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A Tourist’s Guide to the

Feywild 2020
By Damian K. Duvain
Co-edited by Gabriel James Brightborne and Marchand Mourningfrost
Introduction: What/where is the Feywild?

 The Mortal World, aka the “Prime Material

Plane,” is where most of traditional D&D
settings take place
 The Feywild and the Shadowfell are the two
“echoes” of the Prime Material Plane
 Feywild, emotions, colours etc. are amplified
 Shadowfell, they’re squished
 The Feywild is characterized by wild magic,
and generally by just being A Lot

Map of the Planes, 4e

How does one “get” to the Feywild?

 Very few permanent portals between the Prime Material

plane and the Feywild exist, but random portals do
sometimes appear and then vanish
 Permanent portals to the Feywild are referred to as Fey
Crossings, and are often found in enchanted forests or
other remote locations
 Places in the Feywild aren’t necessarily connected to the
material plane by location – rather, they’re connected by
feeling/the sensation that they evoke A Fey Crossing in a tree
 A place like a bank vault in the material plane may be tied to
something like a dungeon because it evokes security, or
something like a flagship that evokes value
Getting around the Feywild
 Much of the Feywild intentionally unmapped because of its lack of direct
connection to the physical geography of the Material Plane
 However -- several important locations that have explicitly been
 Senaliesse, seat of the Summer (Seelie) Court
 Arctis Tor, seat of the Winter (Unseelie) Court (Dresden Files)
 Astrazalian, The City of Starlight
 Mithrendian, The Autumn City
 Mag Tureah, stronghold of the Formori (and its surrounding lands)

Senaliesse, the Summer Palace

History of the Faerie Realms
 Ties to Irish folklore – specifically, parts of Lebor gabála Érenn : The
book of the taking of Ireland
 The Primordials
 early entities with the powers of gods
 found fault with the mortal plane—some found it too dark, while some found
it too bright
 tore the mortal plane asunder, and thus created the Shadowfell, the Prime
Material Plane, and the Feywild
 Progression of creation/population of the Feywild:

A Fomorian, 5e
Political Structure
 The Seelie Court (aka the Summer Court -- the “”good fae””, or
more accurately, the mortal-friendly fae)
 Headed by Queen Titania
 Also King Oberon but the queen really has the power
 The Queen is not a person, but a title – if the queen dies, the next in
succession becomes Queen Titania and all that that entails
 The Green Knight is the Titania’s primary guard
 The Unseelie Court (aka the Gloaming Court, the Winter Court
-- the “”evil fae””, or more accurately, the not-mortal-friendly
 Headed by Queen Mab/the Queen of Air and Darkness
 The Prince of Frost, emo boy extraordinaire, is also a major The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania,
political figure Sir Joseph Noel Paton, 1849
 Most fae belong to one of these two – some fae belong to one
Court their whole lives, but allegiances can also shift over time
 Some fae are unaligned
 There are also further subdivisions of the Courts, which we will
not get into here
Roles of the Courts

 The Seelie Court protects the Mortal

World from the Unseelie Court
 The Unseelie Court protects the Fae
Realms (and by extension, the mortal
world) from extraplanar threats
 The two courts are often at odds, but
aren’t necessarily enemies—nor are the
Unseelie Fae necessarily “evil”

Visual representation of Seelie and Unseelie Fae

Alternate Court Structure (see: The Dresden
 Each Court (Summer and Winter) has
three Queens and a Knight
 The Lady
 The Queen
 The Mother
 The Queens cannot intervene directly
with or kill anyone not tied to the
Courts, but their Knights can
 Each Queen may have her own
political goals and aims

The Winter and Summer Queens in Dresden Files Lore

Characteristics of the Fae

 Mercurial
 Tricksters
 Cannot tell a direct lie
 Hate being in debted to someone
 Bound by promises/deals, but very good
at twisting these to their advantage
 Often embody the emotions of their
season—or their season/allegiance may
change to match their emotions
 Weaknesses: Iron, running water
Rules for Mortals Visiting the Fae Realms


 Do not accept or offer gifts UNLESS you have invoked the rules of hospitality
 Always offer equal payment for equal service
 Be precise with your words
 Be careful to whom you offer your name
Common Denizens of the Feywild
 Archfey
 Brownies and Leprechauns
 Changelings
 Eladrin (fae elves)
 Faerie Dragons
 Fomori
 Giants
Marchand Mourningfrost, a Winter Eladrin
 Hags
 Nymphs and Dryads
 Pixies
 Redcaps
 Satyrs
 Selkies
 Spriggans
 Sprites Pixies
A note on Archfey

 Archfey are not a particular kind of fae—

rather, they’re any fae that have reached a
certain level of power
 Archfey are capable of bestowing power to
others in exchange for favors or motives that
are often tbd
 Hence them being warlock patrons
 Sometimes they just do it for shits n giggles

Artagan, Critical Role

Character Classes with Ties to the Fae

 Barbarian: Path of the Wild Soul

 Bard: College of Glamour (me! –Gabriel)
 Druid: Circle of Dreams
 Paladin: Oath of the Ancients
 Ranger: Fey Wanderer
 Sorcerer: Wild Magic
 Warlock: Archfey Pact
Further Reading and Media Consumption, part
1: D&D and Homebrew
 D&D Official Material
 Manual of the Planes, 4e
 Heroes of the Feywild, 4e
 D&D Homebrew
 Lords and Ladies
 The Big Book of Fae
 Fey Compendium
 Reddit
Further Reading and Media Consumption, pt. 2

 Folklore
 Lebor gabála Érenn : The book of the taking of Ireland, Robert Macalister
 Fiction
 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare
 The Dresden Files (particularly book 4, Summer Knight), Jim Butcher
 A Wizard Abroad, Diane Duane
 Television
 Lost Girl, Canadian supernatural drama
 Film
 Maleficent (2014)
 Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
Further Reading and Media Consumption, pt. 3

 Music
 Hozier
 Florence + the Machine
 Loreena McKennitt
 Enya

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