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Security Survey Report


A security survey is a comprehensive analysis of a

company’s premises, systems, and procedures.
There are three primary objectives for performing a
security survey:

Measuring the security that is currently in place;

Identifying and quantifying any weaknesses in the
current security plan;
Determining the degree of protection required.
After the security survey is complete, there should be
enough information to make recommendations for
improving the current security program. Conducting
a security survey should only be performed by
professionals who have extensive training and
experience in performing these surveys.

The Agency/ Office that conducts the survey, its

Address and Telephone Number, if Any
Date of the Report

Addressee to the president or General Manager of

the establishment
Subject: Security Survey Report
Dear Sir:

 Submitted hereunder is the security survey report on survey

made by our team under (state the name of the team leader)
for your perusal and approval.
I. Preliminaries

A. Authority: (State the name of the team leader)

B. Date and duration of survey made: (State the date
and inclusive hours or days as the case maybe).
C. Weather Condition: (Prevailing weather condition
when survey was made. State also the usual months
when flood and dry season occurs in the particular
D. Surveying Personnel (Names of the survey team
indicating the survey team)
II. Establishment Surveyed

A. Name of the establishment surveyed. (use map

sketches for its location. Described the facilities and
the prevailing situation with regards to the
neighborhood whether completely commercial or
industrial area or residential particularly informal
settlers area which could affect the security
adversely. If possible, include also the primary access
to the location and its date of initial operation).
B. Objective of the company. State the primary
activity of the company. State the nature of its
operation or products.
C. Affiliation with other organizations, international
or local. State whether main or branch of the group
of companies.
D. Total number of work force (include all employees
and management staffs).
III. Security System

A. Physical Security- Evaluate the effectiveness and

Efficiency of the following:
1. Perimeter Barrier
A. Situation(s)- (List the security deficiencies
B. Recommendation(s)- (for each situation, give the
corresponding security measure)
2. Guard Force and Guard System
A. Situation(s)
B. Recommendation(s)
3. Protective Lighting
4. Protective Alarms and Communication
5. Protective Locks and Keys
6. Personnel Identification and Movement control
7. Emergency Planning
B. Personnel security

1. Data concerning key personnel: ( Are 201 Files of

all personnel under the employ of the company
properly maintained?)
A. Situation(s)
B. Recommendation(s)
2. Clearance Program: (indicate the hiring process
system as to whether the applicants are subjected to
personnel security investigation and required to
submit clearances prior to hiring.)
A. Situation(s)
B. Recommendation(s)
3. morale of Employees: ( are employees given
lectures or seminars on security aspect?)
A. Situation(s)
B. Recommendation(s)
4. Absentee Rate and Labor Turnover:
A. Situation(s)
B. Recommendation(s)
C. Documents and Information Security

1. Rules and Regulations: (are there policy,

guidelines, rules and regulations adopted by the
company for handling classified matters?)
A. Situation(s)
B. Recommendation(s)
Note: Discuss each item like:
1. Classified System
2. Receipting System
3. Storage of Classified Matters
4. Transmission System
5. Reproduction System
6. Destruction System
7. Preparation and marking System
IV. Other Situations and Recommendations

V. Enclosures/ Exhibits

(state the number and title of enclosures/ exhibits)
It is believed that this security survey report will
suffice your requirements for adequate security of
your establishment.
Very Truly Yours,
(chief, Survey Team)
Thank You

You are worthy O Lord, to

receive glory and honor and
power; for You created all
things, and by your will they
exist and were created.
Revelations 4: 11

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