Haryana Vs Telangana

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Name :- Saksham Ahlawat

Class :- IX-A
Roll No :- 27
Subject :- English
Topic :- Haryana Vs
Haryana Telangana
Size & Population
Haryana Telangana
• Size of haryana • Size of
is :- 44,212 km² telangana is :-
• Population of 112,077 km²
Haryana is :- • Population of
25,351,462 Telangana is :-
Haryana Telangana
Haryana Telangana
• Their basic trousseau • Women generally wear
includes Daaman, Kurti saris, churidars, and langa
& Chunder. 'Chunder' is voni. The most famous saris
the long, coloured piece of Telangana culture and
of cloth, decorated with tradition include Gadwal
Sari, Pochampally Silk Sari,
shiny laces and motifs,
and Ikat Sari. However,
and is meant to cover
many women wear western
the head. 'Kurti' is a shirt clothes as well. Traditional
like a blouse. The dress for men folk in
'Daaman' is the flairy Telangana includes the
ankle-long skirt, in Dhoti, otherwise known as
striking vibrant colours. pancha.
Haryana Telangana
Haryana Telangana
• Cuisines and food of Haryana is • Telangana cuisine is a food
known to be simple. People of the culture unique to Telangana
state prefer their food to be Region. The Telangana state
prepared with fresh ingredients and
lies on the Deccan plateau and
through simple recipes. Roti (
form of chapati) is a staple food in  its topography dictates more 
Haryana which is made from a millets and roti based dishes. 
variety of grains and flours (Wheat,  Jowar and Bajra features more
gram flour, barley etc.). Since prominently in their cuisine.
Haryana is rich with agriculture and  Due to its proximity with 
cattle, the use of dairy products is Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and
abundant in their food. Many northwest Karnataka, it shares
households churn out fresh butter
some similarities and
 from milk and use it as opposed to
butter available on the market. Lassi differences of the Deccan
(also popular in Punjab) is another Plateau cuisine.
popular and staple drink in Haryana.
Sports Personalities
Haryana Telangana
Haryana Telangana
• Haryana falls in the category of • Telangana, the youngest state
one of the top states in India in of India is developing its sports
sports. Haryana stands out in infrastructure at various district
sports like kho-kho, boxing, levels. The government has
kabaddi, wrestling and judo. decided to adopt several
The Department of Sports and measures to encourage sports
Youth Affairs, in Haryana, deals and develop various facilities in
with the sports in the state. The the state. Lav Agarwal, the Vice-
department is executing various Chairman and Managing
schemes related to sports in Director of the Sports Authority
order to promote these traits of Telangana, has observed the
among the young crowd of  need for a Telangana State
Haryana. Sports University and decided
to allocate special funds for the
Literacy Rate
Haryana Telangana
• Literacy Rate of Haryana is :- • Literacy Rate of Telangana is :-
67.91%. 66.54%.

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