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Professional Bodies in

What is a Professional Body/Organization?

 An engineering society is a professional organization for

engineers of various disciplines.
 Some are umbrella type organizations which accept many
different disciplines, while others are discipline-specific.
 Thereare also many student-run engineering societies,
commonly at universities or technical colleges.
Benefits of Joining a Professional
 While each organization has its own advantages, most
associations offer some of the following common benefits.
 Exclusive online resources

 Networking opportunities

 Professional development

 Education

 Discounted or free publications

 Seminars and conferences

Benefits of Joining a Professional
 Exclusive online resources
 Websites of most professional organizations have a “members only”
section that provides access to a variety of message boards and
 There are also listserv subscriptions that notify you via emails about all
special activities and upcoming events that are usually not open to the
general audience.
 Some features have a variety of topics like advancing your career,
running a business, or enhancing your technical expertise.
Benefits of Joining a Professional
 Networking opportunities
 When you join a professional association, you can deepen your existing
business relationships and forge new contacts regularly.
 The networking is usually not restricted to the exchange of business cards.
 You can attend periodic meetings, be an active member in a subcommittee, or
take up a more prominent role.
 You can make lasting ties with other professionals in your trade having common
interests or similar concerns.
 The relationships are mostly rich, and an ongoing source of ideas and
Benefits of Joining a Professional
 Professional development
 Professions like engineering require ongoing education to remain updated.
 In several careers, training and certification on the mastery of some particular skill,
helps members to increase their earnings.
 Professional associations often offer these courses free of cost or for a subsidized fee
for their members and do the work to establish the acceptance of continuing
education credits by the licensing board.
 Newsletters and journals published by the association give an opportunity to
members to polish their communication skills and learn about the advances in their
 Access to research material and industry information is another reason behind joining
professional associations.
Benefits of Joining a Professional
 Education.
 Many professional organizations offer members to upgrade or refresh their
knowledge of trade and business expertise or acquire new skills in
workshops, seminars, conferences, and even online courses.
 The typical subject matters may run the gamut from funding of small
businesses to tax tips, and advice on recruitment and employee
Benefits of Joining a Professional
 Discounted or free publications.
 Membership to a professional group includes free subscription to the
organization’s magazine, newsletter, and other publications.
 Some organizations offer members free copies and discounts on journals,
CDs, video tutorials etc.
Benefits of Joining a Professional
 Seminars and conferences.
 Members often get priority registration for any event held by the
 They may be offered on conference fees, special rates on related
expenses, like car booking, room reservation etc.
Beyond the basic advantages
 Depending on the particular professional organization, there
could be several additional benefits.
 Following are some of the added benefits.
 Resume builder

 Job hunting

 Support systems
Professional Organizations in Engineering

 Indian Society for Technical Education

 Institution of Engineers (India)
 Indian Concrete Institute

 Only a few has been mentioned

Professional Organizations in Civil
 American Society of Civil Engineers
 Indian Geotechnical Society
 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering

 Only a few have been mentioned here.

American Society of Civil Engineers

 Founded in 1852 to represent members of the civil engineering profession worldwide.

 Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, it is the oldest national engineering society in the
United States.
 Constitution was based on the older Boston Society of Civil Engineers from 1848.
 ASCE is dedicated to the advancement of the science and profession of civil engineering
and the enhancement of human welfare through the activities of society members.
 More than 152,000 members in 177 countries.
 Mission is to provide essential value to members, their careers, partners, and the public;
facilitate the advancement of technology; encourage and provide the tools for lifelong
learning; promote professionalism and the profession; develop and support civil engineers.
American Society of Civil Engineers
 Publications
 Dissemination of technical and professional information to the civil engineering profession
was a major goal of the society.
 This is accomplished through a variety of publications and information products, including
35 technical and professional journals amongst them
 ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering,
 Journal of Environmental Engineering,
 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,
 Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,
 Journal of Transportation Engineering, the Society's monthly magazine, an online bibliographic
database, conference proceedings, standards, manuals of practice and technical reports.
 The ASCE Library contains 470+ E-books and standards, some with chapter-level access and
600+ online proceedings.
Indian Geotechnical Society
 The Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) aims at promoting co-operation
amongst engineers and scientists for the advancement and
dissemination of knowledge in the fields of Soil Mechanics, Foundation
Engineering, Soil Dynamics, Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics,
Snow and Ice Mechanics and allied fields and their practical applications.
 It provides a common forum for academicians, research workers,
designers, construction engineers, equipment manufacturers and others
interested in geotechnical activity.
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
 Founded in 1887.
 Promotes advances in the field of civil engineering including geotechnical
engineering, structural engineering, hydrotechnical engineering, environmental
engineering, transportation engineering and surveying and geomatics
Indian Concrete Institute
 National organization of engineering professionals, employed in concrete
construction and associated research in India.
 Founded in 1982 in Chennai following a resolution in the International
Seminar and Exhibition on ‘Modernization of Concrete Practices’
organized jointly by the Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC)
and Anna University.
 he ICI imparts training to working professionals in changing technologies
in concrete constructions, promote research work in concrete
technologies, publish journals on research finding, newer technologies,
and solution for practical problems, collaborate with agencies employed
in concrete construction, research and associated manufacturers for
better adoption of the technology by working professionals.
Indian Society for Technical Education
 National, professional, non-profit Society registered under the Indian
Societies Registration Act of 1860.
 First started in 1941 as the Association of Principals of Technical
Institutions (APTI), it was converted into "Indian Society for Technical
Education" in 1968 with a view to enlarge its activities to advance the
cause of Technology education.
 Active membership of more than 97286 technical teachers, 5,66,466 student
members, more than 2345 institutional members (including IITs, IISc, NITs and
other leading technical institutions), 1166 faculty chapters and 1280 students’
chapters throughout the country.
Indian Society for Technical Education
 Objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and
development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by
the industries and other organizations.
 Being the only national organization of educators in the field of Engineering and
Technology, ISTE effectively contributes in various missions of the Union
 The Ministry of Human Resource Development, CTE/Department of Science
and Technology/MIT/State Govts. are well associated with the ISTE for
programs relating to technical education
Institution of Engineers (India)
 National organization
 More than one million members in 15 engineering disciplines in 125 centers or
chapters in India and overseas; it is the world's largest multi-disciplinary engineering
professional society in engineering and technology world.
 Established in 1920 in Kolkata.
 The Institution of Engineers (India) conducts an examination of its associate
 This examination is considered to be on par with B.E. / B.Tech.
 When contemplated as an eligibility qualification to write competitive examinations like
the Indian Civil Service, Indian Engineering Services, GATE, etc., and for employment
in Government, public and private sectors in India.
 This qualification is recognized by the Ministry of HRD, government of India, as
equivalent to B.E./B.Tech.

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