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Astrology is a study which involves studying the effect of celestial on the earth.

astrology is mainly of 3 techniques in delineating a horoscope and they are as

1. Rashi karakatwas
2. Bhava karakatwas
3. Graha karakatwas
Based on the above 3 foundations, the entire astrological rules and principles
are built Our of the above three , our study is related to third one i.e. grah
Graha karakatatwas is not some imaginary concept Each karaktatwas
assigned to a planet has same logic behind it. We will try to explore
them. Firstly we will discuss the Katakatatwas of sun, before we start to
give logical explanations behind them.
Karakatwas of sun
Father, son, right eyes, government, ministers, politics, administration,
prestige, status, respect, right eyes, right windows of home,
sandalwood, teak wood, surgery. honesty, government job, fathers job,
self-respect, sacrifice, anger, adamancy, courage, bones, heart etc.
Sun acts as a fixed point for all other points revolving around it. Sin is fixed to
its place; it doesn't revolve any other planets. In a family, the entire family is
dependent on the family head. In our culture father is designated as the family
head. Hence sun is given the karakatwas of father. Similarly the entire nation is
dependent on the leader or prime minister. Hence the sun is given the portfolio
of leader or minister or head of certain community or people.
Planets keep revolving around the sun in their orbits at very high
speeds and there is possibility of them colliding with each other.
However it is the gravitational force of the sun keeps them in tract in
their respective orbits and prevent them from colliding. Similarly the
bones in the human body give the stability and balance to the organs in
the human body.
hence sun is also given the karakarwas of bone.
Sun is the lumminous planet which give light to all other beings and
planets. Without light nothing is visible and hence sun is also given the
karakatwas of eyes (right eyes). Sun light has no discrimination,
irrespective of being rich or poor. human or animals, the sun light is
same and sun in return doesn't expect anything from us for the sunlight
Hence sun is also human body the part which receives more sunlight is
head and inside the head brain is there. Hence these both are also
assigned to sun.
Whenever there is sunlight the body is active and energetic and
whenever there is darkness, the body is passive. Hence energy,
activeness, energy are all related to sun.Without sunlight nobody can
survive, including plants. Many plants flower and produce their food
only in presence of sunlight and hence sun is also assigned the
karakarwas of life (atma). Sun owns Leo and gets exalted and
debilitated in Aries and Libra respectively. Ruby is gemstone
prescribed for sun.
Mars is one of the planets which are very close to earth in the solar system. It appears
reddish in colour. It is believed that this mars was initially part of earth and later got
separated from the earth.
Karakatwas of Mars
Body Husband ( First). Younger Brother. Technology, engineer, Machineries, Rivalry.
Disputes, Anger. Ego, Power Energy, Adamancy. Accidents, Police, Defence force,
Sportsman, Union Leader.. Surgeon Cultivation. Agriculture, Eye Brows, Teeth, Blood,
Cardiac reason, Semen, Bone Marrow, Bridge of the Nose, Bedroom, Oven, Fire, Energy
Meter, Electronic Transformer, Meter Boards, Electrical Motors, Heaters, Stones, Stone
Pillars, Pillars Beans or Columns of the House Bat Wicket, Minerals, Knife Spears
Bullet. Enemy, Hard Substance Scissors. Triangular Shape Needle. Thorn Arrow
Generally when a solid mass is broken, either it can break into two halves or
many pieces But in this case this solid mass broke into two halves; one of them
is called earth and other called mars. The mats which got separated consist of
solid rocks and pointed structures made out of rocks. Therefore all rocks and
sharp objects, land property are assigned the karakatwas of mars.
Since it got separated from earth it is known as son of earth or bhumiputra. We
people consider the earth as our mother. Hence mars' being a son of earth is
considered as our sibling. Hence mars is also assigned the karakatwas of
brothers in astrology.
When viewed from earth, the mars appear reddish in colour. Hence all those
red color, and red cultured objects are assigned the karakatwas of mars. Blood
which is red in color, red coral, etc. are again attributed to mars.
In olden days man used to manufacture weapons and pointed objects from
rocks only and which he used to fight. Hence mars represents all weapons,
pointed object, thorny plants etc. Man also used to produce fire from rocks,
hence fire is also attributed to mars and injuries taking place due to fire are also
represented by mars Since mars indicates sharp and pointed objects, all surgical
instruments, sugery, accidents injury all are karakatwas of mars. We saw mars
represent strong solid rocks hence in human body the strongest part is teeth.
Hence teeth are also represented by mars.
Between Mars and Jupiter there are numerous asteroids and this region is
known as asteroid belt , they are compared to as soldiers and since they revolve
around Mars .Mars is known as commander in chief .Hence all officer posts in
armed forces ,bravery , admancy , stamina , endurance are attributed to Mars
Since mars also represent mud which is disintegration of stones. it represents
bricks. agriculture, land business, stones, quarry, mud por business etc.
Mars gets exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Capricorn. It owns Aries and
Scorpio. The gemstone for mars is red coral.
Mercury is the smallest planet and fastest planet in the solar system. It appears greenish colour to
the human eyes. It doesn't move beyond 28 degrees or two houses from sun Because of this it under
goes more of retrogression and combustion than any other planet. However few learned astrologers
are of the view mercury is immune to combustion.
Karakatwas of Mercury
Intellect, Youngest Brother or Sister, Maternal Uncle, Father in-law, Friends ( Boy or Girl friends),
Second wife, Concubine, Support, Education, Business, Business partner, Trade and Commerce,
Philosophy, Diplomacy Astrology, Teacher, lecturer, professor, scientist, research engineer, Book
publisher, book store, Accountant, Auditor, poet, writer, comedian Actor, Astrologer, lawyer,
painter, Correspondence, information, Ball, hands, neck, shoulder, skin, forehead, tongue, vocal
card, throat, visitor hall, study room, balcony, plastering of the walls, parapet, garden, park green
pads, green cuttings, education, beauty walls, crops, leaves, soil, land, mud walls, registration,
speech, eloquence knowledge activity, thoughts, tricks, diplomacy, cunningness, soft things,
Since mercury has faster movement than any other planet, it is considered to young
people. Usually younger people are very energetic compared to old age people. Since it
is also smallest planet, it indicates children's etc
We say mercury is always with in the vicinity of sun, hence mercury is also known as
planet which is always in search of companionship or partner. It is difficult for mercury
to be alone or isolated. In human beings if two younger people are closer than they can
be either good friends or lovers. Therefore mercury represents friends or lovers.
Whenever two people join there is exchange of information, hence the talk, thereby
speech, communication, information, post, computer, internet, and library, mobile all
are related to the karakatwas of mercury
It is said education is like eyes. For eyes to see sunlight is required. Mercury being the
closest planet gets the maximum sunlight from the sun. Anything seen in proper light has
better clarity, hence mercury is also known as vidya karaka.
As we saw mercury is a combining or companion planet. In human beings the organ
which connects two individuals during handshakes is fingers and hands. Hence mercury
represents fingers and hands. Also the head and body are two different parts which is
connected by the throat, hence mercury also holds the karakatwas of throat.
The sun's rays first falls on mercury, similarly the forehead is the part of the body which
receives, most of the sunrays Hence forehead signifies mercury. Also skin is the part of
the body which receives most of the sunlight and gets openly exposed hence skin is also
indicated by mercury
Since mercury holds the karakatwas of combining or companionship, where ever there
are gatherings of many people such as library, market, shopping mall, park, party hall,
school, playground, all are represented by mercury.
Since mercury receives complete sunlight on one side and complete darkness on other
side exactly, it is also known as planet of dual nature. Similarly eunuchs who are dual
nature are also attributed to mercury
Mercury gets exalted in Kanya or Virgo and debilitated in Pisces. It owns two rashis.
Gemmi and Virgo respectively. The gemstone for mercury is emerald
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. The movement of this planet is neither
too slow nor too fast. The color of Jupiter is yellow. The rays which come out of
Jupiter provide soothing effect to the life on earth. Hence Jupiter aspect in a horoscope
is considered as benefic
Inside the egg the yellow colored part is the one which gives birth or life. Hence Jupiter
is also considered as jeeva karaka.
Karakatwas of Jupiter
Jeeva Karaka for Male. Second Husband, Preacher, Mentor, Guide, Teacher, Presenter.
Trainer, Education Department, Education Minister, Judge, Religious Activities,
Spiritual Person, Development, Growth, Respect, Divinity Nose, Fat, Thigh Leg Feet,
Puja Room, Vedas, Temples, Endowment Department, Honey Self-esteem, Patience.
Since Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. Jupiter indicates the largest
organs in the human body. In outer of human body, the thighs are the bulkiest, and
inside the human body, liver is the biggest organ, hence Jupiter is assigned the
karakatwas of thighs and liver.
Since Jupiter is the biggest planet, in human beings, someone who is much matured
and has loads of experience and wisdom is also compared to Jupiter and also persons
who are obese have a huge bulky body which is again related to Jupiter which is largest
We know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system when compared to other
planets and it can affect any planet due to its huge size. Hence aspect of Jupiter is
considered to be very powerful and since it has a soothing effect, it's considered
beneficial as well as powerful.
Oxygen which is essential component for breathing and break down of molecule to
generate energy and hence the organism can grow and survive. Since Jupiter is jeeva
karaka. oxygen is also related to Jupiter
Since Jupiter appears yellow in colour all things that are un yellow color such as
yellow sapphire, turmeric, gold, all are indicated by Jupiter
The largest land animal is elephant and Jupiter is biggest planet, hence Jupiter is also
assigned karakatwas for elephant In pranayama breathing control is done through
nose, hence Jupiter which signifies breathing also holds Signification of nose
Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. It gets exalted in cancer and debilitated in
Capricorn. Its gemstone is yellow sapphire.
The brightest planet in the entire solar system is Venus. This planet is neither too smaller
nor bigger in size. It also rotates in opposite manner when compared to conventional
rotation of other planets. Hence it is also known as non-conventional planet. Once a human
being is born he has die, but Venus or shukracharya has the capability to bring back the
dead person to life. which is non-conventional.
Karakatwas of Venus
JeevaKarka for Woman, Wife (First), Younger Sister, Daughter, Daughter in-Law,
Luxuries, pleasure, Money, Wealth, Finance, Banking Money Wine Shop, Cattle Field,
Cloth Merchant, Love, Poetry, Flower, Sex, Marriage, Assets Vehicles House, Semen,
Sperm, Uterus, Ovaries, Cheek, Heart, right side of the chin, Kitchen, Music, Scent, Sweet,
Intoxicants, Dance, Acting Fancy Stores, Dancing Ball or Hall, Cinema theatre.
It also known as morning star since it appears in the sky before the sunrise and mimics as if
it is because of this planet, brightness has come, even though sun is responsible for the
brightness. It also called as evening star since it appears in the sky before the moon rise and
mimics as if it is because of this planet brightness has come even though moon which
reflects the sunlight is responsible for the brightness. Therefore this planet is called as
actors in the cinema also do the same. Therefore cinema also is assigned to Venus.
Venus is the brightest planet, hence face is also assigned to Venus, because whether a
person is dull or bright or attractive or unattractive is judged from the glow of his face. And
also most of cine artists do apply make up to face, mores so their cheeks, hence in face
checks are represented by Venus.
In human reproductive system, the sperms produced by the male is also said to be white
and have a kind of tejas or glow, hence the sperm is also assigned to Venus. The sperm is
usually deposited in the uterus of the woman and from there the start of the embryo
develops. Hence uterus is also assigned to uterus and Venus is jeevakaraka for females.
Venus which is brightest is also assigned to some bright objects such as jewels, diamonds
etc. all cosmetics, perfumes, is also assigned to Venus. We also saw venus mimics as if it
is the real cause of brightness, hence horse riding, vehicle driving also are assigned to
venus In horse riding or vehicles even though man does not travel but only vehicles
travel, it is assumed we have travelled on own, which again can be correlated to the
mimic activity of venus
Venus rules Taurus and Libra. It gets exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo.
Gemstone for Venus is diamond.
Saturn is most farer planet from the sun in the solar system, compared to other nine
planets. It receives less of sunlight and colder than any other planet. Hence Saturn
represents darkness and kapha (cold).
Saturn's orbit is also much bigger and takes more time than any other planet. Hence
Saturn holds the karakatwas for delay, slow, lethargic. Usually old people take more time
to walk or perform any activity, hence age and persons are also attributed to Saturn.
The orbit of the Saturn is big, so is the experience of old people, hence experienced
person's or experience is also related to Saturn. We also saw Saturn is slow moving
planet, hence physically handicapped persons are also represented by Saturn because of
their slow movements
Karakatwas of Saturn
Karma Karaka, Elder Brother Third Husband, Work, profession, Industry, Slowness,
Indolence, Chin, Feet, Buttocks, Anus, Knees, Fore leg, Digestive Bladder, Store
Room, Dump Yard, Dust Bin, Grinding Stone, Dining Hall, Windy and Gastric Health
Disorders, Woollen Clothes, Iron, Lead, Whirling Wind, Storm, Oil Mines, Low Paid
Saturn is a cold planet because of its existence in outer orbit and far away from sun. In
Ayurveda and system of medicine, cold is known as kapha humor, the other two being
vata and pitta. It is said excess of kapha results in death and kapha is majorly
responsible for death of living beings, hence Saturn naturally becomes indicator of
In planets Saturn is the one planet which receives least sunlight. Similarly in human body.
legs are the parts of the body which are less exposed to sunlight, hence Saturn is also
Significator of legs.
Since Saturn is darkness, all black things are assigned to Saturn such as charcoal. iron etc. in a
way human destiny is also kind of dark, nothing is known hence destiny is also linked to
Caves, mortuary, dark room, charcoal quarry, all other places where there is less or no
penetration of sunlight is attributed to Saturn. Man usually sleeps in the night which is again
darkness; therefore sleep is also represented by Saturn.
Usually people who are in poverty there life usually take a very long time to stabilize and
hence all things happen at a very slow rate and delayed pace when compared to rich people.
Therefore poverty and poor people are karakatwas of Saturn
Santurn rules Capricom and Aquarius. It gets exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. The
gemstone for Saturn is blue sapphire.
Rahu Ketu:
Characteristics, Karakatwas, Exaltation and Debilitation.
In the celestial like other seven planets, the Rahu-kethu are not visible either through naked eye
or any astronomical instruments. So only they are known as shadow planets or Chhaya grahas.
They don't have any shape or size unlike other planets, since these shadow planets don't have
any physical existence. They are just mathematical points. The intersection of orbits of sun and
moon are called as Rahu-ketu.
These mathematical points also act as an obstacle in blocking the rays of other planets falling
over the earth Hence they are also known as blockers Hence Rahu acts as a blocker in living
things and ketu acts as blocker in materialistic things
These mathematical points also appear as a snake in the celestial, Hence they are often compared
as snakes Here Rahu appears as a snake opening its mouth wide open. Whereas ketu appears
like a tail of the snake. Hence they both are compared as head and tail respectively.
Anything that does not have physical appearance, is said to exist in
sookshma form is the belief held by majority of humankind. After death
even though people leave their physical body, but they are believed to
exist in the sookshma form, so only we perform all rituals to them every
year and
seek their blessings and protection.
Similarly , god. demigod. rakshasas, demons, devils, yakshini, mohini,
ghosts, all are not present in any physical state but they are believed to
exist in the sookshma form. Now the rakshasas, demons, devils and evil
forces belong to the rahu group. All devas, siddars, belong to the kethu
Karakatwas of Rahu
As we already discussed rahu is a snake mouth wide opened, hence whichever is in wide
opening form is assigned the karakatwas of rahu like mouth, large intestine, pond. lake.
big river, ocean, dried wood, plastic, rubber etc.
Karakatwas of Kethu
Since we know ketu appears like a tail of snake, nerves, hairs, finger, all thread like
structures, male genital organ, creepers. small intestine, anus, narrow water channels etc.
all this indicate kethu etc.
Also keeping open and taking inside is the karakatwas of rahu and keeping out is the
karakatwas of kethu If we observe food is taken through month which indicates rahu and
unabsorbed and unwanted is excreted through anus, which is karakatwas of ketu
In human relationship also the man is the one who transfers the seed and woman is
the receiver, there by male reproductive organ is compared to ketu and female organ
which is receiver is compared to rahu
Breathing through nose (Jupiter ketu) and breathing through mouth (rahu + Jupiter).
Breathing through nose increases longevity whereas other one shortens longevity
Exaltation and Debilitation of Rahu and Ketu
Exaltation and Debilitation of Rahu and Ketu
First View
Both are exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio
Second View
Both are exalted in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus
Third View
Rahu exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio and kethu exalted in Scorpio and
debilitated in Taurus

There are many other views too. But third one is appears to be more convincing in
my personal opinion. For this let us take some characteristics of both of them
Rahu Exaltation In Taurus And Kethu Debilitation In Taurus
Rahu gets exalted in 20 degrees of Taurus. These 20 degrees of are belongs to rohini
which is ruled by moon and this rashi is ruled by Venus, Venus indicates luxury, finance,
enjoyment, women etc. rahu is a boga karaka which is interested in enjoying the pleasure.
Moon indicates adultery, beauty, lust.
A person who earns millions and wants to enjoy the life will not mind having luxurious
life style. Also with exception of few, most millionaires have been known for their bhoga
karaka activities, they don't mind spending money to achieve their desires and pleasures.
Hence all this can be given by rahu in moon nakshatra and Venus rashi which holds the
above karakatwas as assigned
Whereas ketu who is spiritual and in search of wisdom will not be that comfortable in
Taurus, hence he gets debilitated here
Ketu Exaltation in Scorpio and Rahu Debilitation in Scorpio
Here we see ketu gets exalted in 20 degrees of Scorpio. This are of 20 degrees belongs to
Jyeshta nakshatra which belongs to mercury, we know intellect, intelligence, education,
study of Vedas and shastra are indicated by mercury. The mars the owner of Scorpio is
indicator of difficulty path, stubbornness, obstacles. Similarly learning any Veda shastra
or astrology is not an easy task. This knowledge has to cross many difficult paths, and
then only one can obtain this knowledge. Hence jnanakaraka kethu can be considered to
be exalted here.
Rahu which wants enjoyment and pleasures will not feel comfortable being placed in
Scorpio. Hence we can take rahu to be debilitated in Scorpio.
Moon-Characteristics, Karakatwas, and Remedial Astrology for Moon
Among the navagraha, moon is one among them. It's one of the planets along with sun
which provides light/ brightness to earth, even though it reflects only the sunlight of the
sun. The moon has three kinds of movements which is unique.
1. It revolves around the earth
2. It rotates itself.
3. It revolves around the sun along with earth
Such uniqueness is attributed only to moon when compared with other navagraha.
Among the nine planets, moon is the one which has fast movements. It also has two kinds
of phase's sukla paksha and Krishna paksha. It is the near planet to earth when compared
with other planets as per Indian astrology. (Here we consider sun and moon to be
Moon is also considered to be Significator of mother, we will see that why so? If we
observe mothers thought and eyes are always towards her baby and she always follows
her kid. Similarly moon always follows earth in close and keeps rotating around it
without any slightest deviation, taking care of earth like its kid
Moon is also considered to human body. We already saw moon has two phases. It is not
visible on amavasya and very next day, it slowly grows like a crescent shaped and
gradually Moon is also considered to human body. We already saw moon has two phases.
It is not visible on amavasya and very next day, it slowly grows like a crescent shaped
and gradually becomes fuller in size in pornima day and from then it diminishes in size it
becomes invisible. I we consider human body also grows gradually from single cell to
multi cellular embryo then child, then adult stage, thereafter old age and finally this body
perishes. Hence this body possesses the quality of waxing and waning phases of moon.
Hence moon is the Significator of body
As we saw moon has fastest movement and human mind is also similarly keeps changing
from moment. Hence mind or to be more precise manah is governed by moon The earth
apart from it receives light only from moon. Only moon light gives substantial vision after
sun light to human eyes. Hence moon is also Significator of human eyes. Some medicinal
plants grow under only moon light. Hence moon also indicates medicine.
Also two third of the world is associated with water. On amavasya the level of water
decreases whereas on poornima the level of water increases this is also the effect of moon
So we can infer moon is having control over water Hence water is also represented by
moon.The fluid content in human body is also represented by moon. Therefore blood is also
represented by moon. During amavasya time, low bp patients have experienced still lower
bp and high bp patients during poornima; have found to experience in their bp levels. Hence
we can see moon also controls the blood system in our body.
Also mentally disturbed patients have more disturbed patterms of behavior during
amavasya and poornima when moon is lowest and highest in strength. This fact is also
coming up with many new medical evidences Hence we can also infer moon is
Significator of manah or mind. Any adverse in moon position or strength leads to
fickle minded instability in taking decisions, lack of clarity, Since moon keeps
travelling at rapid pace and keeps on changing its phases, it also indicates travelling
and changes.
Since moon also eloped with his gurus wife Tara and resulted in birth of mercury.
Moon is also known for cunningness and adultery. Thereby it becomes the karaka for
the same
Mother brings up her child by feeding the child with food and milk in initial stages.
Hence breasts which symbolizes motherliness and secrete milk is also significators of
moon. Food and other milk related products are also indicated by moon .
Moon takes around 28 days to complete one zodiac. The menstrual cycle of woman is
also 28 days. Hence moon also has its say in menstrual cycle of woman and any affliction
to moon can cause problem in cycle of the woman.
Nobody can stop admiring the beauty of moon. Hence moon also represents beauty and
people who have strong moon in their horoscope can mesmerize any people easily and
they have good imagination and appreciate artistic beauty.
Since moon also constantly change its phases, all easily perishable fruits and vegetables
are attributed to moon
Moon gets exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio and owns cancer.

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