Hello Grade 6!: I'm So Happy To See You All!

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Hello Grade 6!

I’m so happy to
see you all!
Getting Inspirations from
SBR 20_pp. 122- 128
composition that is characterized by great
beauty of language or expression
Writing a poem is one way by which a creative
person shares thoughts and feelings with
Well chosen words to feel wonder, joy, or grief
Can be recited or sung
Lyric poems- accompaniment of lyre
Poetry and Prose
Poetry Prose
Written in lines and Written in sentences
stanzas and paragraphs
Uses rhyme and No rhyme and rhythm
Includes figures of Ordinary language
Poem parents,

Generator! crush

My life is hid in you Lord,

I’ll follow your will and your Word.
STARTER B. Answer these questions.
1. Why couldn’t the little blade
A. Read the poem below. remember any good deed it had done?

The little grass had a bitter memory

of his bad deeds only.

2. How did God feel about the little

blade? Read the line that supports your

God was pleased with His answer and God in all His
Majesty stood up from His thrown and blessed him.

3. Which word best describes the little


a. Kind b. Afraid c. Forgetful d. Humble e. Proud

STARTER B. Answer these questions.

A. Read the poem below. 4. What did the other blades think was
the best way to please God?

They all started to tell about their good deeds and actions
excitedly to please God.

5. What lesson does the poem teach you?

Those who have done good deeds should not feel proud. One
should be humble and repentant.
REINFORCER B. Answer the following questions.
A. Read the poem.
1. Can you read between the lines?
a. The speaker has suddenly

i. that he owns some gold

ii. that he can fly an airship
iii. that he can do great things
b. His discovery has suddenly
made him ______________________

i. see his place in the world

ii. feel rich
iii. Think of himself as a being as
big as God
REINFORCER B. Answer the following questions.
A. Read the poem.
1. Can you read between the lines?
c. Perhaps the speaker in the poem
is ______________________________

i. an inventor
ii. a working man
iii. a giant
2. What lesson does the poem
teach you? What does it make you
feel about having a God?
Dismay /disˈmā/- disappointed
Smitten /smi·tn/- struck, attached, affected
Meager /ˈmēɡər/- lacking, deficient

Incessant /inˈses(ə)nt/- continuous, without end

Chance /’chans/- something happenscause
without observable

Span /’span/- measure

CHALLENGER A. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. What is the feeling of the person to whom

the speaker is talking?

a. a. Downhearted
b. b. lonely
c. c. angry

2. Why is he feeling this way?

a. He thinks there isn’t anything great in the

world that he can do.
b. He is afraid to change his ways
c. he thinks it is useless to struggle against
A. Encircle the letter of your answer.

3. What meaning of race is referred to in line


a. a. color of the skin

b. b. making an engine go fast
c. c. speed test
4. Which stanza says that people who make
their surroundings productive and useful are

a. a. First
3 b. b. second
c. c. third
A. Encircle the letter of your answer.

5. What is the poet’s answer to the question:

“What opportunity is left for a boy to become
someone great?”

a. a. none

b. b. Every opportunity is present in

all endeavors.

c. c. Whenever there is great

wealth, there is great opportunity
One bar (/) for short pause
Two bars (//) for a longer pause
Curved lines connecting syllables
Thank you for
listening! 

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