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Nov 2021

Wealth Management
App Presentation

Droid team – Digital Track – CIMB

Satvinder Kaur Ran Singh (Sharan)
Yeap Jun Hong (Alfred)
Vu Thuy Anh Phuong (Kate)
Digital Track Challenge
New Product or Targeted Portfolios
create a new digital product for existing or targeted market

Challenge 2 – New Product or Targeted Portfolios

How might we create a new digital product for existing or new targeted market to cater for
specific needs of the group?

One of the unbanked sectors that could be explored where the purpose of digital banking can
be niched, either in developing long-term savings, learning financial preparedness and
investment etc.

Aim of the Challenge

Create a new digital product tailored for a targets portfolio, especially for the underbanked
banking audience. Also, to explore and offer the new segment by creating an innovative digital
product to be the first to offer product.
Table of Content
• Understanding the problems
• Manifesto
• Target audience
• Case Study
• Value Proposition/ Robo-Advisor
• Introducing: OCTROID
Understanding the problems

01 Customer’s financial behavior is changing, especially during and after the

Covid-19 pandemic

02 The market is witnessing the growing trend in Wealth Management platform

using disruptive technologies to meet the ever increasing demands of the
customers for investing

03 The Regulators are supporting digital banking channels with regulations to

help build the ecosystem
01 Customer Understanding

● The pandemic has made digital contact indispensable — and increasingly popular.
● Due to the financial market and personal life uncertainty, people are determined to take
the ownership of their money, shifting from “experience-driven” lifestyle into investing
over the next year. (*)
● 97% of people would like to have some kind of knowledge on personal financial matters.
● Despite that, the young adults are still reluctant to invest due to: (1) having little
knowledge about investment, hence afraid to make the wrong decision in investing, (2)
there are too many investment platforms from fund, stock to gold, crypto with high fees
and (3) being lack of time.
● Deposit interest rates are getting lower at ~4% while Inflation rates in Asia Pacific is at the
same percentage in average. Saving only is not an option anymore. (**)
(*) According to the 2020 Schroders Global Investor Study
(**) Asian Development Outlook (ADO), Statista
02 Market Understanding

● Asia Pacific has been witnessing strong economic prosperity. This has led to a rise in the
population of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs), particularly the younger generation
who demand technologically advanced and highly customized banking and wealth
management solutions, to cater to their growing investment needs.
● Asia Pacific is home to ~15 million HNWIs, the second-largest concentration in the world
after North America, with an expected growth of 39 percent by 2024, the highest growth
forecast globally. (*)
● There is a clear gap in Asia for a powerful, compelling, sophisticated-yet-easy-to-use
digital wealth management offering aimed at the region’s emerging and growing wealthy

(*) Digital Wealth Management in Asia Pacific, 2021, KPMG

02 Market Understanding
● Malaysia
○ Wealth management market is small but HNWIs are rapidly growing; there’s a rising preference for
digital banking too.
○ Indian and Singaporean wealth management apps wanted to enter Malaysia market,
○ StashAway - the first wealth management using robo-advisor; which originated from Singapore and
expanded to Malaysia with license from Securities Commissions Malaysia (SC).
○ Malaysia should have its local app as soon as possible and CIMB should take this major opportunity
to capture market share as Big4 banks withdraw from WM businesses

● Vietnam
○ VN is one of the fastest rise in UHNWIs in Asia, however, preference for basic investment products;
and its WM and PB are still in nascent stage.
○ It’s an opportunity for CIMB to introduce WM app in VN market that allow users to invest and park
their excess money kept in digital wallets into liquid assets to enjoy early mover advantage.
○ Besides, there’s a need to educate HNWIs about varied WM products and offer them more
personalized advice
(*) Digital Wealth Management in Asia Pacific, 2021, KPMG
03 Regulation Understanding

● Malaysia: Government stimulating digitization in banking and capital markets; although

strict requirements a hindrance. (*)
● Vietnam: Government promoting FinTech and non-cash payments, but lags behind in
stimulating capital markets activity. (*)
Both of the governments are supporting digital banking and cashless payment

(*) Digital Wealth Management in Asia Pacific, 2021, KPMG

StashAway Case-study
● Pros
○ Use of robo-advisor and algorithm used is ERAA® (Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation)
○ Applied hybrid model; a combination of robo and human
○ Good portfolio composition (automated diversified portfolio) and projection rate
○ Able to manage assets within 1 app
○ 0 minimum investment, 0 maintaining balance, withdrawal fees, and platform fees
○ Professional yet friendly impression. Easy to navigate
○ Video-first approach: New user is able to watch videos to understand the product proposition and it
provides enough text explanation for users who opt not to watch the videos
● Cons
○ High possibility of user drop off during onboarding funnel (user to complete the
necessary fields which takes approximate 15’ and more)
○ Management fees range from 0.20% to 0.80% annually which is not fee-friendly towards those who
can only afford small investments
○ The profile creation process is pretty complicated with too many information which might cause
confusion especially for new beginners. User need to choose between many options: General
Investing, Goal-based Investing, Thematic Investing and StashAway Simple, in order to move forward.
○ Send reminder via Whatsapp which is not a recommended channel.
OCTROID wealth management mobile app allows users
to invest and manage their assets in a more simple and
easier way.

It utilizes Robo-advisor that help users build smart,

diversified investment portfolio. Users can also discover
and learn about wealth management on the app.

Which eventually help them save time and money while

reaching their financial goals.
Target audience

● Age: 25-40
● Above average tech-savvy level
● Education: highly educated and paid professionals
● Goals: Increasing exposure about finance, encourage
user to build investment habit instead of saving and
to plan ahead for important life goals such as
marriage, retirement or housing
● Motivation: The needs to access diversified portfolio
and still able to invest despite the lack of time or
Value Proposition - Robo Advisor

• Complete a brief questionnaire about your risk appetize, your initial deposit
amount and your invest duration, Robo-advisors weigh your personal preferences
against unpredictable forces (Asset class performance, Market volatility, market
conditions) to automatically recommend a portfolio that fits your specific needs
with projected returns. From there, you can make the right decision.

• Keep track of your portfolio performance daily and get

notification if it’s on track, below track or at risk.

• It regularly monitors market activity and every underlying

investment to ensure your portfolio is rebalanced appropriately
- so you don’t have to.
Introducing: OCTROID
Empowering YOU.

Wealth management mobile app that

helps you build smart and diversified
investment portfolio in no time.

Get to discover interesting financial

world and take the ownership of your
money effortlessly.

And of course, grow your money with

less time and fees while you sleep.
Customer Journey Map

Get a loan Hire live Wealth

Link with
offered by Specialist
CIMB (Subscription) CIMB account

Tailor your
Welcome Create Dashboard/ Account
Signup page portfolio & Deposit fund
page profile project P&L Homepage Management

Latest Smart Technical Performance

Research/ News Analysis tracking
● Show product value proposition first
before require user to fill in lengthy
personal details and documents
Simplicity verification to reduce user drop-off
Easy to navigate
● Keep the onboarding flow and profile
Intuitive creation short enough for users to reach
the portfolio suggestion page first, then
users can fill in more information and
verify their account later

Figma Prototype:
● Keep the dashboard (performance tracking) simple with precise
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Thank you!

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