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Lateral load resisting systems

in buildings
 using an appropriate structural system is critical to good seismic
performance of buildings. While moment-frame is the most commonly
used lateral load resisting structural system, other structural systems also
are commonly used like structural walls, frame-wall system, and braced-
frame system. Sometimes, even more redundant structural systems are
necessary, e.g., Tube, Tube in-Tube and Bundled Tube systems are
required in many buildings to improve their earthquake behavior.
 These structural systems are used depending on the size, loading, and
other design requirements of the building. One structural system
commonly used poses special challenges in ensuring good seismic
performance of buildings; this is the Flat slab-column system.
 The system makes the building flexible in the lateral direction and
hence the building deforms significantly even under small levels of
shaking. Further, it has relatively low lateral strength, and therefore
ductility demand during strong earthquake shaking tends to be large.
 many times, such levels of ductility cannot be incorporated in
buildings with flat slab-column system. This structural system should
not be used without introducing in the building stiff and strong
lateral force resisting elements, like structural walls and braces.
 The aforementioned lateral load resisting systems are discussed as
1. Moment resisting frames
 Moment frames consist of a grid of
vertical (i.e., columns) and horizontal
(i.e., beams) members (Figure 5.1).
They resist lateral loads through axial
forces, bending moment and shear force
generated in both beams and columns.
 Beam and column sections should be
designed as under-reinforced sections,
and thereby, can be expected to undergo
ductile behavior; brittle shear failure
must be prevented through capacity
design procedures.
2. Shear walls
 Earthquake resistant buildings should possess, at
least a minimum lateral stiffness, so that they do not
swing too much during small levels of shaking.
Moment frame buildings may not be able to offer this
always. When lateral displacement is large in a
building with moment frames only, structural walls,
often commonly called shear walls, can be
introduced to help reduce overall displacement of
buildings, because these vertical plate-like structural
elements have large in-plane stiffness and strength.
 Structural walls resist lateral forces through Shear wall
combined axial-flexure-shear action. Also, structural Shear wall
walls help reduce shear and moment demands on
beams and columns in the moment frames of the
building, when provided along with moment frames
as lateral load resisting system.

 Structural walls should be provided throughout the height of

buildings for best earthquake performance. Also, walls offer best
performance when rested on hard soil strata. But, it is not sufficient
to provide structural walls in buildings; their location in a building
governs the overall response of the building. While introduction of
structural walls cause reduction in lateral displacement, and natural
periods of oscillation. Structural walls are most effective when
placed at the periphery of buildings.
3. Bracing
 The structural system consists of moment frames
with specific bays provided with braces
throughout the height of the building. Braces are
provided in both plan directions such that no
twisting is induced in the building owing to
unsymmetrical stiffness in plan. Bracing is a
structural system which is designed primarily to
resist wind and earthquake forces.
 Members in a braced frame are designed to work
in tension and compression similar to a truss.
Braces help in reducing overall lateral
displacement of buildings, and in reducing
bending moment and shear force demands on
beams and columns in buildings. The earthquake
force is transferred as axial force in the brace
members. Various types of bracings can be used
including global bracing along the building height.
 Braced frames are simple to erect on site, and bracing elements can
be orientated to accommodate horizontal movement across the floor
plate. Although braced frame systems can be incorporated within
concrete framed structures, they are better suited to steel framed
buildings incorporating diagonal bracing and/or eccentrically braced
 The resistance to horizontal forces is provided by two bracing
1. Vertical bracing
Bracing between column lines (in vertical planes) provides load paths
for the transference of horizontal forces to ground level. Framed
buildings require at least three planes of vertical bracing to brace both
directions in plan and to resist torsion about a vertical axis.
2. Horizontal bracing
The bracing at each floor (in horizontal planes) provides load paths for the
transference of horizontal forces to the planes of vertical bracing. Horizontal
bracing is needed at each floor level, however, the floor system itself may
provide sufficient resistance. Roofs may require bracing.

Types of bracing
Single diagonals
Trussing, or triangulation, is formed by inserting diagonal
structural members into rectangular areas of a structural
frame, helping to stabilize the frame. If a single brace is used,
it must be sufficiently resistant to tension and compression.

Cross Cross-bracing (or X-bracing) uses two diagonal

bracing members crossing each other. These only need to be
resistant to tension, one brace at a time acting to resist
sideways forces, depending on the direction of
loading. As a result, steel cables can also be used for
K-braces connect to the columns at mid-height. This
frame has more flexibility for the provision of
openings in the facade and results in the least bending
in floor beams. K-bracing is generally discouraged in
seismic regions because of the potential for column
failure if the compression brace buckles.

 Two diagonal members forming a V-shape extend

V-bracing downwards from the top two corners of a horizontal
member and meet at a center point on the lower
horizontal member (left-hand diagram). Inverted V-
bracing (right-hand diagram, also known as chevron
bracing) involves the two members meeting at a
center point on the upper horizontal member.
 Both systems can significantly reduce the buckling
capacity of the compression brace so that it is less
than the tension yield capacity of the tension brace.
This can mean that when the braces reach their
resistance capacity, the load must instead be resisted
in the bending of the horizontal member.
 Centric bracing is commonly used in seismic regions. It is similar to
V-bracing but bracing members do not meet at a center point. This
means there is a space between them at the top connection (see
photo above, Salesforce Tower, London). Bracing members connect
to separate points on the horizontal beams. This is so the 'link'
between the bracing members absorbs energy from seismic activity
through plastic deformation. Eccentric single diagonals can also be
used to brace a frame.
4. Dual systems
 This system consist of shear wall or
bracing and moment resisting frame such
 The two systems are designed to resist the
total design force in proportion to their
lateral stiffness considering the interaction
of the dual system at all floor levels.
 The moment resisting frames are designed
to independently resist at least 25% of
design seismic base shear.
 It is common to have more than one
framing type used in medium or high-rise
reinforced concrete structure.

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