
a. Subpoena duces tecum
b. Subpoena testificandum
c. Subpoena ut des
d. Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum
Answer: B
Rationale: An application for a subpoena requiring a party or other person to appear and testify at an oral

3. On May 26, 1928 Anastacia Clemente accompanied by her father came into St. Paul Hospital for a scheduled
tonsillectomy. The head nurse on duty that day was Lorenza Somera and under her was student nurse Valentina Andaya
and Consolacion Montinola. During the surgery Montinola kept gaving the assistant surgeon 10% cocain solution with
adrenaline instead of Novocaine resulting to the death of the client. The clients filed a lawsuit against the institution and
the court found Head nurse Somera guilty of “homicide through reckless imprudence” and condemned her to suffer
imprisonment and pay a sum to the family. The case of Headnurse Somera is an example of
a. Civil Case
b. Criminal Case
c. Administrative Case
d. None of the above
Answer: B
Rationale: Criminal act is deemed to cause harm to both the state and the offended person, a criminal case is filed by the
state against the offender, a civil case is filed by a person or entity against another person or entity. A criminal case may
result in penalties and punishments that include jail time, but a civil case is often resolved monetarily, or by arriving at a
resolution for certain disputes.

4. What classification of criminal liability does Nurse Albedo fall into?
a. Principals
b. Accomplices
c. Accessories
d. None of the above
Answer: A
Rationale: The principal is the chief actor or perpetrator of a crime; those who aid, abet, counsel,
command, or induce the commission of a crime may also be principals.
5. Nurse Amber saw what nurse Albedo did and helped to discard of the syringe used and altered the prisoners chart to make it
look like he died of natural causes. She falls in what category?
a. Principals
b. Accomplices
c. Accessories
d. None of the above
Answer: C
Rationale: Principals – who take a direct part in the execution of the act, or those who directly force or induce others to commit
Accomplice – persons who cooperate in the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous act that contribute to the
commission of the crime
Accessories – those who having knowledge of the commission of the crime and without having participated therein either as
accomplice or principals, take part subsequently to its commission by:
Concealing/destroying the evidence of the crime
Profiting themselves or assisting others to profit
Reference: Sultan, E. (2010). The SRG Integrals nursing review series (2nd ed.) module. Manila, Philippines. Sulasorvilla
Training and Review Group Inc. & Powerbook inc.
6. Inmate Diluc saw everything that happened but he asked for $10,000 to keep his mouth shut to which Nurse Albedo and
Nurse Amber agreed to. Which category does Inmate Diluc falls to?
a. Principals
b. Accomplices
c. Accessories
d. None of the above
Answer: D
Rationale: Principals are those who take a direct part in the execution of the act; those who directly force or induce others to
commit it; and those who cooperate in the commission of the offense by another act without which it would not have been
accomplished. Accomplices are those persons who, cooperate in the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous acts.
Accessories are those who, having knowledge of the commission of the crime, and without having participated therein, either as
principals or accomplices, take part subsequent to its commission in any of the following manners: By profiting themselves or
assisting the offender to profit by the effects of the crime. By concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or the effects or
instruments thereof, in order to prevent its discovery. By harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape of the principal of the
crime, provided the accessory acts with abuse of his public functions or whenever the author of the crime is guilty of treason,
parricide, murder, or an attempt to take the life of the Chief Executive, or is known to be habitually guilty of some other crime.

7. Nurse Kaeya was on 3-11 duty on Liyue Asylum and suddenly due to a power outage all of the doors of
the violent psychiatric patients suddenly opened. Nurse Kaeya was forced to use a chair do defend
himself resulting into multiple injuries on the part of the inmates. This situation falls into what
circumstances affecting criminal liability?
a. Justifying Circumstance
b. Exempting Circumstance
c. Mitigating Circumstance
d. Aggravating Circumstance
Answer: A
Rationale: Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights of a stranger, provided that the first and
second requisites mentioned in the first circumstance of this article are present and that the person
defending be not induced by revenge, resentment, or evil motive.
8. Student Nurse Xiao is being sued for defamation by the head nurse he went on duty on earlier that week. Student
Nurse Xiao is 17 years old and is completely remorseful. Being a minor and remorseful fall under which circumstance?
a. Justifying Circumstance
b. Exempting Circumstance
c. Mitigating Circumstance
d. Aggravating Circumstance
Answer: C
Rationale: The answer is C wherein, mitigating (or extenuating) circumstances are factors that tend to lessen the severity
of a crime or its punishment by making the defendant's conduct understandable or less blameworthy. Mitigating
circumstances might include a defendant's young age, mental illness or addiction, or minor role in the crime. Aggravating
circumstances make a crime more severe or serious and this includes defendant's lengthy prior record, use of a weapon,
or targeting of a vulnerable victim. On the other hand, exempting circumstances are defenses where the accused
committed a crime but is not criminally liable. There is a crime, and there is civil liability but no criminal. Justifying
circumstances are those where the act of a person is said to be in accordance with the law, so that such person is
deemed not to have transgressed the law and is free from both civil and criminal liability.

9. Nurse Paimon was on duty at the OPD in Mondstadt General hospital. A 13-year-old girl with her
grandparents came in with complains of vaginal bleeding. Nurse Paimon suspects abuse that is why she
referred the patient to a women protection program. Upon investigation, report shows that the perpetrator
to the crime of (rape) was 14 years old. Hemay fall under what circumstance affecting criminal liability?
a. Justifying Circumstance
b. Exempting Circumstance
c. Mitigating Circumstance
d. Aggravating Circumstance
Answer: B
Rationale: Because, under article 12 of Act no. 3815 or the revised penal code, one the circumstances
which exempt from criminal liability is a person over nine years of age and under fifteen, unless he has
acted with discernment, in which case, such minor shall be proceeded against in accordance with the
provisions of Art. 80 of this code.

10. Nurse Jaime Lannister was caught stealing from the hospitals cashier during an earthquake evacuation. Which
circumstance does the earthquake fall to?
a. Justifying Circumstance
b. Exempting Circumstance
c. Mitigating Circumstance
d. Aggravating Circumstance
Answer: D
Rationale: The crime be committed on the occasion of a conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or other
calamity or misfortune.

11. Nurse Arya Stark is ordered by the Legal Department to bring along with her the initial assessment form and the
progress notes she used for the patient. What legal order from the hearing officer refers to this?
a. Subpoena ducestecum
b. Subpoena ad testificandum
c. Subpoena ad hominem
d. Subpoena ad populum
Answer: A
Rationale: Requires the witness to produce a document or documents pertinent to a proceeding. From the Latin
duces tecum, meaning & quot; you shall bring with you & quot.

12. Nurse Jon Snow received a notice ordering him to appear before the Board at a specified time and date to answer
a complaint made against him. Which of the following legal order refer to this?
a. Subpoena ducestecum
b. Subpoena Conjunctivitis
c. Injunction
d. Summons
Answer: D
Rationale: Summons, also called Citation, in law, document issued by a court ordering a specific person to appear at a
specific time for some specific purpose. It is issued either directly to the person or to a law officer who must carry out
the instructions. Often the purpose of a citation or summons is to require a person to answer charges or a complaint
filed against him.

Reference: Legal Information Institute

13. A client was rushed in the emergency department due to stab wounds. Unfortunately, he was proclaimed “Dead
on Arrival”. Nurse Joffrey Baratheon knows that the suspect’s act may fall under what classification of felony?
a. Consummated
b. Frustrated
c. Attempted
d. Mitigating
Answer: A
Rationale: When the injury or injuries result in the death of the victim, the crime is either (consummated) homicide
or murder, Punishment mitigation occurs when a person accused of a crime provides substantial cooperation in the
investigation or prosecution of a serious criminal offence, including cases in which the accused becomes an
informant. In frustrated murder the accused performs all of the acts which he believes necessary to consummate
the crime. In attempted murder the accused begins the commission of the crime by overt acts, but involuntarily
desists from performing the other acts necessary to consummate the crime, he being prevented from so doing by
some cause outside of his own will.

14. A client reported that he was almost stabbed by someone. He luckily swerved from the knife, and ran from the
perpetrator. Basing from her knowledge on the stages of felony Nurse Melisandre knows that the perpetrator’s act
may fall under what classification of felony?
a. Consummated
b. Frustrated
c. Attempted
d. Mitigating
Answer: C
Rationale: Attempted felony is defined as there is an attempt when the offender commences the commission of the
felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution which constitute the felony by reason of
some cause or accident other than his own voluntarily desistance.

Situation: Mrs. Daenerys Targaryen and 2 other staff nurse are subjects of
an administrative case field with the Board of Nursing because of
Negligence. The family claims that there was failure to render proper nursing
management when the client was having Heart Attack.
15. A client was rushed in the emergency department due to stab wounds. He was dying, but was revived by the
health care team. Nurse Ellaria knows that the suspect’s act may fall under what classification of felony?
a. Consummated
b. Frustrated
c. Attempted
d. Mitigating
Answer: B
Rationale: The answer is B because the act was done but the victim survives. Not A because the victim is still alive,
not C because the victim was already stab and not D

16. The family of the dead patient who filed an administrative case against the nurses is called:
a. Accessory
b. Complainant
c. Petitioner
d. Defendant
Answer: B
Rationale: Complainant is (legal) the party that brings a civil lawsuit against another
18. A mother was rushed to the Emergency Department because of bruises and open wounds. During history taking, Nurse
Drogo found out that she was physically abused by her husband. Nurse Jaime knows that the husband can be _____ liable
under RA 9262.
a. Administratively
b. Criminally
c. Both A & B
d. Neither A nor B
Answer: B
Rationale: Criminal law deals with crimes and their prosecution. A case involving violation of criminal law is a criminal case. A
criminal case involves an action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole. Administrative law is the law regarding
the rules or regulations made and enforced by governmental agencies. A case involving violation of administrative law is thus
an administrative case. This is a case between state authority on the one side and a person from the other.

Reference: Reyes, J. (2019). Quantum of proof required in administrative, civil and criminal cases. Retrieved on December 06,
2021 from
19. It refers to a civil wrongdoing committed against a person or a person’s property?
a. Libel
b. Tort
c. Fraud
d. Reckless conduct resulting to damage to property
Answer: B
Rationale: A civil wrong, other than a breach of contract, committed against a person or property for
which a court provides a remedy, generally in the form of monetary damages.
20. The board after a series of hearings found Varys and the two other nurses to be not guilty of the case
filed against them. Which of the following is considered an exempting circumstance?

a. The injury, which was merely an accident, was caused without fault or intention of doing it
b. The nurses had no intention to commit so grave a wrong as the one committed.
c. The nurses act with evident premeditation.
d. The nurses act in fulfillment of duty
RATIONALE: Exempting circumstances these are defenses where the accused committed a crime but is
not criminally liable. There is a crime, and these is civil liability but no criminal.

21. RM knows that a leader has to strategize in order to create followership in response to authority. This capacity to act or the strength
to accomplish a goal in referred to as ______.
a. Power
b. Accountability
c. Responsibility
d. Authority
Answer: A
Rationale: Power is the answer because as leaders, they must exert power to achieve individual, team, and organizational goals.
Leaders must be able to influence their followers to achieve greater performance, their superiors and peers to make important decisions,
and stake- holders to ensure the vitality of the organization. And responsibility is not the answer because it is an ongoing duty to
complete the task at hand or simply it is an obligation all throughout the duration of the task wherein not only the leaders must possess,
but also its members. While accountability is what happens after a situation occurs. It is how a person responds and takes ownership of
the results of a task. Furthermore, authority is not the answer because it refers to the power to give orders or make decisions, which is
simply directing tasks.

22. The nurse leader informs the staff of a local emergency and instruct them to stay at the hospital to prepare for major
casualties. The staff displays high levels of anxiety and disorganization. Which is the most appropriate leadership styles at
this time?
a. Autocratic
b. democratic
c. Laissez-faire
d. bureaucratic
Answer: A
Rationale: Autocratic leadership (also called directive, controlling, or authoritarian). The autocratic leader gives orders and
makes decisions for the group. Although this is an efficient way to run things, it suppress creativity and may reduce team
member motivation.

23. Ms. Jin is a visionary a strategist and desires to be a committed leader. Which of the following types of
leadership do these behaviors reflect?
A. Servant
B. Transactional
C. Connective
D. Transformational
Answer: D
Rationale: Transformational leaders actively promote and articulate a vision while transactional leaders focus on
managerial tasks only and make decisions quickly.

24. RM finds out that some managers have benevolent-authoritative style of management. Which of the following
behaviors will she exhibit most likely?
A. Have condescending trust and confidence in their subordinates
B. Gives economic or ego awards
C. Communicates downward to the staff
D. Allows decisions making among subordinates
Answer: A
Rationale: Benevolent-authoritative managers pretentiously show their trust and confidence to their followers.

25. Which of this is a characteristics of a manager rather than a leader?
A. Is visionary
B. Has been given legitimate power by the organization
C. Primary effectiveness is through influencing others
D. Often takes risks and explores new solutions to problems
Answer: B
Rationale: Legitimate power is power you derive from your formal position or office held in the organizations
hierarchy of authority.

Reference: example-quiz.html
26. Hobi orients his staff on the patterns of reporting relationships throughout the organization. Which of the following
principles refer to this?
a. Span of control
b. Hierarchy
c. Esprit de' corps
d. Unity of direction
Answer: B
Rationale: Hierarchy refers to the pattern of reporting or the formal line of authority in an organizational structure.
27. When economic situations are tight, a hospital may reduce the number of middle-level nurse managers. This can
potentially disrupt nursing care because middle-level managers are responsible for which of the following?
a. Supervision of non-managerial staff
b. Reporting institutional changes to direct care staff
c. Productivity and effectiveness of a group of mangers
d. Creating constitutional goals and strategic plans
Answer: C
Rationale: Middle managers supervise first-level managers and serve as liaison between first and upper-level
managers. First-level managers supervise nonmanagerial staff (A) and report institutional changes to direct-care
staff (B). Creating institutional goals and strategic plans is the responsibility of upper level managers (D)

28. A management function of bedside direct-care nurses includes determining whether the client has reached the intended outcomes
designated in the care plan. This is an example of which of the four management functions?
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Directing
D. Coordinating
Answer: D
Rationale: Planning encompasses determining philosophy, goals, objectives, policies procedures, and rules; carrying out long-and
short-range projections; determining a fiscal course of action; and managing planned change. Organizing includes establishing the
structure to carry out plans, determining the most appropriate type of patient care delivery, and grouping activities to meet unit goals.
Other functions involve working within the structure of the organization and understanding and using power and authority appropriately.
Directing sometimes includes several staffing functions. However, this phase’s functions usually entail human resource management
responsibilities, such as motivating, managing conflict, delegating, communicating, and facilitating collaboration. Coordinating function
is the orderly arrangement of individual and group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common goal. In an organization,
all the departments must operate in an integrated manner so that the organizational goals are duly achieved. Coordinating function
involves synchronization of different efforts of the various departments so that the planned objectives are achieved with minimum

Reference: Marquis, B., Huston, C., Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing Theory and Application 9th ed., Page 73
29. The nurse asks an unlicensed assistant (UAP) to weight a client. The UAP carefully assists the client out of
bed to stand on the scale, weighs the client and safely returns the client to bed. Later, when the UAP reports the
weight to the nurse, it is discovered that the client had been placed on bed rest and should not have been allowed
out of bed. This situation violates which of the following five rights of delegation?
A. Right task
B. Right person
C. Right direction and communication
D. Right supervision and evaluation
Answer: C
Rationale: In this situation, the UAP was not given the right direction and communication-that the client was not
permitted to be out of bed.
30. As a QI tool, the Gantt chart is useful for planning and scheduling projects. Which of the following statements is
incorrect about Gantt chart?
a. Provides a graphical illustration of resources
b. Tracks specific tasks in a project
c. Plans the order in which you’ll complete task
d. Helps assess how long a project should take
Answer: B
Rationale: It doesn’t include tracking specific tasks in a project but are useful for planning and scheduling projects.
They help you assess how long a project should take, determine the resources needed, and plan the order in which
you'll complete tasks. They're also helpful for managing the dependencies between tasks. Gantt charts are useful
for monitoring a project's progress once it's underway, too. You can immediately see what should have been
achieved by a certain date and, if the project is behind schedule, you can take action to bring it back on course.


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