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Dimensions of

🞇 Is a state of complete physical, mental or
intellectual, emotional, social, moral-spiritual and
environmental well being, and not ,merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.
🞇 Is a resource for everyday life, not the object of
living, and is a positive concept emphasizing
social and personal resources as well as physical
Physical Health
🞇 It means how well your body functions.
🞇 It is a state of well- being when all internal and
external body parts, organs, tissues,and cells can
function properly as they are suppose to function.
🞇 It includes being physically fit, eating nutritiously,
and getting adequate rest and sleep.
Mental Health
🞇 Means being a lifelong learner by continuously
wanting to learn new things and improve one’s skills.
🞇 A mentally healthy person is open to new ideas and
experiences that can improve life, family and
🞇 He is aware of his/her own abilities, can cope to
normal stresses in life, able to work regularly and
productively, and is also able to contribute for the
improvement of community.
Social Health
🞇 Refers to how well you get along with other people,
how other people react and how you interact with
social institutions.
🞇 It involves your ability to form satisfying interpersonal
relationships with others.
🞇 It also relates your ability to adapt comfortably to
different social situations and act appropriately to
variety of situations.
🞇 Strong communication skills, empathy for others,
sense of accountability.
Emotional Health
🞇 Involves understanding and liking yourself as well as
accepting and learning from your mistakes.
🞇 It refers to how well you meet the demands of daily
life and how you adjust to new situations.
🞇 It also means expressing your happiness, love joy and
hope as well as your sadness, anger, stress, and fear in
healthful productive ways.
Moral-spiritual Health
🞇 Means being at peace and harmony with youself,
others and a higher power.
🞇 It refers you your religion, principles, personal
beliefs, values and faith.
🞇 It involves the quality of personal relationships or
love of nature.
🞇 It involves a sense that you are in harmony with
your purpose in life.
Environmental Health
🞇 Means the understanding of the effect oto
ourselves of the air, the water and the land that
surrounds us.
🞇 To recognize the impact of environmental and
human-made hazards and the ability to find ways
on how to protect ourselves and the ecological
system against these hazards is important

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