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Jacobs Romania

Digital Marketing Strategy

By Norbert Andrei Nita & Bucin Izabella-Andreea
Group 1201
Why this brand?

We decided to choose Jacobs Romania as it is a brand that we consider that has left it’s mark within
Romania as a brand with a really delicious coffee it quite reached to the top within the country.
It is a brand that attracts a big range of people to it, it is a brand that has a great range of coffee products,
therefore making it possible for any person using a coffee machine or coffee brewer to be able to be able to
make use of their products after purchasing them from within any small and big retail shop
Moreover, it is a brand that has quite a few television commercials and online ads with which it is
attracting it’s customers. Popular television commercials of theirs being the television commercials that can
be seen during Christmas, commercials that aid the company to get more customers or nudge their current
customers into using their products.
Business overview

Pains: Thirst, lack of energy within various times of the day, tiring
daily routines
Rational reasons: Energy and a moral boost, high quality coffee,
German coffee.
Emotional: makes the user feel great, It gives off the feeling that it is
Customer profile 
Demographic Psychographic Behavioral Geographic
The average age is between • Concerned with being Coffee it's a must in lot of Country : Romania
25-70 teenagers or the able to function thought people's lives. City: Every city from
younger generation are the day. It resolves a big problem in Romania and cities from
looking to a quicker way of • Is willing to spend more our customers routines for around the world which
drinking coffee. We want time preparing coffee a fair amount of price of 17 have access to a Romanian
to hit the medium class that then buying it. lei on the Big Market/Store
has an income of 2500lei • Enjoys outdoor Jacobs coffee bag and less
or above/month. As for sex, activities that consume de 1 lei on the small bag
it can be consumed by energy. They use the product every
either male or female. The • It's addicted to the day for at least once a day.
target market is situated in feeling of being awake
Romania. for a longer period of
Diamond segmentation

Recruitment Target
Recruitment Target:
KOLs , 18-27 year old, energy requiring people that study or
party Main target:
Main buyers, 28-50 years old, people that have to be
awake/function a lot during the day, people that are having Main Target
morning or night jobs or like

Volume overspill:
The customers that buy during promotions, discounts, holidays or
any sort of event Volume Overspill
Awareness Consideration Purchase Service Loyalty

• Tv Ads  • Searching • From IKA and TT • Customer Mobile • Promotion on

• Banners for coffee brands • From their • Email/Chat invoice 
• Word of Mouth  • Checking their website • Campaigns for
• Online ads campaigns customers with
• Viral Email • 3rd parties  big winning
• Social Media prizes
• Referrals • Newsletters with
new products 
• Blogs
Awareness, consideration and loyalty.
For the awareness part, we plan on using in our favor the
TV ads in order to reach out to more people and get them
to get interested and curious about the products of our
Moreover by getting them curious and interested about
the products of the company, we then can bring them into
the consideration stage.
Once they reach the consideration stage, they’d search
on the internet or social media platforms or consider
purchasing due to referrals and even third parties.
As for what we have in mind for the loyalty stage, we
have in mind Christmas giveaways, discounts and
promotions with prizes for our customers.
Motivation and action

As stated previously, the customer will get aware of the company through TV ads, but not just through that but other
ways as well (word of mouth, ads, banners, billboards) and consider buying the company’s products
Furthermore. once they have reached the consideration stage, they will get more information about the company and
it’s products by searching about the company throughout social media or google or YouTube. Moreover, they might
think about the purchase when they see their products on a 3 rd party sites, or when they are on the website of the
As for the loyalty stage, in order to reach this stage and remain at the loyalty stage, customers should continue buying
products of the company, partake giveaways, even respond to newsletters.
Communication pillars

In order to communicate with the customer and the audience, we have to attract the reader’s attention, to
connect with them, and for that we need something that can make the audience and customer interested.
Furthermore, to be able to do so, we have to choose a main message that we shall communicate to our customers,
readers and audience.
The main message is one that needs to make the coffee shown by the company as irresistible , delicious and
wonderful. The main message has to make the customers, the readers and the very audience to be in awe, to have
the feeling that That is the coffee that they truly want and need. Moreover the style of communicating that
message has to be empowering in order for the audience to believe that once they drank their coffee, in the
morning/afternoon/evening, they will feel good, wonderful and ready for any next activity they have to do.
And thus, out of many great options we had, our main message is: “Jacobs coffee – love the coffee that
pampers you” / “Cafeaua Jacobs – Iubeste cafeaua ceea ce te rasfata”
Digital Platforms I

Digital platforms as we know them are the platforms on which companies interact with their audience,
readers and customers or throughout which people check for product or service reviews, depending on the
platform they also interact with one another or they are even doing purchases.
Furthermore, in order to interact throughout the digital platforms with the customers, audience and
readers, we will resort to the channels we own on social media as such as Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok
(owned media) whilst also resort to the paid channels throughout television commercials, Google, social
media (Facebook, Instagram), ads that will be used will be a mix of carousel, instant experience and
collection. Moreover ads will be on product/brand websites or Youtube as well (paid media) .
Digital Platforms II - Audience

As we are interacting with out customers, we are

interacting with them throughout multiple platforms. And on
each platform with a certain audience:
Throughout Instagram, Tiktok and YouTube, (mostly
owned media). And we are targeting the 18-24 years old
Throughout Google for an audience aged between 20-35
years old.
Through Facebook (owned and paid media) we are
reaching out to an the audience of people aged between 24-
50 years old.
And finally, throughout television, radio and newsletters we
are reaching out to an audience of people aged between 47-
70 years old.

First think in the budgeting phase it is to look for the bigger picture for a start-up business the expenses rate would be bigger
because here you look for things to do to be seen. That s why we need to understand where is our business
situated.(Start-up/Running business)
Next we allocate some budget to a funnel, that we made the anterior slide. This funnel lets us know: How your clients find you in
the first place and The major factors that contribute to their final decision (and your marketing plan)
Write down your costs.
Set goals , this is very important because after you set up a goal and you project it with your mind you will see yourself achieving
that goal and it is like a self motivation. The goal of ROMI calculation is to see if marketing expenses contribute to earnings. If
your marketing campaigns bring in more money than you spend on them, you have a positive marketing financial return.

Knowing your campaigns' ROMI can also help you figure out where you should spend your marketing budget to obtain the best
outcomes. If one of your campaigns provides a 15% return on marketing expenditure while the other generates a 70% return on
marketing investment, it goes without saying that you will have to invest your most profitable budget in the future!
Execution – Objective and key results

Objective: To increase the number of people that consider buying Jacobs coffee by 15% in 2022

Key results:
• Starting with a Christmas campaign that involves referrals and possible prizes.

• Gaining up to 1,5 million of views on social media by the middle of 2022

• Getting 300 responses to our surveys regarding the television and Facebook ads then based on the responses, improve
further the two types of ads
• Forming a partnership with 4 bloggers
• Improving the UI and UX of the website.
• Launching a pre-summer campaign in order to get many people from awareness to consideration
Execution – Facebook ads
Sweet delicious coffee, take two coffee, bags,
The ads and how things will go earn one more.
For reaching out to the customers through Facebook with
the aid of story , carousel and instant- experience ads in
order to attract customers, to make them aware of the
company’s products or to have them seeing the ads and
consider buying the products.
There will be an engagement campaign type in order to
get more people to follow the Facebook page the company
has, to keep the customers that we currently have. Moreover
to have a majority of people engaged with the company
through the posts and for them to have the chance of a
special offer, promotional code, giveaway and so on.
Media planning

Social Network Date Content type

Week 1 13/12/2021    
  Curated content Fun facts about coffee
Facebook Promotions Jacobs Kronung ground coffee 500g
  Pre-Christmas giveaways Jacobs coffee, prizes, holiday, call to action
Instagram   Reels Brewing coffee with Jacobs coffee
    Images Types of coffee, fun facts,

    Story Coffee Christmas promotions, giveaways,

YouTube   Video Jacobs Tassimo special offers

    Reels Jacobs Dolce Gusto offers
The presentation has come to an end.
Thank you for the accorded time.

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